Topics to cover:

  1. Define a constructor function using ES5 syntax.
  2. Define a method on the prototype of a constructor function using ES5 syntax.
  3. Declare a class using ES6 (ES2015) syntax.
  4. Define an instance method on a class (ES6).
  5. Define a static method on a class (ES6).
  6. Instantiate an instance of a class using the new keyword.
  7. Implement inheritance using the ES6 extends syntax for an ES6 class.
  8. Utilize the super keyword in a child class to inherit from a parent class.
  9. Utilize module.exports and require to import and export functions and class from one file to another.
  10. Given an existing GitHub repository, clone the repo and use npm to install it’s dependencies.
  11. The three pillars of object-oriented programming
  12. The SOLID principles
  13. How to apply the Law of Demeter

Our Implementation

Methods we want to implement on Departments

Methods we want to implement on Employees

Methods we want to implement on Managers