Make It Pretty Learning Objectives
RDBMS And Database Entity Learning Objectives
Model To Fetch And Update SQL DataIt is really important that you make the best impression that you can with the
projects that you will soon start. To that end, the objectives for your learning
with this section should allow you to
Your portfolio projects are the first impression that a company has of you.
Imagine you are a non-technical person looking to hire a developer to build your
website. What would you think if you reviewed a site that looked unfinished, or
poorly styled, even if the functionality worked perfectly? Would you have the
perspective to tell the difference from a poorly implemented site and one that
is robust, but not visually polished?
Non-technical people will be looking at your projects before engineers, and they
can't see the amount of work it takes to get a backend up and running. All they
see is the visual appearance, so unless you take care of your frontend you'll
never even get the chance to talk about the backend work you did.
This material should make it so that you can
Recruiters expect professionalism and good design (we'll discuss more about what
good design means below). A good litmus test is: if you were to stumble upon
your portfolio sight unexpectedly, would you be able to tell that this wasn't
done by a professional dev? In other words, does your website look on par with
the millions of other production sites that exist on the internet?
In response to what recruiters and interviewers might ask about how you choose
different styles for your Web applications, review TopTal's 12 Essential Web
Interview Questions.
Unless you know exactly what you are doing when deciding on a visual approach,
you should select and follow a modern design framework, or use a template.
The first thing to pay attention to is padding and margin. Every element should
have padding so that its inner contents are not butting up against its edges and
margin so that the element itself is not butting up against any other elements.
In general sibling elements should NOT touch or overlap. A good way to estimate
the correct amount is to imagine a lower-case a
in the same size and font of
nearby text. You should be able to fit this a
in both the padding and the
margin such that it just barely touches the edge/text on each side.
Be sure to balance whitespace when laying out your elements and adding
margin/padding. If you have 20px of whitespace to the left of the element you
should probably have 20px to the right as well. Make sure things are centered
correctly (horizontally and vertically) and be consistent! I.E. If you have a
row of buttons in the header they should all be aligned vertically with
consistent margin and padding.
Use a color palette to determine your website's themes and avoid color
clashes. You should have a primary color, a secondary color, and 1 or 2 accent
colors. Your primary color is going to be the most abundant on the site followed
by your secondary color. The accent color is used for things like buttons,
tools, and other areas that you want to draw the user's eye to. Use it
Use Google Font Pairing recommendations to find good fonts. In general, you
should not have more than 2 fonts in a web app and you should avoid mixing serif
and sans-serif fonts.
Pay attention to font-size and weight! You should use textual hierarchies to
break up your text and make it easier to read. Prefer multiple short lines to
fewer long lines of text when displaying info to the user. Your headers should
be large and paragraphs should be slightly smaller font size. Having widely
varying and inconsistent font sizes is one of the surest signs that a website
was designed by a beginner. When in doubt, simplify.
Make sure your color and text choices pass contrast requirements.
Most modern websites slightly round the corners of buttons and background
cards/modals. You should, too. Also, take advantage of advanced CSS features
like transitions and shadows to make your site pop. Make sure you let your user
know what parts of the site are alive through affordances.
In addition to the above recommendations, App Academy also expects your projects
to include the following:
We have collected a lot of feedback from recruiters and hiring managers over the
years. These are the tips and tricks that they tell us will turn them off to
reviewing a student's project.
Select three sites from Product Hunt. For each site, list the:
Databases are an essential part of many Web applications. There are lots of
things we could store in a database and use in a Web app, including user
information, product information, review information, and more. Learning how to
create databases and retrieve information stored in a database to display in a
Web app is a foundational development skill.
In this section, you will be able to:
shellDatabases are an essential part of many Web applications. There are lots of
things we could store in a database and use in a Web app, including user
information, product information, review information, and more. Learning how to
create databases and retrieve information stored in a database to display in a
Web app is a foundational development skill.
The most popular kind of database is called a relational database. That's what
you'll primarily use in this course. There are other databases called "document
databases", "non-relational databases", or "NoSQL databases" that have become
popular since the mid-2000s. They serve a different purpose that relational
databases by storing data in ways that are different than the way relational
databases store their data.
In this reading, you will learn about relational database management
systems. Then, you will install one. Then, you will start using it!
That's quite an ugly acronym, but it's what developers have when referring to
the software application that manages databases for us. Here's an important
difference for you to understand.
The RDBMS is a software application that you run that your programs can
connect to that they can store, modify, and retrieve data. The RDBS that you
will use in this course is called PostgreSQL, often shortened to just
"postgres", pronounced like it's spelled. It is an "open-source" RDBMS which
means that you can go read the source code for it, copy it, modify it, and make
your own specialized version of an RDBMS. Often, developers will talk about the
"database server". That is the computer on which the RDBMS is running.
A database (or more properly relational database) is a collection of
structured data that the RDBMS manages for you. A single running RDBMS can have
hundreds of databases in it that it manages.
Software developers will often use the term "database" to refer to the RDBMS.
They will also say that "the data is in postgres" or "the data is in Oracle"
which is terribly ambiguous because those are the names of the RDBMSes, not a
database where the data is stored. That'd be like asking someone their address
and them replying "Chicago".
Just be aware that the language around these terms is loose.
Again, PostgreSQL is software. Specifically, it is an open-source, relational
database management system. It is derived from the POSTGRES package written at
UC Berkeley. The specific name “PostgreSQL” was coined in 1996, after SQL was
implemented as its core query language. PostgreSQL provided a new program (new
for 1996) for interactive SQL queries called [psql]
, which is terminal-based
front-end to PostgreSQL that lets you to type in queries interactively, issue
them to PostgreSQL, and see the query results.
You install PostgreSQL onto a computer. It then runs as a "service", that is, a
program that runs in the background that should not stop until the machine does.
You will install it on your computer. It will quietly run in the background,
eagerly awaiting for you to connect to it and interact with it from the command
line, from a GUI tool, or from your application.
When you do connect with it, you will interact with it through a small set of
its own commands and SQL.
SQL (pronounced "sequel" or "s-q-l") stands for "Structured Query Language". It
is not a programming language like JavaScript. JavaScript, as you well know, has
control flow, with for
loops and if
statements. Most SQL that you write
doesn't have all that. Instead, it is a declarative programming language. You
tell the database what computation you want it to do, and it does it. In that
way, SQL is more like CSS than JavaScript.
Whereas JavaScript works on variables and arrays of single values, most SQL
works on sets of records. You'll see more what that means later, but just know
that in the SQL that you learn, you won't declare a single variable in that SQL.
SQL, the language, is the primary way that you will interact with the RDBMS to
affect the data in a single database or the structure of the database itself.
The process of using SQL takes two steps:
Some vendor-specific variants of SQL do have loops and if-statements. However,
you will be learning the general kind of SQL, the one managed by the American
National Standards Institute, called ANSI SQL which defines the way that we get
data out of, put data into, modify data in, and remove data from a database.
This type of SQL is portable between different types of database management
systems. That means most of what you learn in this course, you will be able to
use on any relational database management system that supports ANSI SQL,
RDBMSes such as
Now that this preamble is out of the way, the next step is to install
In this article you learned that
You will install three pieces of software so that you can start using
PostgreSQL. You will install PostgreSQL itself on your Windows installation.
Then, you will install psql
in your Ubuntu installation. Then you will also
install Postbird, a cross-platform graphical user interface that makes working
with SQL and PostgreSQL better than just using the command line tool psql
When you read "installation", that means the actual OS that's running on your
machine. So, you have a Windows installation, Windows 10, that's running when
you boot your computer. Then, when you start the Ubuntu installation, it's as if
there's a completely separate computer running inside your computer. It's like
having two completely different laptops.
To install PostgreSQL 12, you need to download the installer from the Internet.
PostgreSQL's commercial company, Enterprise DB, offers installers for PostgreSQL
for every major platform.
Open Click
the link for PostgreSQL 12 for Windows x86-64.
Once that installer downloads, run it. You need to go through the normal steps
of installing software.
Yes, Windows, let the installer make changes to my device.
Thanks for the welcome. Next.
Yeah, that's a good place to install it. Next.
I don't want that pgAdmin nor the Stack Builder things. Uncheck. Uncheck.
Also, great looking directory. Thanks. Next.
Oooh! A password! I'll enter ********. I sure won't forget that because, if I
do, I'll have to uninstall and reinstall PostgreSQL and lose all of my hard
work. Seriously, write down this password or use one you will not forget.
Sure. 5432. Good to go. Next.
Not even sure what that means. Default! Next.
Yep. Looks good. Next.
Geez. Really? Thanks. Next.
Time to get a tea.
All right! All done. Finish!
Now, to install the PostgreSQL Client tools for Ubuntu. You need to do this so
that the Node.js (and later Python) programs running on your Ubuntu installation
can access the PostgreSQL server running on your Windows installation. You need
to tell apt
, the package manager, that you want it to go find the PostgreSQL
12 client tools from PostgreSQL itself rather than the common package
repositories. You do that by issuing the following two commands. Copy and paste
them one at a time into your shell. (If your Ubuntu shell isn't running, start
Pro-tip: Copy those commands because you're not going to type them, right?
After you copy one of them, you can just right-click on the Ubuntu shell. That
should paste them in there for you.
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
If prompted for your password, type it.
echo "deb `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
The last line of output of those two commands running should read "OK". If it
does not, try copying and pasting them one at a time.
Now that you've registered the PostgreSQL repositories as a source to look for
PostgreSQL, you need to update the apt
registry. You should do this before you
install any software on Ubuntu.
sudo apt update
Once that's finished running, the new entries for PostgreSQL 12 should be in the
repository. Now, you can install them with the following command.
sudo apt install postgresql-client-12 postgresql-common
If it asks you if you want to install them, please tell it "Y".
Test that it installed by typing psql --version
. You should see it print out
information about the version of the installed tools. If it tells you that it
can't find the command, try these instructions over.
Since you're going to be accessing the PosgreSQL installation from your Ubuntu
installation on your Windows installation, you're going to have to type that
you want to access it over and over, which means extra typing. To prevent you
from having to do this, you can customize your shell to always add the extra
commands for you.
This assumes you're still using Bash. If you changed the shell that your Ubuntu
installation uses, please follow that shell's directions for adding an alias to
its startup file.
Make sure you're in your Ubuntu home directory. You can do that by typing cd
and hitting enter. Use ls
to find out if you have a .bashrc
file. Type
ls .bashrc
. If it shows you that one exists, that's the one you will add
the alias to. If it tells you that there is no file named that, then type ls .profile
. If it shows you that one exists, that's the one you will add the
alias to. If it shows you that it does not exist, then use the file name
in the following section.
Now that you know which profile file to use, type code «profile file name»
where "profile file name" is the name of the file you determined from the last
section. Once Visual Studio Code starts up with your file, at the end of it (or
if you've already added aliases, in that section), type the following.
alias psql="psql -h localhost"
When you run psql
from the command line, it will now always add the part about
wanting to connect to localhost every time. You would have to type that each
time, otherwise.
To make sure that you set that up correctly, type psql -U postgres postgres
This tells the psql
client that you want to connect as the user "postgres"
( -U postgres
) to the database postgres ( postgres
at the end), which is the
default database created when PostgreSQL is installed. It will prompt you for a
password. Type the password that you used when you installed PostgrSQL, earlier.
If the alias works correctly and you type the correct password, then you should
see something like the following output.
psql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-2.pgdg18.04+1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=#
Type \q
and hit Enter to exit the PostgreSQL client tool.
Now, you will add a user for your Ubuntu identity so that you don't have to
specify it all the time. Then, you will create a file that PostgreSQL will use
to automatically send your password every time.
Copy and paste the following into your Ubuntu shell. Think of a password that
you want to use for your user. Replace the password in the single quotes in the
command with the password that you want. It has to be a non-empty string.
PostgreSQL doesn't like it when it's not.
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER `whoami` WITH PASSWORD 'password' SUPERUSER"
It should prompt you for a password. Type the password that you created when you
installed PostgreSQL. Once you type the correct password, you should see "CREATE
Now you will create your PostgreSQL password file. Type the following into your
Ubuntu shell to open Visual Studio Code and create a new file.
code ~/.pgpass
In that file, you will add this line, which tells it that on localhost for port
5432 (where PostgreSQL is running), for all databases (*), use your Ubuntu user
name and the password that you just created for that user with the psql
command you just typed. (If you have forgotten your Ubuntu user name, type
on the command line.) Your entry in the file should have this format.
localhost:5432:*:«your Ubuntu user name»:«the password you just used»
For the curriculum writers' systems, it looks like this in Visual Studio Code.
Once you have that information in the file, save it, and close Visual Studio
The last step you have to take is change the permission on that file so that it
is only readable by your user. PostgreSQL will ignore it if just anyone can read
and write to it. This is for your security. Change the file permissions so
only you can read and write to it. You did this once upon a time. Here's the
chmod go-rw ~/.pgpass
You can confirm that only you have read/write permission by typing ls -al ~/.pgpass
. That should return output that looks like this, with your Ubuntu
user name instead of "appacademy".
-rw------- 1 appacademy appacademy 37 Mar 28 21:20 /home/appacademy/.pgpass
Now, try connecting to PostreSQL by typing psql postgres
. Because you added
the alias to your startup script, and because you created your .pgpass file,
it should now connect without prompting you for any credentials! Type \q
press Enter to exit the PostgreSQL command line client.
Head over to the Postbird releases page on GitHub. Click the installer for
Windows which you can recognize because it's the only file in the list that ends
with ".exe".
