npm --version or npm -v - check what npm version you are using

npm install -g npm@latest - install the latest version of npm globally

npm init - create a package.json file - answer the questions to fill out some of the fields in the package.json file - do npm init --y to skip the questions

npm install package-name - installs a package with that package name - try npm install colors - check out what happened in the package.json file and the node_modules folder

.gitignore the node_modules folder

npm uninstall package-name - uninstalls a package with that package name - try installing lodash - try uninstalling lodash - see what happens in your package.json and your node_modules folder

npm install lodash@3.0.0 - installs the lodash package with version 3.0.0

npm update lodash will update the lodash package to the latest version

npm update will update all dependencies

can reinstall a dependency with a specific version using npm install - try npm install lodash@3.10.0 - then reinstall it with 4.0.0: npm install lodash@4.0.0

npm audit will display vulnerabilities in dependencies based on severity level (Low-Moderate-High-Critical)

npm audit fix will update the package to a minor patch version if available

npm audit fix --force if the fix requires an upgrade to a major patch version, it will - updating your code to a new major version may break some parts of your application! Make sure you want to do this before continuing

Defining Scripts

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js",
    "watch": "nodemon index.js",
    "test": "mocha --watch"

to run start or test scripts: - npm start - npm test

to run any custom scripts (i.e. watch): - npm run watch