If you want to play around with the styles you saw in class:
- Open
in your browser or open a Go Live server in VSCode.
- Open any of
files and make some changes!
- Make sure to uncomment the line in the
selector where it says display: block;
- Make some changes. When you save the CSS, the browser will update. ___ # LOs ## Box Model and Positioning
- Describe how:
- padding and margins work in the box model
- the browser positions a fixed positioned element
- the browser positions a relatively positioned element
- the browser positions absolutely positioned elements with and without a relatively positioned parent element
- the browser positions a static positioned element
- Identify elements rendered with specific padding and margin settings
- Apply padding and margins to HTML elements to achieve a desired layout
- Apply positioning settings to elements (fixed, relative, and absolute) to HTML elements to achieve a desired layout
- Identify which HTML elements have a default “inline” display value
- Identify which HTML elements have a default “block” display value
- Describe and use z-index positioning of elements
- Identify the different types of media that a media query can target
- Explain how the media features (and prefixed subfeatures) of “aspect ratio”, “height”, “orientation”, and “width” are applied
- Use media queries to change the styles of content in an HTML page to achieve a desired effect
- Explain how flexible box layout lays out elements
- Use the flex property to specify grow, shrink, and basis values.
- Use the flex-direction property to direct the layout of the content
- Use the flex-wrap property to affect the wrap of content layout within an element using flexible box layout
- Use align-self, justify-content, and align-items to change the way that children elements are laid out in a flexible box layout
- Use the order property to change the order in which elements will appear in a flexible box layout
- Explain how grid layout lays out elements
- Use the grid-template-columns, grid-template-rows, and grid-template properties to specify the layout of the grid using relative and absolute measures
- Use grid-template-areas to label areas of a grid and grid-area to assign an element to the area
- Use grid-column-gap, grid-row-gap, and grid-gap to set the “gutter” areas between elements in a grid layout
- Use grid-column-start/grid-column-end and grid-row-start/grid-row-end to create spans across multiple columns and rows with positive integers, negative integers, and in conjunction with the “span” operator
- Explain and use the shorthand versions of grid-column and grid-row to define how an element will span a grid layout
- Use the order property to change the default order in which items are laid out
- Explain and use the “fr” unit of measure
- Use justify-items, align-items, justify-content and align-content to layout items in each grid area
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