Graphs (W8D3) - Learning Objectives


  1. Explain and implement a Graph.
  1. Traverse a graph.
// If you are unfamiliar, a Set is a data structure that does not allow for repeated values
// It makes sense to use here because it has constant lookup time with its `has` method
// and our visited nodes should never have repeats.
// We could have accomplished the same thing with a different data structure
// (object, array, etc.), but a Set makes sense with what we are tracking.
function depthFirstRecur(node, visited=new Set()) {
    // if this node has already been visited, then return early
    if (visited.has(node.val)) return;

    // otherwise it hasn't yet been visited,
    // so print it's val and mark it as visited.

    // then explore each of its neighbors
    node.neighbors.forEach(neighbor => {
        depthFirstRecur(neighbor, visited);

// This is easy to swap to a breadth-first approach by using a queue instead of a stack!
// Instead of popping from the top, we can shift from the front
function depthFirstIter(node) {
    let visited = new Set();
    let stack = [ node ];

    while (stack.length) {
        let node = stack.pop();

        // if this node has already been visited, then skip this node
        if (visited.has(node.val)) continue;

        // otherwise it hasn't yet been visited,
        // so print it's val and mark it as visited.

        // then add its neighbors to the stack to be explored

function depthFirst(graph) {
    let visited = new Set();

    // This loop allows us to access every node/vertex, even if it wasn't connected
    // to where we started.
    // If we only wanted to reach points from a starting location, we could take in
    // that value as an argument and use it as the node directly with our helper
    // function, no need to loop.
    for (let node in graph) {
        _depthFirstRecur(node, graph, visited);

function _depthFirstRecur(node, graph, visited) {
    if (visited.has(node)) return;


    graph[node].forEach(neighbor => {
        _depthFirstRecur(neighbor, graph, visited);

// With starting node, not exploring all nodes, only the connected ones
function depthFirstIter(graph, startNode) {
  // Just like our node implementation, if we want to operate breadth-first, we
  // can utilize a queue instead of a stack, shifting instead of popping
  let stack = [startNode];
  let visited = new Set();

  while (stack.length > 0) {
    let node = stack.pop();
    if (visited.has(node)) continue;

// Exploring all nodes, even unconnected ones.
function depthFirstIter(graph) {
  let visited = new Set();

  // Just like with recursion, this loop allows us to access every node/vertex,
  // even if it wasn't connected to where we started.
  // If we only wanted to reach points from a starting location, we could take in
  // that value as an argument and use it as the startNode directly in our
  // stack/queue (the implementation we have above).
  for (let startNode in graph) {
    let stack = [startNode];
    while (stack.length > 0) {
      let node = stack.pop();
      if (visited.has(node)) continue;