Week 5 Learning Objectives


  1. Explain what “npm” stands for.

  2. Explain the purpose of the package.json file and node_modules directory.

  3. Given multiple choices, identify the difference between npm’s package.json and package-lock.json files.

  4. Use npm –version to check what version is currently installed and use npm to update itself to the latest version.

  5. Use npm init to create a new package and npm install to add a package as a dependency. Then use require to import the module and utilize it in a JavaScript file.

  6. Given a package version number following the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH semantic versioning spec that may include tilde (~) and caret (^) ranges, identify the range of versions of the package that will be compatible.

  7. Explain the difference between a dependency and a development dependency.

  8. Given an existing GitHub repository, clone the repo and use npm to install it’s dependencies.

  9. Use npm uninstall to remove a dependency.

  10. Use npm update to update an out-of-date dependency.

  11. Given a problem description, use the npm registry to find a reputable package (by popularity and quality stats) that provides functionality to solve that problem.

  12. Given a package with vulnerabilities due to outdated dependency versions, use npm audit to scan and fix any vulnerabilities.

  13. Write and run an npm script.

JavaScript Classes

  1. Define a constructor function using ES5 syntax.

  2. Define a method on the prototype of a constructor function.

  3. Declare a class using ES6 syntax.

  4. Define an instance method on a class (ES6).

  5. Define a static method on a class (ES6).

  6. Instantiate an instance of a class using the new keyword.

  7. Implement inheritance using the ES6 extends syntax for an ES6 class.

  8. Utilize the super keyword in a child class to inherit from a parent class.

  9. Utilize module.exports and require to import and export functions and class from one file to another.

Object-Oriented Programming

  1. The three pillars of object-oriented programming

  2. The SOLID principles - What does each letter stand for? - We talked about the S and L in more depth; know how to apply them and what they mean for us in JavaScript

  3. How to apply the Law of Demeter