After that installer downloads, run it. You will get a warning from Windows that
this is from an unidentified developer. If you don't want to install this, find
a PostgreSQL GUI client that you do trust and install it or do everything from
the command line.
You should get used to seeing this because many open-source applications aren't
signed with the Microsoft Store for monetary and philosophical reasons.
Otherwise, if you trust Paxa like App Academy and tens of thousands of other
developers do, then click the link that reads "More info" and the "Run anyway"
When it's done installing, it will launch itself. Test it out by typing the
"postgres" into the "Username" field and the password from your installation in
the "Password" field. Click the Connect button. It should properly connect to
the running
You can close it for now. It also installed an icon on your desktop. You can
launch it from there or your Start Menu at any time.
You installed and configured PosgreSQL 12, a relational database management
system, and tools to use it! Well done!
You will install two pieces of software so that you can start using PostgreSQL.
You sill install PostgreSQL itself along with all of its tools. Then you will
also install Postbird, a cross-platform graphical user interface that makes
working with SQL and PostgreSQL better than just using the command line tool
You can install both of these products using Homebrew. Your Windows-using
classmates don't have this convenience, so pretend you're having a hard time
doing this. 😉
First, update your Homebrew installation. You should do this before each thing
that you install using Homebrew.
brew update
Now, make sure that you have the correct Homebrew recipe. Type the following
and make sure that the first line of the output contains some version of "12".
brew info postgresql
You should see something like this in the output.
postgresql: stable 12.2 (bottled), HEAD
Now, launch the installation.
brew install postgresql
This may take a while. Have a tea.
When that completes, you can read the Caveats section from the installation
output. You should do this with everything that you install using Homebrew.
To migrate existing data from a previous major version of PostgreSQL run: brew postgresql-upgrade-database To have launchd start postgresql now and restart at login: brew services start postgresql Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
You definitely want PostgreSQL to run now and every time you log in. Otherwise
you'd have to start it every time you reboot your computer which can be a
hassle. Following the instructions, please type the following into the command
brew services start postgresql
That should report that PostgreSQL is now started.
To make sure your client tools are configured properly, type the following in
a Terminal. This tells the psql
client that you want to connect to the
"postgres" database, which is the default database created when PostgreSQL is
psql postgres
That will connect to the "postgres" database as your user that you're logged in
as, which the installer configured for you during the installation. It's the
same as specifying your user name by using the "-U" command line parameter and
psql -U «your user name» postgres
When you successfully log in, it should show you the following output.
psql (12.2)
Type "help" for help.
Type \q
and hit Return to quit the PostgreSQL client.
Make sure that your Homebrew can find Postbird. Search for it using the brew search
brew search postbird
You should get something back that looks like this.
==> Casks
That means it could find it. Since it's a Cask, that means it's an
application that is meant to be used as a graphical user interface rather than
on the command line. To install it, you need to include "cask" in the command.
brew cask install postbird
Once it installs, try starting it. It's in your Applications directory. You can
use Spotlight to launch it by pressing Command+Space. In the Spotlight window,
type "postbird". It should show you the recently-installed application's logo in
the list as a white circle with a blue elephant. Select that and press Enter (or
click it, if you're the touchpad/mouse kind of person).
The first time it starts, you may get this error.
You should get used to seeing this because many open-source applications aren't
signed with an Apple Developer Certificate yet. Click "Cancel". We will need
to tell macOS we would like to run this application despite it not being signed.
Open up your Applications directory by clicking on the shortcut in the left bar
of Finder.
Find the Postbird application in there. Hold down the Option key and left-click
the icon. (If you're using the touchpad, this probably means two-finger tap.)
Once the context menu shows up, you can let go of the Option key. Then, click
the "Open" menu item. You will now see a new version of the popup from before
with an extra button.
Click the "Open" button. That will let Postbird run. Now that you've done that
once, you won't have to do it again for Postbird. This is valuable knowledge
about how to run open-source software on macOS that isn't signed by the
developers. However, it is a good security practice to only run applications
from developers that you trust. The Postbird application is used by tens of
thousands of software developers and is something that you can trust.
In fact, the developer of Postbird has an 'issue' on github about this very
thing. So hopefully they will get the signing of the app fixed in a future
When Postbird starts, type "postgres" into the database field. Then, click the
"Connect" button. It should open a new tab and show you basically a blank page.
That means everything worked! Exit Postbird by pressing Command+Q or selecting
Postbird > "Quit Postbird" from the menu.
You installed and configured PosgreSQL 12, a relational database management
system, and tools to use it! Well done!
This is a walk-through: Please type along as you read what's going on in
this article.
In this walk-through, you will
It's good practice to create a different database user for each application that
you will have connect to an RDBMS. This prevents applications from reading and
changing data in other databases that they should not have access to.
The "User" in PostgreSQL is a database entity that represents a person or
system that will connect to the RDBMS and access data from one or more
databases. This is the first entity that you will create, modify, and destroy.
All user management is beyond the scope of the ANSI SQL standard. That means
each relational database management system has its own vendor-specific
extensions about how to do this. When working with a new RDBMS, check out its
documentation about how to create users, groups, and other security entities.
Names of users should not create spaces or dashes. They should contain only
lower case letters, numbers, and underscores.
On Windows, open your Ubuntu shell. On macOS, open your Terminal. Start the
PostgreSQL command line client with the command psql postgres
You should see some information about the version of the database and the
command line tool, plus a helpful hint to type "help" if you need help. Then,
you will see the psql
The value "postgres" means that you're currently connected to the "postgres"
database. More on that in the next article.
To create a user in PostgreSQL you will use the following command. It creates a
user with the name "test_superuser" and the password "test". Type that command
(please don't copy and paste it) and run it by hitting Enter (or Return).
Note that this SQL statement ends with a semicolon. All SQL statements in
PostgreSQL do. Don't forget it. If you do forget it, just type it on an empty
line. The above statement, for example, can also be entered as the following
where the semicolon is on a line all its own.
If you typed it correctly, you will see the message CREATE ROLE
. Because you
created test_superuser as a super user, when a person or application uses that
login, they can do whatever they want. You will test out that fact, now.
Quit your current session by typing \q
and hitting Enter (or Return). Now type
the following command to connect to PostgreSQL with the newly-created user. It
instructs the client to connect as the user "test_superuser" ( -U test_superuser
) to the database named "postgres" ( postgres
) and prompt for
the password ( -W
) for the user.
psql -W -U test_superuser postgres
At the prompt, type the password test that you used when you created the user.
If everything went well, then you will find yourself at the SQL prompt just like
before. To prove to you that you're now the "test_superuser", type the following
It should respond with the following output:
(1 row)
You're logged in as a super user that can do anything. Use that power! Create
another user that does not have such amazing power. You will rarely create super
users in real life. The following user creation is more appropriate. It creates
just a normal user that can log in. Then, you can assign that user specific
access to specific databases.
CREATE USER test_normal_user WITH PASSWORD 'test';
That should also give you the CREATE ROLE
message that means everything went
Quit the session by typing \q
and pressing Enter (or Return). Start another as
the new user.
psql -U test_normal_user -W postgres
Type the password test for this user. Confirm that you are now that new user
command. Once confirmed, try to create a
user named hacking_the_planet with a password of pwned!. What happens?
That's right. This user doesn't have the security privileges to create users.
Create users to do the job you want them to do. Then, give the appropriate
permissions to that user. This will make a safe and secure application
development world for you and your team.
Time to remove both of these users. The opposite of CREATE USER
. To drop a user, you just type DROP USER «user name»;
Connect again as just you, the OG super user. (Once again, that's with the
command psql postgres
Drop the normal user with the command
DROP USER test_normal_user;
Then, drop the user with the name "test_superuser". You should receive the
message "DROP ROLE" for each of your commands.
Unlike JavaScript, the keywords in SQL are case insensitive. that means you can
type any of the following and they'll all work.
DROP USER test_user; Drop User test_user; drop user test_user;
Notice that entity names like user names are case sensitive.
SQL is conventionally written in all uppercase to distinguish the commands from
the names that you will have for your entities and their properties.
commandDROP USER
commandThis is a walk-through: Please type along as you read what's going on in
this article.
In this walk-through, you will
Now that you can create users for each of your applications, it's time for you
to be able to create a database. The database is where you will store the
data for your application.
You've been using the following command to log in as your superuser to the
"postgres" database. This works because if you don't specify a user with the
command line parameter, it just uses the name of the currently logged in
user, your user name.
psql postgres
That's because if you don't specify a database, then PostgreSQL will try to
connect you to a database that has the same name as your user. Try it, now.
When you run this, if there is no database with your user name, then you will
receive an error message that reads like the following. (The text has been
wrapped in the example for readability.)
psql: error: could not connect to server:
FATAL: database "appacademy" does not exist
Names of databases should not create spaces or dashes. They should contain only
lower case letters, numbers, and underscores.
So that you don't have to type "postgres" every time you want to connect on the
command line, you can create a database with your user name so that one will
exist. To determine your user name, type the following command at your shell,
not in PostgreSQL.
That will show you the name of your user. Remember that name. Now, start your
PostgreSQL command line as your superuser.
psql postgres
That should result in the psql
command prompt of postgres=#
. Again, that
means that you are currently connected to the "postgres" database.
Once you're greeted by the postgres=#
command prompt, you can create a
database for your user by typing the following command. Don't copy and paste,
here. Type it out.
CREATE DATABASE «your user name» WITH OWNER «your user name»;
By making yourself the owner of that database, then your user can do anything
with it.
For the examples in these articles, the user name is "appacademy", so the
authors typed
CREATE DATABASE appacademy WITH OWNER appacademy;
If the command succeeds, you will see the message "CREATE DATABASE". Now, quit
the client using \q
. Now, connect, again, to PostgreSQL by just typing the
Now, when you log in, you will be greeted by a command prompt that reads
«your user name»=#
You're connected to your very own database! And, now, you have less to type when
you want to start psql
! Yay for less typing!
Create two normal users with the following user names and passwords using the
command from the last article.
User name | Password |
ada | ada1234 |
odo | ODO!!!1 |
Now, create two databases, each named for a user with that user as the owner.
Again, type these rather than copying and pasting.
Now that you have new users and databases for them, it's time to test out that
you can connect to PostgreSQL with those users. Quit your current session by
typing \q
and pressing Enter (or Return). Then, start a new session for "ada"
by using the following psql
command that will prompt for the user's password
( -W
) and connect as the specified user ( -U ada
psql -W -U ada
Note: Those command line parameters can come in any order, usually. The
above statement can also be written as psql -U ada -W
, for example.
When you enter that and type the password for "ada" which is "ada1234" from the
table above, you should see that you are now connected to the "ada" database in
the prompt.
Notice that the character at the end is now a ">" rather than the "#" that
you're used to seeing. That's because "ada" is a normal user. Normal user
prompts end with ">". Your user, the one tied to your user name, is a super
user. That results in a "#"
Quit this session and connect as the "odo" user, now. You will notice that
because "odo" is a normal user, that you will see this prompt, too.
You've created a database for "odo". Type the following command which will try
to connect as the user "ada" ( -U ada
) to the database "odo" ( odo
psql -W -U ada odo
After you type the password, you may be surprised to find out that "ada" can
connect to the database "odo" that's owned by the user "odo"! That's because all
databases, when they're created, by default allow access to what is known as the
"PUBLIC" schema, a kind of group that everyone belongs to. You sure don't want
that if you want to prevent the user "ada" from messing up the data in the
database "odo", and the user "odo" from messing up the data in the database
To do that, you have to revoke connection privileges to "PUBLIC". That's like
putting a biometric lock on a bank safety deposit box so that only the owner of
that deposit box (and bank officials) can get into it and do stuff with its
To do that, quit the current psql
session if you're in one. Connect to
PostgreSQL as your user, a superuser. Again, now that you have your own
database, you can just type psql
at your macOS Terminal command line or Ubuntu
shell command line. Once you have your prompt
«your user name»=#
you want to type a command that will revoke all privileges from the databases
named "odo" and "ada" the connection privileges of the entire "PUBLIC" group. To
do that, you write the command with the form:
Do that for both databases. Each time you run it, you should see the message
"REVOKE" showing that it worked.
Now, quit your session ( \q
). With the connection privilege revoked, "ada" can
no longer connect to database "odo" and vice versa. Try typing the following.
psql -W -U ada odo
You should see an error message similar to the following.
psql: error: could not connect to server:
FATAL: permission denied for database "odo"
DETAIL: User does not have CONNECT privilege.
Try connecting with the user "odo" to the database named "ada". You should see
the same error message except with the database named "ada" in it.
But, your superuser status will not be thwarted! You can still connect to either
of those because of your superuser privileges. Neither of the following commands
should fail.
# Connect to the database "odo" as your superuser
psql odo
# Connect to the database "ada" as your superuser
psql ada
Superusers can connect to any and all databases. Because superuser!
Remember you created a database for your user? Now, revoke connection privileges
from it for "PUBLIC", too.
Now, say the user "ada" needs another database, one that will contain data that
"ada" wants to keep separate from the data in the database "ada". Connect to
PostgreSQL as your user. Create a new database without specifying the owner.
Now, type the command to list databases on your installation of PostgreSQL.
You will see something akin to the following. The entries in the "Collate",
"Cypte", and "Access privileges" columns may differ. That's fine and can be
ignored. Also, where you see "appacademy", you'll probably see your user name.
Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges |
ada | ada | UTF8 | C | C | =T/ada + |
ada=CTc/ada | |||||
appacademy | appacademy | UTF8 | C | C | |
hr_data | appacademy | UTF8 | C | C | |
odo | odo | UTF8 | C | C | =T/odo + |
odo=CTc/odo | |||||
postgres | appacademy | UTF8 | C | C | |
template0 | appacademy | UTF8 | C | C | =c/appacademy + |
appacademy=CTc/appacademy | |||||
template1 | appacademy | UTF8 | C | C | =c/appacademy + |
appacademy=CTc/appacademy |
You will see that for the database that you just created, "hr_data", that the
owner is you. Go ahead and revoke all access to it from "PUBLIC" like you did in
the last section. Once you've done that, no one but you (and other superusers)
can connect to the "hr_data" database. (You may want to exit the psql
and try connecting with the credentials for the "ada" user just to make sure. If
you do that, reconnect as your user so you can continue with the security
Now, you need to add "ada" back to it so that user can connect to the database.
The opposite of REVOKE ... FROM ...
is GRANT ... TO ...
. So, you will type
the following:
Now, if you exit the psql
shell and connect as "ada", you will see that user
can connect. Make sure that's true.
psql -U ada hr_data
Once you have confirmed that "ada" can connect, make sure that user "odo" cannot
psql -U odo hr_data
That command should return the error message that reads that the user "does not
have CONNECT privilege."
Time to clean up the entities that you've created in this walk-through. You
already know how to delete a user by using the DROP USER
statement. Log in as
your superuser and try to drop the "ada" user. You should see an error message
similar to the following.
ERROR: role "ada" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
DETAIL: owner of database ada
privileges for database hr_data
This tells you that you can't drop that user because database objects in the
system rely on the existence of the user "ada". This is the first example that
you've seen of relational data. The database "ada" is related to the user
"ada" because user "ada" owns the database "ada". The database "hr_data" is
related to the user "ada" because the user "ada" has access privileges for the
database "hr_data".
This is one of the primary reasons that relational databases provide such an
important role in application design and development. If you or your application
puts data into the database that relates to other data, you can't just remove it
without removing all of the related data, too!
To remove the related data from user "ada", you need to revoke the connect
privilege on "hr_data" for user "ada". Then, you need to delete the database
"ada" that user "ada" owns. You've seen some REVOKE
statements in this article
that revoke the connect privilege from "PUBLIC". It's the same for an individual
user, too, just replace "PUBLIC" with the name of the user.
Then, the opposite of CREATE DATABASE
just like the
opposite of CREATE USER
Putting together those two hints, you can type commands like this to get the
job done.
Run in that order, the first two statements remove the data related to the
user "ada". Once that's gone, you can finally remove the user "ada" itself.
Do the same for the user "odo", deleting the related data, first. Remember, you
can run the DROP
statement for the user "odo" to see what data relates to that
Note: When you run a statement in PostgreSQL that results in an error
message, do not worry! You have not corrupted anything! These are helpful
statements to let you know that the state of the database won't allow you to
perform the requested operation. These kinds of error statements are guideposts
for you to follow to get to the place you want to be.
You have successfully created databases for yourself and other users. You have
created a database with you as the owner and given access to it to another user.
You have locked down databases so only owners (and superusers) can access them.
You know how to see the owner of a database. You know how to remove a user from
a database after removing all data related to the user.
This is the start of a lovely secure set of databases.
This is a walk-through: Please type along as you read what's going on in
this article.
In this walk-through, you will
You can now create users that can connect to the relational database management
system. You can now create databases and secure them so only certain users can
connect to them. Now, it's time to get into the part where you define the
entities that actually hold the data: tables!
A table is a "logical" structure that defines how data is stored and contains
that data that meets the definition. Most people think about tables like
spreadsheets that have a specific number of columns and rows that contain the
It is called a "logical" structure because we reason about it in terms of
columns and rows; however, the RDMBS is in charge of how the data is actually
stored on disk and, quite often, for performance reasons, it does not look
like rows and columns. The way it is stored on disk is called the "physical"
structure because that's what is the actual physical representation of it. We do
not cover physical structures because they vary by RDBMS. If you become a
database administrator in the future, you may have to learn such things.
Here is a spreadsheet that contains some data about puppies.
You can see that the columns are
Now, look at the data each column contains. You can guess at what kind of data
type is in each of them by their values. If you were to write that out using the
data types that you know from JavaScript, you might come up with the following
Column | Data type |
name | string |
age_yrs | number |
breed | string |
weight_lbs | number |
microchipped | Boolean |
In table definitions, you have to be more specific, unfortunately. This is so
the database can know things like "the maximum length of the string" or "will
the number have decimal points"? This is important information so that database
can know how to store it most efficiently. The following table shows you the
corresponding ANSI SQL data types for the JavaScript types from before.
Column | JavaScript data type | Max length | ANSI SQL data type |
name | string | 50 | VARCHAR(50) |
age_yrs | number | NUMERIC(3,1) | |
breed | string | 100 | VARCHAR(100) |
weight_lbs | number | INTEGER | |
microchipped | Boolean | BOOLEAN |
You can see that "string" values map to something called a "VARCHAR" with a
maximum length.
You can see that "number" values map to something called a "NUMERIC" with some
numbers, or an INTEGER which is just a whole number.
You can see that "Boolean" values map to something called a "BOOLEAN" which is
nice because that's convenient.
To define a table, you need to know what the different pieces of related data it
will store. Then, you need to know what kind each of those pieces are. Once you
have that, you can create a table with an ANSI SQL statement.
There are three kinds of commonly used string types that databases support based
on the ANSI SQL standard. This section talks about them.
The most commonly used type is known as the CHARACTER VARYING type. It means
that it can contain text of varying lengths up to a specified maximum. That
maximum is provided when you define the table. Instead of having to type
CHARACTER VARYING all the time, you can use its weirdly named alias
VARCHAR, (pronounced "var-car" or "var-char" where each part rhymes with
"car"). So, to specify that a column can hold up to 50 characters, you would
write VARCHAR(50)
in the table definition. (Remember, SQL is case insensitive
for its keywords. You can also write varchar(50)
or VarChar(50)
if you so
desired. Just be consistent.)
Another commonly used type is known simply as TEXT. This is a column that
can contain an "unlimited" number of characters. You may ask yourself, "Why
don't I just always use TEXT, then?" Performance is the reason. Columns with the
TEXT type are notoriously slower than those with other string types. Use them
Purposefully left out from this discussion is a type named CHARACTER or
CHAR. It is like the VARCHAR, except that it is a fixed-width character
field. This author has never seen it used in a production system except for
Oracle DB which did not, at one time, support a Boolean type. Other than that,
it was only useful back in the 1970s - 1990s when computer disk space and speed
were slow and expensive.
ANSI SQL (and PostgreSQL) supports INTEGER, NUMERIC, and floating-point
The INTEGER should be familiar. It's just a number. In PostgreSQL, it can hold
almost all values that your application can handle. That's from -2,147,483,648
to +2,147,483,647. If, for some reason, you were writing a database that would
contain a record for every person in the world, you would need integers bigger
than that. To solve that problem, ANSI SQL (and PostgreSQL) supports the
BIGINT type that will hold values between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
9,223,372,036,854,775,807. If your application needs bigger integers, there are
extensions available.
The NUMERIC type is a fixed-point number. When you specify it, it takes up
to two arguments. The first number is the total number of digits that a number
can have in that column. The second number is the number of digits after the
decimal point that you want to track. The specification NUMERIC(4,2) will hold
the number 23.22, but not the numbers 123.22 (too many total digits) or
23.222 (which it will just ignore the extra decimal places and store 23.22).
These exact numbers are important for things like storing values of money, where
rounding errors could cause significant errors in calculations.
If you don't care about rounding errors, you can use the DOUBLE PRECISION.
There is no short alias for it. You can just put decimal numbers in there and
they will come out pretty much the same. Don't use this kind of data type for
columns that contain values of money because they will round and someone will
get in trouble, eventually.
PostgreSQL supports a lot of other data types, as well. It has specialized data
types for money, dates and times, geometric types, network addresses, and JSON!
Ones that you will use a lot in this course are the ones for dates and times, as
well as the one for JSON.
Here's the link to the documentation on PostgreSQL data types. Go review the
documentation for the types that support dates and times as you will need to
know the TIMESTAMP and DATE types.
Names of tables should not create spaces or dashes. They should contain only
lower case letters, numbers, and underscores.
Conventionally, many software developers name their database table names as the
plural form of the data that it holds. More importantly, many software libraries
known as ORMs (which you will cover, this week) use the plural naming
convention. You should use the plural naming convention while here at App
Note: The opinion that database table names should be plural is the subject
of heated debate among many software developers. We don't argue about it at App
Academy. We acknowledge that it really doesn't matter how they're named. You
should just be consistent in the way they're named. Because our tools will use
the plural forms, we use the plural forms.
Creating a table with SQL has this general syntax.
CREATE TABLE «table name» ( «column name» «data type», «column name» «data type», ... «column name» «data type» );
A couple of things to note. First, it uses parentheses, not curly braces. Many
developers that use curly brace languages like JavaScript will eventually, out
of habit, put curly braces instead of parentheses. If you were to do that, the
RDBMS will tell you that you have a syntax error. Just grin and replace the
curly braces with parentheses.
Another thing to note is that the last column specification cannot have a
comma after it. In JavaScript, we can have commas after the last entry in an
array or in a literal object definition. Not so in SQL. Again, the RDBMS will
tell you that there is a syntax error. Just delete that last comma.
Here's the table that contains the column definitions for the "puppies"
spreadsheet from before.
Column | JavaScript data type | Max length | ANSI SQL data type |
name | string | 50 | VARCHAR(50) |
age_yrs | number | NUMERIC(3,1) | |
breed | string | 100 | VARCHAR(100) |
weight_lbs | number | INTEGER | |
microchipped | Boolean | BOOLEAN |
To write that as SQL, you would just put in the table name, column names, and
data types in the syntax from above. You would get the following.
CREATE TABLE puppies ( name VARCHAR(50), age_yrs NUMERIC(3,1), breed VARCHAR(100), weight_lbs INTEGER, microchipped BOOLEAN );
Log into your database, if you're not already. (Make sure you're in your
database by looking at the prompt. It should read «your user name»=#
.) Type in
the SQL statement from above. If you do it correctly, PostgreSQL will return the
message "CREATE TABLE".
You can see the tables in your database by typing \dt
at the psql
prompt. The \dt
command means "describe tables". If you do that now, assuming
that you've only created the "puppies" table, you should see the following with
your user name, of course.
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | puppies | table | appacademy
The user that runs the SQL statement that creates the table is the owner of that
table. Table owners, like database owners, will always be able to access the
table and its data. If you want a user other than the one that you're logged in
as to own the table, you have two ways of doing that.
statement as that user.SET ROLE «user name»
command to switch the currentCREATE TABLE
statement as that user.To see the definition of a particular table table, type \d «table name»
. For
puppies, type \d puppies
. You should see the following output.
Table "public.puppies"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
name | character varying(50) | | |
age_yrs | numeric(3,1) | | |
breed | character varying(100) | | |
weight_lbs | integer | | |
microchipped | boolean | | |
For now, ignore the "Collation", "Nullable", and "Default" columns in that
output. The next article will address "Nullable" and "Default".
You can see that the data types that you provided have been translated into
their ANSI SQL full name equivalents.
Now, connect to the "postgres" database using the \c postgres
command. It
should give you a message that you're now connected to the "postgres" database
as your user. The prompt should change from one that has your name to
. Now, type \dt
to list the tables in the "postgres" database. If
you haven't created any tables there, it will read "Did not find any relations."
If you type \d puppies
, it will report that it can't find a relation named
This is because you're in a different database than the one in which you created
the "puppies" table. You just don't see the "puppies" table, here, because it
doesn't exit. That table is in another database, your user database. That's how
databases work: they provide an area where you can create tables in which you'll
store data. Different databases have different tables. You can't easily get at
tables in another database from the one that you're currently in. And, really,
you don't want to. Databases provide the storage and security boundaries for
Change back to your user database by executing the command \c «your user name»
In the same way that you can delete users and databases by using the DROP
command, you can do the same for tables. To get rid of the "puppies" table,
execute the following SQL command.
DROP TABLE puppies;
It should tell you that it dropped the table. You can confirm that it is no
longer there by executing the \dt
In this section, you learned the basics about creating database entities called
"tables" and their ownership. You learned that tables are where you store data.
You discovered that the data that you store is defined by the columns and their
data types. You can now write SQL to create and drop tables.
Next up, you will learn about special kinds of columns, column constraints, and
building relations between tables.
This is a walk-through: Please type along as you read what's going on in
this article.
In this walk-through, you will
Here is the "puppies" spreadsheet, table definition, and the SQL to create it
from the last article.
Column | JavaScript data type | Max length | ANSI SQL data type |
name | string | 50 | VARCHAR(50) |
age_yrs | number | NUMERIC(3,1) | |
breed | string | 100 | VARCHAR(100) |
weight_lbs | number | INTEGER | |
microchipped | Boolean | BOOLEAN |
CREATE TABLE puppies ( name VARCHAR(50), age_yrs NUMERIC(3,1), breed VARCHAR(100), weight_lbs INTEGER, microchipped BOOLEAN );
In this article, you will add more specifications to this table so that you can
properly use it. Then, you will refactor it into two tables that relate to one
By default, when you define a table, each column does not require a value when
you create a record (row). Look at the spreadsheet. You can see all of the rows
in it have data in every column. The SQL that you wrote does not enforce that.
