Inside this directory you will find two sub-directories (solution, your-code) - write your solutions to the problems listed below in the your-code directory - check your solutions against those I’ve provided in the solution directory

Problem #1 (your-code/problem_1.js)

TODO: use async & await to create a function called workout that runs the given functions in a way that ensures you begin runningOnTreadmill after you’re finished stretching, you begin liftWeights after you’ve finished running on the treadmill and console.logs “done working out” after you’ve finished lifting weights

TESTING - run the file (node problem_1.js) and check your output against the expected output I’ve provided at the bottom of the file

Problem #2 (your-code/problem_2.js)

TODO: recreate the solution to problem #2 in your promise practice using async and await

TESTING: - comment in each invocation of the workout function listed at the bottom and run the file (node problem_2.js) to see if you get the expected output