serialize - converting data into a string (or some other kind of value like “binary”) so your program can send it to another computer
deserialize - converting text (or something another computer has sent to your program) and turn it into data
will turn the value passed into it into a string.JSON.parse(str)
will turn a JSON-formatted string into a JavaScript object.
Web Storage API - has a much larger storage limit than cookies, making it a useful place to store data on the client side
- persists for the duration of the session and ends when a user closes the browser
- persists past the current session and has no expiration date
localStorage.setItem('key', value)
const value = localStorage.getItem('key')
The objective of this lesson is to familiarize you with the JSON format and how to serialize to and deserialize from that format.
The learning objectives for this lesson are that you can:
to deserialize JSON-formatted stringsJSON.stringify
to serialize JavaScript objectsThis lesson is relevant because JSON is the lingua franca of data interchange.
Learning ObjectivesBelow is a complete list of the terminal learning objectives for this lesson. When you complete this lesson, you should be able to perform each of the following objectives. These objectives capture how you may be evaluated on the assessment for this lesson.