Mocha client tests for WebExtensions


This example shows two methods of testing a WebExtension: * Running tests from within the addon * Running tests from the commandline using Karma

See for a more complete example of WebExtension test configuration.

Install Dependencies:

  npm install

To run tests from within the addon:

  cd addon
  npm install

Testing within the Addon

This gives you the possibility to run client tests inside the addon with the mocha UI. If you don’t want to use the mocha UI, you can install WebConsole-reporter.

Run with web-ext cli

Just run npm run web-ext (will work with FF dev edition), if you have error with web-ext cli please add path for FF binary file with --firefox-binary /path/to/firefox-bin (web-ext docs).

When the addon starts, click on the mocha icon in your browser bar to run the tests:

addon screenshot
addon screenshot

This will test ./addon/background.js with ./addon/tests/lib/background-messaging.test.js.

Testing from the Commandline

This uses Karma to run tests from the commandline. Just type npm test to test ./addon/background.js with ./tests/lib/background.test.js.

Debug Mode

Use npm run test:debug to run Karma in watch mode. Whenever you modify a Javascript file, the tests will automatically rerun.

You can install karma-notification-reporter to display test results in a desktop notification. You’ll need to add --reporters=dots,notification to the test:debug command line of package.json to enable it.