The value NULL
is a strange value because it means the absence of a value.
When a value in a row is NULL
, that means that it didn't get entered. Many
database administrators, experts in databases and the models of data in them,
detest the value NULL
for one reason: it adds a weird state.
Think about a Boolean value in JavaScript. It can one of two values: true
. In databases, a "nullable" BOOLEAN
column, that is a BOOLEAN
that can hold NULL
values, can have three values in it: TRUE
, and
. What does that mean to you as a software developer? It is this weird
third state that leads to a strange offshoot of mathematics named three-valued
logic. To prevent that, you should (nearly) always put the NOT NULL
constraint on each of your column definitions. That will make your previous SQL
statement look like this.
CREATE TABLE puppies ( name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, age_yrs NUMERIC(3,1) NOT NULL, breed VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, weight_lbs INTEGER NOT NULL, microchipped BOOLEAN NOT NULL );
Type that SQL into your psql
shell and execute it. (If you already have a
"puppies" table, drop the existing one first.) Then, run \d puppies
. You
will see, now, that the column "Nullable" reads "not null" for every single one.
Table "public.puppies"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
name | character varying(50) | | not null |
age_yrs | numeric(3,1) | | not null |
breed | character varying(100) | | not null |
weight_lbs | integer | | not null |
microchipped | boolean | | not null |
Now, when someone tries to add data to the table, they must provide a value for
every single column.
Note: An empty string is not a NULL
value. It is still possible for
someone to insert the string "" into the "name" column, for example. There are
ways to prevent that, but you should check it in your JavaScript code before
actually inserting the data.
Sometimes, you just want a column to have a default value. When there is a
default value, the applications that insert data into the table can just rely
on the default value and not have to specify it.
For the "puppies" table, a reasonable default value for the "microchipped"
column would be FALSE
. You can add that to your SQL using the DEFAULT
Drop the existing "puppies" table and type in that SQL. Then, run \d puppies
to see how it shows up in the table definition.
Being able to identify a single row in a table is very important. Here's the
screenshot of the spreadsheet, again.
Let's say that the puppy named "Max" gains a couple of pounds. You want to
update the spreadsheet. You scan through the list of names and find it on row
11. Then, you update the weight to be 69 pounds.
Now, what happens when you are tracking 300 dogs in the spreadsheet? What
happens when your spreadsheet has 17 dogs named "Max"? It is helpful to have
some way to uniquely identify a row in the spreadsheet. This is the idea behind
a primary key. You can specify a column to be the primary key with the
keywords PRIMARY KEY
. A column that acts as a primary key cannot be NULL
, so
that is implied.
Here's the spreadsheet with a new column in it named "id" that just contains
numbers to uniquely identify each row.
You may ask yourself, "Why can't I just use the row number as each row's
identifier?" That's a very valid question! Here is the reason why. You can see
that "Max" has an "id" of 10 on row 11. What happens if you wanted to look at
the data differently, say sorted by name? Here's what that spreadsheet looks
You can see that when you sort them by name, if you relied on row number, "Max"
now lives on row 10 rather than row 11. That changes the unique identifer of
"Max" based on the way that you view the data. You want the unique identifier to
be part of the row definition so that the number always stays with the row no
matter how you've sorted the data. You will always know that the row with "id"
value of 10 is "Max".
Keeping track of what the next number would be in that column could cause you a
lot or headaches. What if two people (or applications) were entering data at the
same time? Who would get the correct "next id" and still have it be unique? The
answer to that is to let the database handle it. All databases have some way of
specifying that you want to set the column to a special data type that will
auto-assign and auto-increment an integer value for the column. In PostgreSQL,
that special data type is called SERIAL
Putting that all together, you would add a new column definition to your table
with the name of "id" and the type SERIAL
. Then, to specify that it is the
primary key, you can do it one of two ways. The following example shows it as
part of the column definition.
Or, you can put it in what is known as constraint syntax after the columns
specifications but before the close parenthesis.
Either way you do it, when you view the output of \d puppies
, you see some new
things in the output.
Table "public.puppies"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('puppies_id_seq'::regclass)
name | character varying(50) | | not null |
age_yrs | numeric(3,1) | | not null |
breed | character varying(100) | | not null |
weight_lbs | integer | | not null |
microchipped | boolean | | not null | false
"puppies_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
First, you'll notice that there is a weird default value for the "id" column.
That's the way that PostgreSQL populates it with a new integer value every time
you add a new row.
You will also see that that there is a section named "Indexes" after the column
specifications. This shows that there is a thing named "puppies_pkey" which is
the primary key on the column "id".
Sometimes, you want all of the data in a column to be unique. For example, if
you a table of people records. You want to collect their email address for them
to sign up for your Web site. In general, people don't share email addresses
(although it has been known to happen). You can put a constraint on a column by
putting UNIQUE
in the column's definition. For example, here's a sample
"people" table with a unique constraint on the email column.
CREATE TABLE people ( id SERIAL, first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
When you use the \d people
command to view the definition of the table, you
will see this.
Table "public.people"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('people_id_seq'::regclass)
first_name | character varying(50) | | not null |
last_name | character varying(50) | | not null |
email | character varying(250) | | not null |
"people_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"people_email_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (email)
Down there at the bottom, you see that PostgreSQL has added a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT
to the list of indexes for the "email" field. Now, if someone tried
to put an email address into the table that someone had previously used, then
the database would return an error.
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "people_email_key"
DETAIL: Key (email)=(a) already exists.
Now is the time for thinking about the nature of the data. When you create
database tables, you need to ask yourself about the data that you're going to
store in them. One of the first questions that you should ask yourself is, "Do
any of the columns have values that come from a list?" Or, another way to ask
that is, "Do any of the columns come from a set of predefined values?" If you
look at this data, does anything seem like it comes from a list, or that the
data could repeat itself?
Take a look, again, at the spreadsheet. Does anything jump out at you?
If you looked at it and answered "the breed column", that's the ticket! The
values that go into the breed column is finite. You don't want one person typing
"Corgi" and another person typing "CORGI" and another "corgi" because, as you
know, those are three different values! You want them all to be the same
value! Supporting this is the primary reason that relational databases exist.
Instead of having just one table, you could have two tables. One that contains
the puppy information and another that contains the breed information. Then,
using the magic of relational databases, you can create a relation between the
two tables so that the "puppies" table will reference entries in the "breeds"
This process is called normalization. It's a really big deal in database
communities. And, it's a really big deal for application developers to maintain
the integrity of the data. Bad data leads to bad applications.
To do this follows a fairly simple set of steps.
Here's what that would look like with two spreadsheets.
![Puppies and breed spreadsheets normalized]
You might think to yourself, "That's not simpler! That's ... that's harder!"
From a human perspective looking at the two separate tables and associating the
id in the "breed_id" column with the value in the "id" column of the "breeds"
table to lookup the name of the breed is harder. But, SQL provides tools to
make this very easy. You will learn about that in the homework, tonight, and
in all of the database work that you'll be doing from here on out. Eventually,
thinking this way about data will become second nature.
To represent this in SQL, you will need two SQL statements. The first one, the
one for the "breeds" table, you should be able to construct that already with
the knowledge that you have. It would look like this. Type this into your
Now, here's the new thing. You want the database to make sure that the value in
the "breed_id" column of the "puppies" table references the value in the "id"
table of the "breeds" table. This reference is called a foreign key. That
means that the value in the column must exist as the value of a primary key in
the table that it references. This referential integrity is the backbone of
relational databases. It prevents bad data from getting put into those foreign
key columns.
Here's what the new "puppies" SQL looks like. Drop the old "puppies" table and
type this SQL in there.
That new thing at the bottom of the definition, that's how you relate one table
to another. If follows the syntax
FOREIGN KEY («column name in this table») REFERENCES «other table name»(«primary key column in other table»)
Looking at the spreadsheets, again, the presence of the foreign key would make
it impossible for someone to enter a value in the "breed_id" column that did
not exist in the "id" column of the "breeds" table.
![Puppies and breed spreadsheets normalized]
You can see that the puppies with ids of 1 and 9, "Cooper" and "Leinni", both
have the "breed_id" of 8. That means they're both "Miniature Schnauzers". What
if, originally, someone had misspelled "Schnauzers"? If it was still just a text
column in the "puppies" sheet, you'd have to go find and replace every single
instance of the misspelling. Now, because it's only spelled once and then
referenced, you would only need to update the misspelling in one place!
The order of running these table definitions is important. Because "puppies"
now relies on "breeds" to exist for that foreign key relationship, you must
create the "breeds" table first. If you had tried to create the "puppies" table
first, you would see the following error message.
ERROR: relation "breeds" does not exist
Now that you have both of those tables in your database, what do you think would
happen if you tried to drop the "breeds" table? Another table depends on it.
When you tried to drop a user that owned a database, you got an error because
that database object depended on that user existing, the same things happens
Type the SQL to drop the "breeds" table from the database. You should see the
following error message.
ERROR: cannot drop table breeds because other objects depend on it
DETAIL: constraint puppies_breed_id_fkey on table puppies depends on table breeds
HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
You can see that PostgreSQL has told you that other things depend on the
"breeds" table and, specifically, a thing called "puppies_breed_id_fkey" depends
on it. That is the auto-generated name for the foreign key that you created
in the "puppies" table. It took the name of the table, the name of the column,
and the string "fkey" and joined them all together with underscores.
In the homework for tomorrow, you will see how to join together two tables
into one virtual table so that the breed names are right there along with the
puppies data.
In this walk-through, you
in your column specificationsNULL
means an "absence of a value" which makes databasePRIMARY KEY
constraint and SERIAL
data type[Puppies and breed spreadsheets normalized]: images/spreadsheet-puppies-and-breeds-normalized.pngimages/spreadsheet-puppies-and-breeds-normalized.pngort "[TOC]" {cmd="toc" depthFrom=2 depthTo=6 orderedList=false} -->
This is a walk-through: Please type along as you read what's going on in
this article.
In this walk-through, you will
Here is the "puppies" spreadsheet, table definition, and the SQL to create it
from the last article.
Column | JavaScript data type | Max length | ANSI SQL data type |
name | string | 50 | VARCHAR(50) |
age_yrs | number | NUMERIC(3,1) | |
breed | string | 100 | VARCHAR(100) |
weight_lbs | number | INTEGER | |
microchipped | Boolean | BOOLEAN |
CREATE TABLE puppies ( name VARCHAR(50), age_yrs NUMERIC(3,1), breed VARCHAR(100), weight_lbs INTEGER, microchipped BOOLEAN );
In this article, you will add more specifications to this table so that you can
properly use it. Then, you will refactor it into two tables that relate to one
This project asks you to write some SQL to make some tests pass. You must do
them in order of the file name.
You'll be writing your SQL in *.sql files. This is just like writing it in the
client. You put semicolons after each statement. But, you don't have to
worry about silly mistakes because it's in a file and they're easy to fix.
into the project foldernpm install
to install dependencies in the project root directorynpm test
to run the specstest
. Your job is to write code in
SQL is the language of relational data. It is one of the core languages that
most software developers know because of its prevalence in the industry due to
the common use of RDBMSes. The objectives for your SQL learning journey cover:
statement to select data from a singleWHERE
clause on SELECT
, and DELETE
keyword to join two (or more) tables together into aINSERT
statement to insert data into a tableUPDATE
statement to update data in a tableDELETE
statement to remove data from a tableEXPLAIN
class to query a PostgreSQL-managed databaseIn the first reading, we covered SQL and PostgreSQL and how to set up
PostgreSQL. In this reading, we're going to learn how to write a simple SQL
query using SELECT.
SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and whenever we write
SQL we're usually querying a database. A query is simply a question we're
asking a database, and we're aiming to get a response back. The response comes
back to us as a list of table rows.
Let's say we had the following database table called puppies
. We'll use this
table to make our queries:
puppies table
name | age_yrs | breed | weight_lbs | microchipped |
Cooper | 1 | Miniature Schnauzer | 18 | yes |
Indie | 0.5 | Yorkshire Terrier | 13 | yes |
Kota | 0.7 | Australian Shepherd | 26 | no |
Zoe | 0.8 | Korean Jindo | 32 | yes |
Charley | 1.5 | Basset Hound | 25 | no |
Ladybird | 0.6 | Labradoodle | 20 | yes |
Callie | 0.9 | Corgi | 16 | no |
Jaxson | 0.4 | Beagle | 19 | yes |
Leinni | 1 | Miniature Schnauzer | 25 | yes |
Max | 1.6 | German Shepherd | 65 | no |
As we covered in the first reading, psql allows us to access the PostgreSQL
server and make queries via the terminal. Open up the terminal on your machine,
and connect to the PostgreSQL server by using the following psql command:
psql -U postgres
The above command lets you access the PostgreSQL server as the user 'postgres'
( -U
stands for user). After you enter this command, you'll be prompted for the
password that you set for the 'postgres' user during installation. Type it in,
and hit Enter. Once you've successfully logged in, you should see the following
in the terminal:
Password for user postgres: psql (11.5, server 11.6) Type "help" for help. postgres=#
You can exit psql at anytime with the command \q
, and you can log back in with
psql -U postgres
. (See this Postgres Cheatsheet for a list of more PSQL commands.)
