What is a cookie?
What are cookies used for?
How to create a cooke in Javascript document.cookie = aNewCookieHere;
const firstCookie = "favoriteCat=million";
document.cookie = firstCookie;
document.cookie; // Returns "favoriteCat=million"
Web Storage API
let field = document.getElementById("field");
if (sessionStorage.getItem("autosave")) {
field.value = sessionStorage.getItem("autosave");
field.addEventListener("change", function () {
sessionStorage.setItem("autosave", field.value);
if (!localStorage.getItem("bgcolor")) {
const populateStorage = () => {
localStorage.setItem("bgcolor", document.getElementById("bgcolor").value);
localStorage.setItem("font", document.getElementById("font").value);
localStorage.setItem("image", document.getElementById("image").value);
const setStyles = () => {
var currentColor = localStorage.getItem("bgcolor");
var currentFont = localStorage.getItem("font");
var currentImage = localStorage.getItem("image");
document.getElementById("bgcolor").value = currentColor;
document.getElementById("font").value = currentFont;
document.getElementById("image").value = currentImage; = "#" + currentColor; = currentFont;
imgElem.setAttribute("src", currentImage);
When would we use the Web Storage API?
is an open-standard file format that “uses human-readable text to transmit objects consisting of key-value pairs and array data types”.
JSON is a format!
Javascript Literal Value | JSON |
true | “true” |
false | “false” |
12.34 | “12.34” |
null | “null” |
String literals in JSON
: When we turn some data into string to be sent to another computer.Deserialization
: When we take some text and turn it into data.Using the Built-in JSON Object
const array = [1, 'hello, "world"', 3.14, { id: 17 }];
// prints [1, "hello, \"world\"", 3.14, {"id":17}]
const str = '[1,"hello, \\"world\\"",3.14,{"id":17}]';
// prints an array with the following entries:
// 0: 1
// 1: "hello, \"world\""
// 2: 3.14
// 3: { id: 17 }
Brain Teaser What will the following print?
const a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log(a[0]); // 1
const s = JSON.stringify(a);
console.log(s[0]); // [
const v = JSON.parse(s);
console.log(v[0]); /// 1
Storing Data in Local Storage
Reading Data in Local Storage
localStorage.setItem('eatz', 'I <3 falafel');
localStorage.setItem('coffee', 'black');
localStorage.setItem('doughnuts', '["glazed", "chocolate", "blueberry",
const eatz = localStorage.getItem('eatz');
const coffee = localStorage.getItem('coffee');
const doughnuts = localStorage.getItem('doughnuts');
console.log(eatz); // 'I <3 falafel'
console.log(coffee); // 'black'
console.log(doughnuts); // '["glazed", "chocolate", "blueberry", "cream-filled"]'
JSON and Local Storage