Web Crypto: deriveKey

This page shows how to use the deriveKey() function of the Web Crypto API. It contains two separate examples, one for PBKDF2 and one for ECDH.

It's important to note that although both are defined in the API as key derivation functions, PBKDF2 and ECDH have very different use cases and characteristics.

PBKDF2 example

The PBKDF2 algorithm is used here to derive a secret key from a password.

When you click "Encrypt" the example prompts you for a password and then derives an AES key from the password using PBKDF2. It then uses that key to encrypt the message, and writes a representation of the ciphertext into the "Ciphertext" output.

When you click "Decrypt" the example prompts you for the password and derives an AES key from the password using PBKDF2. It then uses that key to decrypt the ciphertext, and writes a representation of the decrypted message into the "Decrypted" output.

If the "Decrypt" password doesn't match the original, decryption will fail and an error is shown.

ECDH example

The ECDH algorithm is more commonly called a "key agreement" algorithm. It enables two parties (conventionally called "Alice" and "Bob"), each of whom has a public/private key pair, to establish a shared secret key.

With this example we've created two key pairs, one for Alice and one for Bob. Alice derives an AES key using her private key and Bob's public key. Bob independently derives the same key using his private key and Alice's public key.

When you click "Encrypt" the example uses Alice's copy of the key to encrypt a message for Bob.

When you click "Decrypt" the example uses Bob's copy of the key to decrypt the message.




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