We'll use the following PostgreSQL to create the puppies
table above. After
you've logged into the psql server, type the following code and hit Enter.
create table puppies ( name VARCHAR(100), age_yrs NUMERIC(2,1), breed VARCHAR(100), weight_lbs INT, microchipped BOOLEAN ); insert into puppies values ('Cooper', 1, 'Miniature Schnauzer', 18, 'yes'); insert into puppies values ('Indie', 0.5, 'Yorkshire Terrier', 13, 'yes'), ('Kota', 0.7, 'Australian Shepherd', 26, 'no'), ('Zoe', 0.8, 'Korean Jindo', 32, 'yes'), ('Charley', 1.5, 'Basset Hound', 25, 'no'), ('Ladybird', 0.6, 'Labradoodle', 20, 'yes'), ('Callie', 0.9, 'Corgi', 16, 'no'), ('Jaxson', 0.4, 'Beagle', 19, 'yes'), ('Leinni', 1, 'Miniature Schnauzer', 25, 'yes' ), ('Max', 1.6, 'German Shepherd', 65, 'no');
In the above SQL, we created a new table called puppies
, and we gave it the
following columns: name
, age_yrs
, breed
, weight_lbs
, and microchipped
We filled the table with ten rows containing data for each puppy, by using
insert into puppies values ()
We used the following PostgreSQL data types: VARCHAR
is a variable-length character string that lets you store up toname
is a floating-point number with p digits and s number ofage_yrs
is a 4-byte integer, which we've set on the weight_lbs
is, of course, a Boolean value. We've set the microchipped
, or null
. However, you'll note that we've used yes
and no
in ourmicrochipped
column because PostgreSQL Booleans can be any of theTRUE | FALSE |
true | false |
't' | 'f' |
'true' | 'false' |
'yes' | 'no' |
'y' | 'n' |
'1' | '0' |
We can write a simple SELECT query to get results back from the table
above. The syntax for the SELECT query is SELECT [columns] FROM [table]
Using SELECT *
is a quick way to get back all the rows in a given table. It
is discouraged in queries that you write for your applications. Use it only when
playing around with data, not for production code.
SELECT * FROM puppies;
Type the query above into your psql terminal, and make sure to add a semicolon
at the end, which terminates the statement. SELECT
and FROM
should be
capitalized. The above query should give us back the entire puppies
name | age_yrs | breed | weight_lbs | microchipped |
Cooper | 1 | Miniature Schnauzer | 18 | yes |
Indie | 0.5 | Yorkshire Terrier | 13 | yes |
Kota | 0.7 | Australian Shepherd | 26 | no |
Zoe | 0.8 | Korean Jindo | 32 | yes |
Charley | 1.5 | Basset Hound | 25 | no |
Ladybird | 0.6 | Labradoodle | 20 | yes |
Callie | 0.9 | Corgi | 16 | no |
Jaxson | 0.4 | Beagle | 19 | yes |
Leinni | 1 | Miniature Schnauzer | 25 | yes |
Max | 1.6 | German Shepherd | 65 | no |
We can see all the rows in a given column by using SELECT [column name]
SELECT name FROM puppies;
Type the query above into your psql terminal, and make sure to add a semicolon
at the end, which terminates the statement. SELECT
and FROM
should be
capitalized. The above query should give us back the following:
name |
Cooper |
Indie |
Kota |
Zoe |
Charley |
Ladybird |
Callie |
Jaxson |
Leinni |
Max |
To see multiple columns, we can concatenate the column names by using commas
between column names.
SELECT name , age_yrs , weight_lbs FROM puppies;
Type the query above into your psql terminal, and make sure to add a semicolon
at the end, which terminates the statement. SELECT
and FROM
should be
capitalized. The above query should give us back the following:
name | age_yrs | weight_lbs |
Cooper | 1 | 18 |
Indie | 0.5 | 13 |
Kota | 0.7 | 26 |
Zoe | 0.8 | 32 |
Charley | 1.5 | 25 |
Ladybird | 0.6 | 20 |
Callie | 0.9 | 16 |
Jaxson | 0.4 | 19 |
Leinni | 1 | 25 |
Max | 1.6 | 65 |
This is another of those hot-button topics with software developers. Some people
like to put all the stuff on one line for each SQL keyword.
SELECT name, age_yrs, weight_lbs FROM puppies;
That works for short lists. But some tables have hundreds of columns. That gets
Some developers like what you saw earlier, the "each column name on its own line
with the comma at the front".
SELECT name , age_yrs , weight_lbs FROM puppies;
They like this because if they need to comment out a column name, they can just
put a couple of dashes at the beginning of the line.
SELECT name -- , age_yrs , weight_lbs FROM puppies;
Some developers just do a word wrap when lines get too long.
All of these are fine. Just stay consistent within a project how you do them.
In the last reading, we learned how to create a simple SQL query using SELECT.
In this reading, we'll be adding a WHERE clause to our SELECT statement to
further filter a database table and get specific rows back.
Previously, we covered how to use SELECT queries to fetch all of a table's rows
or specified table rows by column(s). We can filter information returned by our query by using a WHERE clause in our SELECT statement.
Let's look at some examples of adding a WHERE clause using our puppies
from before:
name | age_yrs | breed | weight_lbs | microchipped |
Cooper | 1 | Miniature Schnauzer | 18 | yes |
Indie | 0.5 | Yorkshire Terrier | 13 | yes |
Kota | 0.7 | Australian Shepherd | 26 | no |
Zoe | 0.8 | Korean Jindo | 32 | yes |
Charley | 1.5 | Basset Hound | 25 | no |
Ladybird | 0.6 | Labradoodle | 20 | yes |
Callie | 0.9 | Corgi | 16 | no |
Jaxson | 0.4 | Beagle | 19 | yes |
Leinni | 1 | Miniature Schnauzer | 25 | yes |
Max | 1.6 | German Shepherd | 65 | no |
The simplest WHERE clause finds a row by a single column value. See the example
below, which finds the rows where the breed equals 'Corgi':
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies WHERE breed = 'Corgi';
, and WHERE
are capitalized. Notice that the string must use
single quotation marks. Note: PostgreSQL converts all names of tables, columns,
functions, etc. to lowercase unless they're double quoted. For example:
create table Foo()
will create a table called foo
, and create table "Bar"()
will create a table called Bar
. If you use double quotation marks in
the query above, you'll get an error that says column "Corgi" does not exist
because it thinks you're searching for the capitalized column name Corgi
Use the command psql -U postgres
in the terminal, and type in your 'postgres'
user password to connect to the PostgreSQL server. You should have a puppies
table in your postgres database from the last reading. Once you're in psql,
enter the query above into the terminal and press Enter. You should get back one
result for Callie the Corgi.
name | breed --------+------- Callie | Corgi
We can also add a WHERE clause to check for a list of values. The syntax is
WHERE [column] IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3')
. Let's say we wanted to find
the name and breed of the puppies who are Corgis, Beagles, or Yorkshire
Terriers. We could do so with the query below:
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies WHERE breed IN ('Corgi', 'Beagle', 'Yorkshire Terrier');
Entering this query into psql should yield the following results:
name | breed --------+------------------- Indie | Yorkshire Terrier Callie | Corgi Jaxson | Beagle
In addition to checking for string values, we can use the WHERE clause to check
for a range of numeric/integer values. This time, let's find the name, breed,
and age of the puppies who are between 0 to 6 months old.
SELECT name, breed, age_yrs FROM puppies
WHERE age_yrs BETWEEN 0 AND 0.6;
Entering this query into psql should yield the following results:
name | breed | age_yrs ----------+-------------------+--------- Indie | Yorkshire Terrier | 0.5 Ladybird | Labradoodle | 0.6 Jaxson | Beagle | 0.4
Getting the values back from a database in any order it wants to give them to
you is ludicrous. Instead, you will often want to specify the order in which
you get them back. Say you wanted them in alphabetical order by their name.
Then, you would write
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies ORDER BY name;
Say you wanted that returned from oldest dog to youngest dog. You would write
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies ORDER BY age_yrs DESC;
where DESC
means in descending order. Note that the column that you order on
does not have to appear in the column list of the SELECT
Say your query would return one million rows because you've cataloged every
puppy in the world. That would be a lot for any application to handle. Instead,
you may want to limit the number of rows returned. You can do that with the
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies ORDER BY age_yrs LIMIT 100;
That would return the name and breed of the 100 youngest puppies. (Why?) That
is, of the million rows that the statement would find, it limits the number to
only 100.
Let's say you want to see the next 100 puppies after the first hundred. You
can do that with the OFFSET
keyword which comes after the LIMIT
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies ORDER BY age_yrs LIMIT 100 OFFSET 100;
That will return only rows 101 - 200 of the result set. It limits the total
number of records to return to 100. Then, it starts at the 100th row and counts
100 records. Those are the records returned.
A SQL operator is a word or character that is used inside a WHERE clause to
perform comparisons or arithmetic operations. In the three examples above, we
used SQL operators inside of WHERE clauses to filter table rows -- =
, IN
, and AND
The following is a listing of SQL operators. We can combine any of these
operators in our query or use a single operator by itself.
Operator | Description |
ALL | TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition. |
AND | TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND are TRUE. |
ANY | TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition. |
BETWEEN | TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons. |
EXISTS | TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records. |
IN | TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions. |
LIKE | TRUE if the operand matches a pattern (accepts "wildcards"). |
NOT | Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE. |
OR | TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE. |
SOME | TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition. |
Here is another example query with a WHERE clause using several logical
operators: NOT
, IN
, and LIKE
SELECT name, breed FROM puppies WHERE breed NOT IN ('Miniature Schnauzer', 'Basset Hound', 'Labradoodle') AND breed NOT LIKE '%Shepherd';
Note: Pay attention to that LIKE
operator. You will use it more than you
want to. The wildcard it uses is the percent sign. Here's a table to help you
Matches "dog" | Matches "hotdog" | Matches "dog-tired" | Matches "ordogordo" |
'dog' |
yes | no | no | no |
'%dog' |
yes | yes | no | no |
'dog%' |
yes | no | yes | no |
'%dog%' |
yes | yes | yes | yes |
Entering this query into psql should yield the following results:
name | breed --------+------------------- Indie | Yorkshire Terrier Zoe | Korean Jindo Callie | Corgi Jaxson | Beagle
With the query above, we filtered out six puppies: two Miniature Schnauzers, one
Basset Hound, one Labradoodle, and two Shepherds. We started with ten puppies in
the table, so we're left with four table rows. There are two puppies who are
Shepherd breeds: an Australian Shepherd and a German Shepherd. We used the
operator to filter these. In '%Shepherd
, the %
matches any substring
value before the substring 'Shepherd'.
Operator | Meaning | Syntax |
+ | Addition | a + b |
- | Subtraction | a - b |
* | Multiplication | a * b |
/ | Division | a / b |
% | Modulus (returns remainder) | a % b |
Here is an example query with a WHERE clause using the multiplication operator
to find puppies that are 6 months old:
SELECT name, breed, age_yrs FROM puppies WHERE age_yrs * 10 = 6;
Entering the above query into psql will yield one result:
name | breed | age_yrs ----------+-------------+--------- Ladybird | Labradoodle | 0.6
Operator | Meaning | Syntax |
= | Equals | a = b |
!= | Not equal to | a != b |
<> | Not equal to | a <> b |
Greater than | a > b | |
< | Less than | a < b |
>= | Greater than or equal to | a >= b |
<= | Less than or equal to | a <= b |
!< | Not less than | a !< b |
!> | Not greater than | a !> b |
Here is an example query with a WHERE clause using the >
comparison operator:
SELECT name, breed, weight_lbs FROM puppies WHERE weight_lbs > 50;
Entering the above query into psql will yield one result:
name | breed | weight_lbs ------+-----------------+------------ Max | German Shepherd | 65
If you have data, but it’s not in tables, does the data even exist? Not to an
app! We often need to create relational databases on the back end of the Web
apps we’re building so that we can ultimately display this data on the front
end of our application. All relational database data is stored in tables, so
it’s important to learn how to create tables and successfully query them.
Of the four data manipulation statements, INSERT
is the easiest.
Create a new database named "folks". Now, create a new table named "friends"
with the following column specifications.
Name | Data type | Constraints |
id | SERIAL |
first_name | VARCHAR(255) |
last_name | VARCHAR(255) |
Now that we have a new table, we need to add table rows with some data. We can
insert a new table row using the following syntax:
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (column1_value, colum2_value, column3_value);
Let’s fill out our “friends” table with information about five friends. In
psql, enter the following to add new table rows. Note the use of single
quotation marks for string values. Also note that, since we used the SERIAL
pseudo-type to auto-increment the ID values, we can simply write DEFAULT
for the ID values when inserting new table rows.
INSERT INTO friends (id, first_name, last_name) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'Amy', 'Pond');
You can also completely omit the DEFAULT
keyword if you specify the names of
the columns that you want to insert into.
You can also use the "multiple values" insert. This prevents you from having to
write INSERT
with every statement. Even better, if one fails, they all fail.
That can help protect your data integrity.
INSERT INTO friends (first_name, last_name)
('Rose', 'Tyler'),
('Martha', 'Jones'),
('Donna', 'Noble'),
('River', 'Song');
Use SELECT * FROM friends;
to verify that there are rows in the “friends”
appacademy=# SELECT * FROM friends; id | first_name | last_name ----+------------+----------- 1 | Amy | Pond 2 | Rose | Tyler 3 | Martha | Jones 4 | Donna | Noble 5 | River | Song
Now let’s try to insert a new row using the ID of 5:
INSERT INTO friends (id, first_name, last_name) VALUES (5, 'Jenny', 'Who');
Because ID is a primary key and that ID is already taken, we should get a
message in psql that it already exists:
appacademy=# insert into friends values (5, 'Jenny', 'Who'); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "friends_pkey" DETAIL: Key (id)=(5) already exists.
