Assessment Mock Quiz & Free Response
1. What is JavaScript’s model of execution?
[ ] Stack Execution
[ ] Event Loop
[ ] Single Threaded
[ ] Asynchronous
3. Predict the output of asyncy(callback) from the above functions:
[ ] ‘async’,‘callback’
[ ] ‘1000’, ‘cb’
[ ] ‘callback’, ‘async’
[ ] An error is thrown
5. Match the following Git reset type to it’s description ( 1 ) Soft, ( 2 ) Mixed, and ( 3 ) Hard:
[ ] Staged changes are moved out of the staging area
[ ] Resets non-destructively. Resets your head back to ref.
[ ] Resets destructively, changing your code back to the commit identified by ref
[ ] Does not change your code changes or ‘staged’ code at all
[ ] Resets mostly-non-destructively. Resets your head back to ref.
[ ] Deletes any code that conflicts with the identified commit
7. Given the following file structure and current location, how would you navigate to the appacademy folder at the command line?
[ ] cd ../appacademy
[ ] cd development/appacademy
[ ] cd ../../
[ ] cd ../development
9. Given a recursive function, identify what is the base case and what is the recursive case (recall module quiz)
11. Identify Javascript’s falsey values (recall module quiz)—jul-2020-online/week-3-jul-2020-online/falsey-values-in-javascript-quiz
12. Identify that object keys are strings or symbols (recall module quiz)—jul-2020-online/week-3-jul-2020-online/object-key-quiz
13. Given a code snippet where variable and function hoisting occurs, identify the return value of a function. (recall module quiz)—jul-2020-online/week-3-jul-2020-online/function-hoisting-in-javascript-quiz
Possible Free Response Questions:
1. Describe the difference between asynchronous and synchronous code:
2. Define NodeJS as distinct from browser based JavaScript runtimes:
3. Explain the difference between Git and GitHub:
4. Explain when a recursive solution is appropriate to solving a problem over an iterative solution:
5. Explain why functions are “First Class Objects” in JavaScript:
6. Define what IIFEs are and explain their use case:
7. Explain why a primitive type is data that is not an object and therefore cannot have methods (functions that belong to them).