Assessment Mock Quiz & Free Response

1. What is JavaScript’s model of execution?

[ ] Stack Execution
[ ] Event Loop
[ ] Single Threaded
[ ] Asynchronous
function asyncy(cb) {
 setTimeout(cb, 1000);

function callback() {

3. Predict the output of asyncy(callback) from the above functions:

[ ] ‘async’,‘callback’
[ ] ‘1000’, ‘cb’
[ ] ‘callback’, ‘async’
[ ] An error is thrown

5. Match the following Git reset type to it’s description ( 1 ) Soft, ( 2 ) Mixed, and ( 3 ) Hard:

[ ] Staged changes are moved out of the staging area
[ ] Resets non-destructively. Resets your head back to ref.
[ ] Resets destructively, changing your code back to the commit identified by ref
[ ] Does not change your code changes or ‘staged’ code at all
[ ] Resets mostly-non-destructively. Resets your head back to ref.
[ ] Deletes any code that conflicts with the identified commit

7. Given the following file structure and current location, how would you navigate to the appacademy folder at the command line?

├── home
│ └── idbently
│   └── development
│       └── appacademy
├── rmdir
├── usr
│ ├── bin
│ └── local
│   └── bin
└── var
 ├── lib
 └── log

 //current location:
 $ pwd
[ ] cd ../appacademy
[ ] cd development/appacademy
[ ] cd ../../
[ ] cd ../development

9. Given a recursive function, identify what is the base case and what is the recursive case (recall module quiz)

11. Identify Javascript’s falsey values (recall module quiz)

12. Identify that object keys are strings or symbols (recall module quiz)

13. Given a code snippet where variable and function hoisting occurs, identify the return value of a function. (recall module quiz)

Possible Free Response Questions:

1. Describe the difference between asynchronous and synchronous code:


2. Define NodeJS as distinct from browser based JavaScript runtimes:


3. Explain the difference between Git and GitHub:


4. Explain when a recursive solution is appropriate to solving a problem over an iterative solution:


5. Explain why functions are “First Class Objects” in JavaScript:


6. Define what IIFEs are and explain their use case:


7. Explain why a primitive type is data that is not an object and therefore cannot have methods (functions that belong to them).