In relational databases, relationships are key. We can create relationships,
or associations, among tables so that they can access and share data. In a
SQL database, we create table associations through foreign keys and primary
You've learned about primary and foreign keys. Now, it's time to put them to
Create a new database called "learn_joins". Connect to that database. Run the
following SQL statements to create tables and the data in them.
INSERT INTO breeds (name) VALUES ('Australian Shepherd'), ('Basset Hound'), ('Beagle'), ('Corgi'), ('German Shepherd'), ('Korean Jindo'), ('Labradoodle'), ('Miniature Schnauzer'), ('Yorkshire Terrier');
INSERT INTO puppies (name, age_yrs, breed_id, weight_lbs, microchipped) VALUES ('Cooper', 1, 8, 18, true), ('Indie', 0.5, 9, 13, true), ('Kota', 0.7, 1, 26, false), ('Zoe', 0.8, 6, 32, true), ('Charley', 1.5, 2, 25, false), ('Ladybird', 0.6, 7, 20, true), ('Callie', 0.9, 4, 16, false), ('Jaxson', 0.4, 3, 19, true), ('Leinni', 1, 8, 25, true), ('Max', 1.6, 5, 65, false);
Now that we’ve set up an association between the “puppies” table and the
“friends” table, we can access data from both tables. We can do so by using a
JOIN operation in our SELECT query. Type the following into psql:
SELECT * FROM puppies INNER JOIN breeds ON (puppies.breed_id =;
operation above is joining the "puppies" table with the "breeds"
table together into a single table using the foreign key/primary key shared
between the two tables: breed_id
You should get all rows back containing all information for the puppies and
breeds with matching breed_id
postgres=# SELECT * FROM puppies postgres-# INNER JOIN breeds ON (puppies.breed_id =; id | name | age_yrs | breed_id | weight_lbs | microchipped | id | name ----+----------+---------+----------+------------+--------------+----+--------------------- 1 | Cooper | 1.0 | 8 | 18 | t | 8 | Miniature Schnauzer 2 | Indie | 0.5 | 9 | 13 | t | 9 | Yorkshire Terrier 3 | Kota | 0.7 | 1 | 26 | f | 1 | Australian Shepherd 4 | Zoe | 0.8 | 6 | 32 | t | 6 | Korean Jindo 5 | Charley | 1.5 | 2 | 25 | f | 2 | Basset Hound 6 | Ladybird | 0.6 | 7 | 20 | t | 7 | Labradoodle 7 | Callie | 0.9 | 4 | 16 | f | 4 | Corgi 8 | Jaxson | 0.4 | 3 | 19 | t | 3 | Beagle 9 | Leinni | 1.0 | 8 | 25 | t | 8 | Miniature Schnauzer 10 | Max | 1.6 | 5 | 65 | f | 5 | German Shepherd (10 rows)
We could make our query more specific by selecting specific columns, adding a
clause, or doing any number of operations that we could do in a normal
query. Aside from an INNER JOIN
, we could also do different types of
operations. (Refer to this overview on PostgreSQL JOINS for more
After a database is created, we need to populate it, or seed it, with data.
Until now, we’ve used the command-line psql interface to create tables and
insert rows into those tables. While that’s fine for small datasets, it would
be cumbersome to add a large dataset using the command line.
In this reading, we’ll learn how to create and run a seed file, which makes the
process of populating a database with test data much easier.
You can create a seed file by opening up VSCode or any text editor and saving a
file with the .sql
Let’s create a seed file called seed-data.sql
that’s going to create a new
table called pies
and insert 50 pie rows into the table. Use the code below
to create the seed file, and make sure to save your seed file on your machine.
CREATE TABLE pies ( flavor VARCHAR(255) PRIMARY KEY, price FLOAT ); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Apple', 19.95); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Caramel Apple Crumble', 20.53); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Blueberry', 19.31); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Blackberry', 22.86); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Cherry', 22.32); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Peach', 20.45); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Raspberry', 20.99); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Mixed Berry', 21.45); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Strawberry Rhubarb', 24.81); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Banana Cream', 18.66); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Boston Toffee', 25.00); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Banana Nutella', 22.12); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Bananas Foster', 24.99); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Boston Cream', 23.75); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Cookies and Cream', 18.27); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Coconut Cream', 22.89); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Chess', 25.00); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Lemon Chess', 25.00); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Key Lime', 19.34); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Lemon Meringue', 19.58); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Guava', 18.92); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Mango', 19.55); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Plum', 20.21); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Apricot', 20.55); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Gooseberry', 23.54); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Lingonberry', 24.35); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Pear Vanilla Butterscotch', 25.13); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Baked Alaska', 25.71); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Chocolate', 19.00); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Chocolate Mousse', 21.46); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Mexican Chocolate', 28.33); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Chocolate Caramel', 26.67); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough', 18.65); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Pecan', 26.33); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Bourbon Caramel Pecan', 27.88); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Chocolate Pecan', 27.63); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Pumpkin', 20.91); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Sweet Potato', 20.75); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Purple Sweet Potato', 26.34); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Cheesecake', 28.99); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Butterscotch Praline', 29.78); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Salted Caramel', 30.32); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Salted Honey', 59.00); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Sugar Cream', 33.89); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Mississippi Mud', 28.67); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Turtle Fudge', 30.58); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Fruit Loops', 20.45); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Black Forest', 34.99); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Maple Cream', 35.88); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Smores', 26.43); INSERT INTO pies VALUES('Milk Bar', 46.00); SELECT * FROM pies;
Now that you have a seed file, you can insert it into a database with a
simple command.
Create a database named "bakery".
The syntax is psql -d [database] < [path_to_file/file.sql]
. The left caret
( <
) takes the standard input from the file on the right (your seed file) and
inputs it into the program on the left ( psql
Open up your terminal, and enter the following command. Make sure to replace
with the actual file path.
psql -d bakery < path_to_my_file/seed-data.sql
In the terminal, you should see a bunch of INSERT
statements and the entire
“pies” table printed out (from the SELECT *
query in the seed file).
You can log into psql and use \dt
to verify that your new table has been
added to the database:
postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner public | breeds | table | appacademy public | pies | table | appacademy public | puppies | table | appacademy
You could also use the “pipe” ( |
) to populate the database with your seed
The syntax is cat [path_to_file/file.sql] | psql -d [database]
. ‘cat’ is a
standard Unix utility that reads files sequentially, writing them to standard
output. The “pipe” ( |
) takes the standard output of the command on the left
and pipes it as standard input to the command on the right.
Try out this method in your terminal. If you have an existing “pies” table,
you’ll need to drop this table before you can add it again:
Then, enter the following. Make sure to replace path_to_my_file
with the
actual file path.
cat path_to_my_file/seed-data.sql | psql -d postgres
Again, you should see a bunch of INSERT
statements and the entire “pies”
table printed out (from the SELECT *
query in the seed file).
You can log into psql and use \dt
to verify that your new table has been
added to the database:
postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner public | friends | table | postgres public | pies | table | postgres public | puppies | table | postgres
In our SQL readings, we installed PostgreSQL, and we learned how to create a new
PostgreSQL database and how to create and run a seed file in our database.
In this project, you'll practice seeding your database with a seed file that's
full of, well, seeds! Hopefully when you're done, you'll have grown your SQL
Practice creating a new database and piping a seed file into your database.
on theFirst, log into psql
on the command line as your user.
Second, create a new database in PostgreSQL called farm
by using the following
CREATE DATABASE [databasename];
Note: You can check to make sure you've created a new database by viewing the
list of databases with \l
Create a seed file full of seeds! Set up a SQL file with seed data that will
produce two tables: an "edible_seeds" with 40 rows and a "flower_seeds" table
with 20 rows.
Edible Seeds
id | name | type | price_per_pound | in_stock |
1 | Chia | Pseudocereal | 6.95 | yes |
2 | Flax | Pseudocereal | 6.90 | yes |
3 | Amaranth | Pseudocereal | 14.99 | yes |
4 | Quinoa | Pseudocereal | 12.49 | no |
5 | Sesame | Pseudocereal | 13.49 | yes |
6 | Hemp | Other | 10.99 | yes |
7 | Chickpea | Legume | 7.99 | yes |
8 | Pea | Legume | 7.50 | no |
9 | Soybean | Legume | 12.99 | yes |
10 | Acorn | Nut | 11.99 | yes |
11 | Almond | Nut | 13.99 | yes |
12 | Beech | Nut | 10.94 | yes |
13 | Chestnut | Nut | 13.99 | yes |
14 | Water Chestnut | Nut | 9.99 | no |
15 | Macadamia | Nut | 25.00 | yes |
16 | Pistachio | Nut | 20.00 | yes |
17 | Pine nuts | Nut-like gymnosperm | 23.00 | yes |
18 | Pecan | Nut | 6.99 | yes |
19 | Juniper berries | Nut-like gymnosperm | 11.99 | yes |
20 | Cashew | Nut | 23.61 | yes |
21 | Hazelnut | Nut | 25.49 | yes |
22 | Sunflower seed | Other | 9.99 | yes |
23 | Poppy seed | Other | 12.99 | yes |
24 | Barley | Cereal | 9.99 | yes |
25 | Maize | Cereal | 6.98 | yes |
26 | Oats | Cereal | 9.99 | yes |
27 | Rice | Cereal | 7.90 | yes |
28 | Rye | Cereal | 9.87 | yes |
29 | Spelt | Cereal | 7.50 | yes |
30 | Wheat berries | Cereal | 2.50 | no |
31 | Buckwheat | Pseudocereal | 5.60 | yes |
32 | Jackfruit | Other | 15.00 | yes |
33 | Durian | Other | 8.26 | no |
34 | Lotus seed | Other | 12.99 | yes |
35 | Ginko | Nut-like gymnosperm | 12.80 | yes |
36 | Peanut | Legume | 5.99 | yes |
37 | Pumpkin seed | Other | 5.99 | yes |
38 | Watermelon seed | Other | 6.99 | yes |
39 | Pomegranate seed | Other | 27.63 | yes |
40 | Cacao bean | Other | 12.99 | yes |
Use the following data types for your "edible_seeds" columns:
Flower Seeds
id | name | main_color | seeds_per_packet | price_per_packet | in_stock |
1 | Begonia Fiona Red | Red | 25 | 4.95 | yes |
2 | Moonflower Seeds | White | 25 | 2.95 | yes |
3 | Easy Wave F1 Lavender Sky Blue Petunia Seeds | Lavender | 10 | 4.25 | yes |
4 | Super Hero Spry Marigold Seeds | Marigold | 50 | 2.95 | no |
5 | Zinnia Zinderella Lilac | Pink | 25 | 3.95 | yes |
6 | Mini Ornamental Mint Seeds | Green | 10 | 3.95 | yes |
7 | Kabloom Light Pink Blast Calibrachoa | Green | 10 | 4.95 | yes |
8 | Calibrachoa Kabloom Coral | Coral | 10 | 4.95 | no |
9 | Fiesta del Sol Mexican Sunflower Seeds | Red | 30 | 3.95 | no |
10 | Cosmos Apricot Lemonade | Yellow | 25 | 3.95 | yes |
11 | Zinderella Purple Zinnia Seeds | Purple | 25 | 3.95 | yes |
12 | Fireball Marigold Seeds | Varies | 25 | 3.95 | yes |
13 | Gerbera Revolution Bicolor Red Lemon | Red | 10 | 8.95 | no |
14 | Paradise Island Calibrachoa Fuseables Seeds | Varies | 5 | 6.95 | yes |
15 | Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower Seeds | Varies | 15 | 7.95 | no |
16 | Leucanthemum Madonna | White | 25 | 4.95 | no |
17 | Zinnia Zinderella Peach | Peach | 25 | 3.95 | yes |
18 | Kabloom Orange Calibrachoa | Orange | 10 | 4.95 | yes |
19 | Fountain Blue Lobelia Seeds | Blue | 100 | 2.50 | yes |
20 | Envy Zinnia Seeds | Green | 50 | 2.95 | yes |
Use the following data types for your "flower_seeds" columns:
Note: Make sure to save your seed file on your machine so that you can pipe it
into your database in the next phase!
After you've saved your seed file, use the caret and pipe methods to seed
your farm
database with the data from the "edible_seeds" table. (Note: Make
sure you've quit psql
first with \q
There are two ways to seed your database:
psql -d [database] -U [username] < [path_to_file/file.sql]
cat [path_to_file/file.sql] | psql -d [database] -U [username]
Try both of these methods.
Access the database by:
psql -d [database] -U [username]
Then drop the tables:
DROP TABLE [table];
Then you can run the seed file again using any of the two above methods.
database (syntax: \c [database]
).SELECT * FROM «table name»;
SELECT * FROM «table name»;
In our SQL readings, we learned how to write basic SQL queries and incorporate
clauses to filter for more specific results. We also learned how to use
operation to get information from multiple tables.
In this project, put your SQL knowledge to the test and show off your querying
We've put together a collection (let's call it a menagerie) of SQL problems
for you to solve below. Solve them all, and you'll be the master of the
Clone the starter repository from
clauses to get more specificJOIN
operation to get data from both seed tables.We've set up a seed file for you to use in this project called
**cities_and_airports.sql** that will create two tables: a "cities" table and
an "airports" table. These tables show the top 25 most populous U.S. cities and
their airports, respectively. Pipe this file into your database, and use these
tables for the rest of the project phases.
