SOLID OOP - Lecture Notes

Object-Oriented Programming Explained


Developers should not need to know how processes are implemented within the classes they reference. The constructor and instance methods provide the only interface any user should need to know about.


Instances of prototypes (classes) exhibit the attributes and behavior of those classes and their ancestors.

JavaScript, in particular, supports a type of inheritance known as implementation inheritance through a mechanism known as prototypal inheritance. Implementation inheritance means that the data and methods defined on a parent class are available on objects created from classes that inherit from those parent classes. Prototypal inheritance means that JavaScript uses prototype objects to make its implementation inheritance actually work.

Inheritance Terminology

NOTE: Often people will use the term base class to mean ’the ultimate ancestor class from the point of view of the part of the project I care about - which is to say, a widget class might be the base class to all of the controls in my library, but it still might be derived from a window class in the framework I’m using to implement my controls.

Classes higher in a class heirarchy are said to be more general; the process of identifying common features across one’s code and producing these more basic classes is called generalization. Classes lower in a heirarchy are conversely more derived or specialized, and the process of producing them is called specialization (or derivation, or subtyping)


Polymorphism relates to the ability of different objects or classes to implement a common behavior in instance-specific ways. For instance, a collection of Shape classes might each implement a draw method, each in a shape-appropriate way. Or a collection of Animal classes might each implement a sound(adjective) method. In strongly typed languages, these classes would all be derived from a common Shape or Animal base class; Python and JavaScript, on the other hand, implement “duck typing” (“if it looks like a duck…”) which means that any class that implements a method called draw or sound(adjective) can be called without need for a common ancestor.

Monkey Patching is a term related to polymorphism, where a class, prototype or object is given new behavior at run time by adding methods that override default behavior.

Video: The Single Responsibility Principle

The Single-Responsibility Principle (SRP) - this is the first of a series on Object Oriented Design Principles.

This approach does not apply only to classes - do one thing and do it well - the “UNIX” philosophy.

Alternative Statements of the SRP

Curtis provides an example in the form of an invoice. Two kinds of line items, expenses and fees, are then attached as line items.

NOTE: the behavior of the expense class and the fee class could be further generalized to a common lineItem class.

Video: The Liskov Subsitution Principle

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) - this is another of a series on Object Oriented Design Principles.

Named for Barbara Liskov - can be summarized as, “don’t write dumb methods on your child classes”.

What must be true, in order to comply with this principle:

Generally, objects should be replaceable with their subtypes.

Preconditions are conditions that must be true before you invoke a method

Postconditions are conditions that must be true after you invoke a method

Invariants are things that must always be true about the class

Curtis shares an example of a Square class that is derived (incorrectly, per the Liskov Substitution Principle) from a Rectangle class, as the Square class sets the parent Rectangle width and heigth to the same value. The square class is theN refactored as an independent class, so that it can have a setSide method that reflects its squareness without altering two dimensions on the Rectangle class.

Curtis closes with: * classes are about behavior * inheritance is about sharing behavior * LSP is about good behavior

Video: The Law of Demeter

The Law of Demeter (LoD) - this is yet another of a series on Object Oriented Design Principles.

The Law of Demeter promotes loose coupling between classes.

Coupling is when one class knows about another class in order to call its methods and properties.

The LoD Defined:

A method of an object can only invoke the methods (or use the properties) of the following kinds of objects:

NOTE: The LoD is also refered to as the “one-dot” rule, as one is allowed to invoke but not

Curtis mentions that the LoD is in particular protecting JavaScript developers from some of the complexities of tracing references in JS code.

Adendum : Homework Commentary

Using Classes in ES6

Curtis demonstrates how to use compiler errors to write a stub for a hypothetical quiz program.

He distinguishes between a simple instance variable, and an instance variable that is a container for other objects - the example he gives is an array. This container-as-instance-variable pattern he refers to as aggregation.

He suggests an approach to design that starts with coding possibly related classes separately, and then refactoring them as derived from a common base class, based on any duplicated behavior.

He gives a check list of the terms introduced (in this lecture / ES6)