Go through the following steps:
.Retrieve rows from a table using SELECT
FROM SQL statements.
Write a SQL query that returns the city, state, and estimated population in
2018 from the "cities" table.
Write a SQL query that returns all of the airport names contained in the
"airports" table.
Select specific rows from a table using WHERE and common operators.
clause to get the estimated populationWHERE
clause to get the city, state, andWHERE
clause to get the cities with anWHERE
clause to get the names of the citiesWHERE
clause to return only the cities in Texas.WHERE
clause to get the city, state, andWHERE
clause with the LIKE
operator to getWHERE
clause to find the cities with eitherWHERE
clause to find the cities with eitherWHERE
clause to find the cities where theRetrieve rows from multiple tables joining on a foreign key.
The "airports" table has a foreign key called city_id
that references
the id
column in the "cities" table.
foreign key.Apostrophe: Write a SQL query to get all three ID codes (the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) ID, the International Air Transport Association
(IATA) ID, and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ID) from
the "airports" table for Chicago O'Hare International Airport. (Note:
You'll need to escape the quotation mark in O'Hare.
See How to include a single quote in a SQL query.)
Formatting Commas: Refactor Phase 2, Query #1 to turn the INT for
estimated population in 2018 into a character string with commas.
(Note: See Data Type Formatting Functions)
Decimals and Rounding: Refactor Phase 3, Query #5 to turn number of
millions from an integer into a decimal rounded to a precision of two decimal
places. (Note: See Numeric Types and the ROUND function.)
clause to return only the cities in Texas.ORDER BY and LIMIT Clauses: Refactor Phase 3, Query #10 to return only
one city with the biggest population increase from 2010 to 2018. Show the
city name, the estimated population in 2018, and the census population in
2010 for that city. (_Note: You'll do the same calculation as before, but
instead of comparing it to 200,000, use the ORDER BY Clause with the
LIMIT Clause to sort the results and grab only the top result.)
clause to findSchemas allow use to easily visualize database tables and their relationships to
one another, so that we can identify areas that need clarity, refinement, or
In this reading, we’re going to cover the stages of relational database design
and how to create schema that depicts database table relationships.
According to Technopedia, Relational Database Design (or RDD) differs from
other databases in terms of data organization and transactions: “In an RDD, the
data are organized into tables and all types of data access are carried out via
controlled transactions.”
In previous readings, we created relational database tables and accessed data
from these tables through PostgreSQL queries. These tables (a.k.a. entities)
contain rows (a.k.a. records) and columns (a.k.a. fields). We also learned
how to uniquely identify table records by adding a PRIMARY KEY
and how to
create a table association by adding a FOREIGN KEY
A relational database usually contains multiple tables. It’s useful to create
schema to help us visualize these tables, keep track of primary keys and foreign
keys, and create relationships among tables. This is a key part of the RDD
process defined below.
There are four generally-agreed-upon stages of Relational Database Design:
The first stage is identifying the purpose of the database (Why is the database
being created? What problem is it solving? What is the data used for?), as well
as identifying the main entities, or tables, that need to be created. It also
typically involves identifying the table’s attributes (i.e. columns and
For example, if we were creating a database for order processing on an
e-commerce application, we would need a database with at least three tables: a
table, an orders
tables, and a users
(i.e. customers) table. We
know that a product will probably have an ID, name, and price, and an order will
contain one or more product IDs. We also know that users can create multiple
The second stage is to identify the primary key (PK) of each table. As we
previously learned, a table’s primary key contains a unique value, or values,
that identify each distinct record. For our above example of online orders, we
would probably create IDs to serve as the primary key for each table: a product
ID, an order ID, and a user ID.
The third stage is to establish the relationships among the tables in the
database. There are three types of relational database table relationships:
One-to-one relationship
In a one-to-one relationship, one record in a table is associated with only one
record in another table. We could say that only one record in Table B belongs to
only one record in Table A.
A one-to-one relationship is the least common type of table relationship. While
the two tables above could be combined into a single table, we may want to keep
some less-used data separate from the main products
The above schema depicts two tables: a “products” table and a “product_details”
table. A product_details
record belongs to only one product record. We've used
an arrow to indicate the one-to-one relationship between the tables. Both tables
have the same primary key -- product_id
-- which we can use in a JOIN
operation to get data from both tables.
This table relationship would produce the following example data (note that not
all columns are shown below):
id | name |
1597 | Glass Coffee Mug |
1598 | Metallic Coffee Mug |
1599 | Smart Coffee Mug |
Product Details
id | product_id | full_description |
1 | 1597 | Sturdy tempered glass coffee mug with natural cork band and silicone lid. Barista standard - fits under commercial coffee machine heads and most cup-holders. |
2 | 1598 | Fun coffee mug that comes in various metallic colors. Sleek, stylish, and easy to wash. Makes a great addition to your kitchen. Take it on the go by attaching the secure lid. |
3 | 1599 | This smart mug goes beyond being a simple coffee receptacle. Its smart features let you set and maintain an exact drinking temperature for up to 1.5 hours, so your coffee is never too hot or too cold. |
Take a moment to analyze the data above. Using the foreign keys, you should be
able to reason out that the "Metallic Coffee Mug" is a "Fun coffee mug that
comes in various metallic colors."
One-to-many relationship
In a one-to-many relationship, each record in Table A is associated with
multiple records in Table B. Each record in Table B is associated with only one
record in Table A.
The above schema depicts a one-to-many relationship between the “users” table
and the orders
table: One user can create multiple orders. The primary key of
the “orders” table ( id
) is a foreign key in the “users” table ( order_id
). We
can use this foreign key in a JOIN
operation to get data from both tables.
This table relationship would produce the following example data (note that not
all columns are shown below):
id | name |
1 | Alice |
2 | Bob |
id | purchaser_id |
10 | 1 |
11 | 1 |
12 | 2 |
Take a moment to analyze the data above. Using the foreign keys, you should be
able to reason out that "Alice" has made two orders and "Bob" has made one
Many-to-many relationship
In a many-to-many relationship, multiple records in Table A are associated with
multiple records in Table B. You would normally create a third table for this
relationship called a join table, which contains the primary keys from
both tables.
The above schema depicts a many-to-many relationship between the products
table and the orders
table. A single order can have multiple products, and a
single product can belong to multiple orders. We created a third join table
called order_details
, which contains both the order_id
and product_id
fields as foreign keys.
This table relationship would produce the following example data(note that not
all columns are shown below):
id | name |
1597 | Glass Coffee Mug |
1598 | Metallic Coffee Mug |
1599 | Smart Coffee Mug |
id | name |
1 | Alice |
2 | Bob |
id | purchaser_id |
10 | 1 |
11 | 1 |
12 | 2 |
Order Details
id | order_id | product_id |
1 | 10 | 1599 |
2 | 11 | 1597 |
3 | 11 | 1598 |
4 | 12 | 1597 |
5 | 12 | 1598 |
6 | 12 | 1599 |
Take a moment to analyze the data above. Using the foreign keys, you should be
able to reason out that "Alice" has two orders. One order containing a "Smart
Coffee Mug" and another order containing both a "Glass Coffee Mug" and "Metallic
Coffee Mug".
The fourth stage in RDD is normalization. Normalization is the process of
optimizing the database structure so that redundancy and confusion are
The rules of normalization are called “normal forms” and are as follows:
The first three forms are widely used in practice, while the fourth and fifth
are less often used.
First normal form rules:
Second normal form rules:
Third normal form rules:
Note: For examples of how to apply these forms, read “Description of the
database normalization basics” from Microsoft.
Many people draw their relational database design schema with good ol’ pen and
paper, or on a whiteboard. However, there are also lots of online tools created
for this purpose if you’d like to use something easily exportable/shareable.
Feel free to check out the ERD (short for “Entity Relationship Diagram”) tools
Free Database Diagram (ERD) Design Tools:
Transactions allow us to make changes to a SQL database in a consistent and
durable way, and it’s a best practice to use them regularly.
In this reading, we’ll cover what a transaction is and why we want to use it, as
well as how to write explicit transactions.
A transaction is a single unit of work, which can contain multiple operations,
performed on a database. According to the PostgreSQL docs, the important
thing to note about a transaction is that “it bundles multiple steps into a
single, all-or-nothing operation”. If any operation within the transaction
fails, then the entire transaction fails. If all the operations succeed, then
the entire transaction succeeds.
Every SQL statement is effectively a transaction. When you insert a new table
row into a database table, for example, you are creating a transaction. The
following INSERT
statement is a transaction:
INSERT INTO hobbits(name,purpose) VALUES('Frodo','Destroy the One Ring of power.');
The above code is known as an implicit transaction. With an implicit
transaction, changes to the database happen immediately, and we have no way to
undo or roll back these changes. We can only make subsequent changes/
An explicit transaction, however, allows us to create save points and roll
back to whatever point in time we choose. An explicit transaction begins with
the command BEGIN
, followed by the SQL statement, and then ends with either a
-- Initiates a transaction block. All statements after a BEGIN command will be
executed in a single transaction until an explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK is given.
Starting a transaction:
BEGIN; INSERT INTO hobbits(name,purpose) VALUES('Frodo','Destroy the One Ring of power.');
-- Commits the current transaction. All changes made by the transaction become
visible to others and are guaranteed to be durable if a crash occurs.
Committing a transaction:
BEGIN; INSERT INTO hobbits(name,purpose) VALUES('Frodo','Destroy the One Ring of power.'); COMMIT;
-- Rolls back the current transaction and causes all the updates made by the
transaction to be discarded. Can only undo transactions since the last COMMIT or
ROLLBACK command was issued.
Rolling back a transaction (i.e. abort all changes):
BEGIN; INSERT INTO hobbits(name,purpose) VALUES('Frodo','Destroy the One Ring of power.'); ROLLBACK;
-- Establishes a new save point within the current transaction. Allows all
commands executed after the save point to be rolled back, restoring the
transaction state to what it was at the time of the save point.
Syntax to create save point: SAVEPOINT savepoint_name;
Syntax to delete a save point: RELEASE SAVEPOINT savepoint_name;
Let’s say we had the following table called fellowship
name | age |
Frodo | 50 |
Samwise | 38 |
Merry | 36 |
Pippin | 28 |
Aragorn | 87 |
Boromir | 40 |
Legolas | 2000 |
Gandalf | 2000 |
We'll create a transaction on this table containing a few operations. Inside
the transaction, we’ll establish a save point that we’ll roll back to before
BEGIN; DELETE FROM fellowship WHERE age > 100; SAVEPOINT first_savepoint; DELETE FROM fellowship WHERE age > 80; DELETE FROM fellowship WHERE age >= 40; ROLLBACK TO first_savepoint; COMMIT;
Once our transaction is committed, our table would look like this:
name | age |
Frodo | 50 |
Samwise | 38 |
Merry | 36 |
Pippin | 28 |
Aragorn | 87 |
Boromir | 40 |
We can see that the deletion that happened just prior to the savepoint creation
was preserved.
-- Sets the characteristics of the current transaction. (_Note: To set
characteristics for subsequent transactions in a session, use SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS
.) The available transaction characteristics are the
transaction isolation level, the transaction access mode (read/write or
read-only), and the deferrable mode. (Read more about these characteristics
in the PostgreSQL docs.)
Example of setting transaction characteristics:
It is generally a good idea to use explicit SQL transactions when making any
updates, insertions, or deletions, to a database. However, you generally
wouldn’t write an explicit transaction for a simple SELECT
Transactions help you deal with crashes, failures, data consistency, and error
handling. The ability to create savepoints and roll back to earlier points is
tremendously helpful when doing multiple updates and helps maintain data
Another benefit of transactions is the atomic, or “all-or-nothing”, nature
of their operations. Because all of the operations in a transaction must succeed
or else be aborted, partial or incomplete updates to the database will not be
made. End-users will see only the final result of the transaction.
A SQL transaction has four properties known collectively as “ACID” -- which is an acronym for Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable. The following descriptions come from the IBM doc “ACID properties of transactions”:
-- All changes to data are performed as if they are a single operation. That is, all the changes are performed, or none of them are.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another,
the atomicity property ensures that, if a debit is made successfully from one
account, the corresponding credit is made to the other account.
-- Data is in a consistent state when a transaction starts and when it ends.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another,
the consistency property ensures that the total value of funds in both the
accounts is the same at the start and end of each transaction.
-- The intermediate state of a transaction is invisible to other transactions.
As a result, transactions that run concurrently appear to be serialized.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another,
the isolation property ensures that another transaction sees the transferred
funds in one account or the other, but not in both, nor in neither.
-- After a transaction successfully completes, changes to data persist and are
not undone, even in the event of a system failure.
For example, in an application that transfers funds from one account to another,
the durability property ensures that the changes made to each account will not
be reversed.
Let’s look at an example from the PostgreSQL Transactions doc that
demonstrates the ACID properties of a transaction. We have a bank database that
contains customer account balances, as well as total deposit balances for
branches. We want to record a payment of $100.00 from Alice's account to Bob's
account, as well as update the total branch balances. The transaction would
look like the code below.
BEGIN; UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100.00 WHERE name = 'Alice'; UPDATE branches SET balance = balance - 100.00 WHERE name = (SELECT branch_name FROM accounts WHERE name = 'Alice'); UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 100.00 WHERE name = 'Bob'; UPDATE branches SET balance = balance + 100.00 WHERE name = (SELECT branch_name FROM accounts WHERE name = 'Bob'); COMMIT;
There are several updates happening above. The bank wants to make sure that all
of the updates happen or none happen, in order to ensure that funds are
transferred from the proper account (i.e. Alice’s account) to the proper
recipient’s account (i.e. Bob’s account). If any of the updates fails, none of
them will take effect. That is, if something goes wrong either with withdrawing
funds from Alice’s account or transferring the funds into Bob’s account, then
the entire transaction will be aborted and no changes will occur. This prevents
Alice or Bob from seeing a transaction in their account summaries that isn’t
supposed to be there.
There are many other scenarios where we would want to use an atomic operation to
ensure a successful end result. Transactions are ideal for such scenarios, and
we should use them whenever they’re applicable.
To select, or not to select? That is the query. We’ve barely scratched the
surface of SQL queries. Previously, we went over how to write simple SQL
queries using the SELECT
statement, and we learned how to incorporate a WHERE
clause into our queries.
There’s a lot more we could add to our queries to get more refined results. In
this reading, we’ll go over joins and subqueries and talk about when we would
use one over the other.
We briefly looked at the JOIN
operation after we created foreign keys in a
previous reading. The JOIN operation allows us to retrieve rows from
multiple tables.
To review, we had two tables: a "breeds" table and a "puppies" table. The two
tables shared information through a foreign key. The foreign key breed_id
lives on the "puppies" table and is related to the primary key id
of the
"breeds" table.
We wrote the following INNER JOIN
operation to get only the rows from the
“puppies” table with a matching breed_id
in the “friends” table:
SELECT * FROM puppies INNER JOIN breeds ON (puppies.breed_id =;
INNER JOIN can be represented as a Venn Diagram, which produces rows from
Table A that match some information in Table B.
We got the following table rows back from our INNER JOIN
on the "puppies"
table. These rows represent the center overlapping area of the two circles. We
can see that the data from "puppies" appears first, followed by the joined data
from the "friends" table.
id | name | age_yrs | breed_id | weight_lbs | microchipped | id | name ----+----------+---------+----------+------------+--------------+----+--------------------- 1 | Cooper | 1.0 | 8 | 18 | t | 8 | Miniature Schnauzer 2 | Indie | 0.5 | 9 | 13 | t | 9 | Yorkshire Terrier 3 | Kota | 0.7 | 1 | 26 | f | 1 | Australian Shepherd 4 | Zoe | 0.8 | 6 | 32 | t | 6 | Korean Jindo 5 | Charley | 1.5 | 2 | 25 | f | 2 | Basset Hound 6 | Ladybird | 0.6 | 7 | 20 | t | 7 | Labradoodle 7 | Callie | 0.9 | 4 | 16 | f | 4 | Corgi 8 | Jaxson | 0.4 | 3 | 19 | t | 3 | Beagle 9 | Leinni | 1.0 | 8 | 25 | t | 8 | Miniature Schnauzer 10 | Max | 1.6 | 5 | 65 | f | 5 | German Shepherd
There are different types of JOIN
operations. The ones you'll use most often are:
(See this tutorial doc on PostgreSQL Joins for more information on the
different JOIN
A subquery is essentially a SELECT
statement nested inside another SELECT
statement. A subquery can return a single (“scalar”) value or multiple rows.
Let’s see an example of how to use a subquery to return a single value. Take
the "puppies" table from before. We had a column called age_yrs
in that table
(see below).
postgres=# SELECT * FROM puppies; id | name | age_yrs | breed_id | weight_lbs | microchipped ----+----------+---------+----------+------------+-------------- 1 | Cooper | 1.0 | 8 | 18 | t 2 | Indie | 0.5 | 9 | 13 | t 3 | Kota | 0.7 | 1 | 26 | f 4 | Zoe | 0.8 | 6 | 32 | t 5 | Charley | 1.5 | 2 | 25 | f 6 | Ladybird | 0.6 | 7 | 20 | t 7 | Callie | 0.9 | 4 | 16 | f 8 | Jaxson | 0.4 | 3 | 19 | t 9 | Leinni | 1.0 | 8 | 25 | t 10 | Max | 1.6 | 5 | 65 | f (10 rows)
We’ll use the PostgreSQL aggregate function AVG
to get an average puppy
SELECT AVG (age_yrs) FROM puppies;
Assuming our previous “puppies” table still exists in our database, if we
entered the above statement into psql we’d get an average age of 0.9.
(Note: Try it out yourself in psql! Refer to the reading "Retrieving Rows From
A Table Using SELECT" if you need help remembering how we set up the “puppies”
Let's say that we wanted to find all of the puppies that are older than the
average age of 0.9. We could write the following query:
SELECT name, age_yrs, breed FROM puppies WHERE age_yrs > 0.9;
In the above query, we compared age_yrs
to an actual number (0.9). However, as
more puppies get added to our table, the average age could change at any time.
To make our statement more dynamic, we can plug in the query we wrote to find
the average age into another statement as a subquery (surrounded by
SELECT, age_yrs, FROM puppies INNER JOIN breeds ON ( = puppies.breed_id) WHERE age_yrs > ( SELECT AVG (age_yrs) FROM puppies );
We should get the following table rows, which include only the puppies older
than 9 months:
name | age_yrs | breed ---------+---------+--------------------- Cooper | 1.0 | Miniature Schnauzer Charley | 1.5 | Basset Hound Leinni | 1.0 | Miniature Schnauzer Max | 1.6 | German Shepherd
We could also write a subquery that returns multiple rows.
In the reading "Creating A Table In An Existing PostgreSQL Database", we
created a “friends” table. In "Foreign Keys And The JOIN Operation", we set up a
primary key in the “puppies” table that is a foreign key in the “friends” table
-- puppy_id
. We’ll use this ID in our subquery and outer query.
"friends" table
id | first_name | last_name | puppy_id ----+------------+-----------+---------- 1 | Amy | Pond | 4 2 | Rose | Tyler | 5 3 | Martha | Jones | 6 4 | Donna | Noble | 7 5 | River | Song | 8
Let’s say we wanted to find all the puppies that are younger than 6 months old.
SELECT puppy_id FROM puppies WHERE age_yrs < 0.6;
This would return two rows:
puppy_id ---------- 2 8 (2 rows)
Now we want to use the above statement as a subquery (inside parentheses) in
another query. You’ll notice we’re using a WHERE
clause with the IN
operator to check if the puppy_id
from the “friends” table meets the
conditions in the subquery.
SELECT * FROM friends WHERE puppy_id IN ( SELECT puppy_id FROM puppies WHERE age_yrs < 0.6 );
We should get just one row back. River Song has a puppy younger than 6 months
id | first_name | last_name | puppy_id ----+------------+-----------+---------- 5 | River | Song | 8 (1 row)
We can use either a JOIN
operation or a subquery to filter for the same
information. Both methods can be used to get info from multiple tables. Take the query/subquery from above:
SELECT * FROM friends WHERE puppy_id IN ( SELECT puppy_id FROM puppies WHERE age_yrs < 0.6 );
Which produced the following result:
id | first_name | last_name | puppy_id ----+------------+-----------+---------- 5 | River | Song | 8 (1 row)
Instead of using a WHERE
clause with a subquery, we could use a JOIN
SELECT * FROM friends INNER JOIN puppies ON (puppies.puppy_id = friends.puppy_id) WHERE puppies.age_yrs < 0.6;
Again, we’d get back one result, but because we used an INNER JOIN
we have
information from both the “puppies” and “friends” tables.
id | first_name | last_name | puppy_id | name | age_yrs | breed | weight_lbs | microchipped | puppy_id ----+------------+-----------+----------+--------+---------+--------+------------+--------------+---------- 5 | River | Song | 8 | Jaxson | 0.4 | Beagle | 19 | t | 8 (1 row)
As stated earlier, we could use either a JOIN operation or a subquery to filter
for table rows. However, you might want to think about whether using a JOIN or a
subquery is more appropriate for retrieving data.
A JOIN operation is ideal when you want to combine rows from one or more tables
based on a match condition. Subqueries work great when you’re returning a single
value. When you’re returning multiple rows, you could opt for a subquery or a
Executing a query using a JOIN could potentially be faster than executing a
subquery that would return the same data. (A subquery will execute once for each
row returned in the outer query, whereas the INNER JOIN
only has to make one
pass through the data.) However, this isn’t always the case. Performance
depends on the size of your data, what you’re filtering for, and how the server
optimizes the query. With smaller datasets, the difference in performance of a
JOIN and subquery is imperceptible. However, there are use cases where a
subquery would improve performance.
(See this article for more info: When is a SQL Subquery 260x Faster than a
Left Join?)
We can use the the EXPLAIN statement to see runtime statistics of our
queries that help with debugging slow queries. (We'll get into this more later!)
PostgreSQL indexes can help us optimize our queries for faster performance. In
this reading, we'll learn how to create an index, when to use an index, and when
to avoid using them.
A PostgreSQL index works like an index in the back of a book. It points to
information contained elsewhere and can be a faster method of looking up the
information we want.
A book index contains a list of references with page numbers. Instead of having
to scan all the pages of the book to find the places where specific information
appears, a reader can simply check the index. In similar fashion, PostgreSQL
indexes, which are special lookup tables, let us make faster database queries.
Let’s say we had the following table:
addresses |
address_id |
address |
address2 |
city_id |
postal_code |
phone_number |
And we made a query to the database like the following:
SELECT * FROM addresses WHERE phone_number = '5556667777';
The above query would scan every row of the "addresses" table to find matching
rows based on the given phone number. If "addresses" is a large table (let's say
with millions of entries), and we only expect to get a small number of results
back (one row, or a few rows), then such a query would be an inefficient way to
retrieve data. Instead of scanning every row, we could create an index for the
phone column for faster data retrieval.
To create a PostgreSQL index, use the following syntax:
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name);
We can create a phone number index for the above "addresses" table with the
CREATE INDEX addresses_phone_index ON addresses (phone_number);
You can delete an index using the DROP INDEX
DROP INDEX addresses_phone_index;
After an index has been created, the system will take care of the rest -- it
will update an index when the table is modified and use the index in queries
when it improves performance over a full table scan.
PostgreSQL provides several index types: B-tree, Hash, GiST and GIN. The CREATE
INDEX command creates B-tree indexes by default, which fit the most common
situations. While it's good to know other index types exist, you'll probably
find yourself using the default B-tree most often.
Single-Column Indexes
Uses only one table column.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name);
Addresses Example:
CREATE INDEX addresses_phone_index ON addresses (phone_number);
Multiple-Column Indexes
Uses more than one table column.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (col1_name, col2_name);
Addresses Example:
CREATE INDEX idx_addresses_city_post_code ON table_name (city_id, postal_code);
Partial Indexes
Uses subset of a table defined by a conditional expression.
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name WHERE (conditional_expression);
Addresses Example:
CREATE INDEX addresses_phone_index ON addresses (phone_number) WHERE (city_id = 2);
Note: Check out Chapter 11 on Indexes in the PostgreSQL docs for more
about types of indexes.
Indexes are intended to enhance database performance and are generally thought
to be a faster data retrieval method than a sequential (or row-by-row) table
scan. However, there are instances where using an index would not improve
efficiency, such as the following:
An important thing to note about indexes is that, while they can optimize READ
(i.e. table query) speed, they can also hamper WRITE (i.e. table
updates/insertions) speed. The latter's performance is affected due to the
system having to spend time updating indexes whenever a change or insertion is
made to the table.
The system optimizes database performance and decides whether to use an
index in a query or to perform a sequential table scan, but we can analyze query
performance ourselves to debug slow queries using EXPLAIN
Here is an example of using EXPLAIN
from the PostgreSQL docs:
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tenk1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on tenk1 (cost=0.00..458.00 rows=10000 width=244)
In the QUERY PLAN above, we can see that a sequential table scan ( Seq Scan
was performed on the table called "tenk1". In parentheses, we see performance
It's important to note that, although we might mistake the number next to cost
for milliseconds, cost
is not measured in any particular unit and is
an arbitrary measurement relatively based on other query costs.
If we use the ANALYZE
keyword after EXPLAIN
statement, we can
get more information about query performance:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM tenk1 t1, tenk2 t2 WHERE t1.unique1 < 100 AND t1.unique2 = t2.unique2; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nested Loop (cost=2.37..553.11 rows=106 width=488) (actual time=1.392..12.700 rows=100 loops=1) -> Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 t1 (cost=2.37..232.35 rows=106 width=244) (actual time=0.878..2.367 rows=100 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (unique1 < 100) -> Bitmap Index Scan on tenk1_unique1 (cost=0.00..2.37 rows=106 width=0) (actual time=0.546..0.546 rows=100 loops=1) Index Cond: (unique1 < 100) -> Index Scan using tenk2_unique2 on tenk2 t2 (cost=0.00..3.01 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.067..0.078 rows=1 loops=100) Index Cond: (unique2 = t1.unique2) Total runtime: 14.452 ms
We can see in the QUERY PLAN above that there are other types of scans
happening: Bitmap Heap Scan, Bitmap Index Scan, and Index Scan. We know that an
index has been created, and the system is using it to scan for results instead
of performing a sequential scan. At the bottom, we also have a total runtime of
14.42 ms, which is pretty fast.
to analyze query performanceThe library node-postgres is, not too surprisingly, the library that Node.js
applications use to connect to a database managed by a PostgreSQL RDBMS. The
applications that you deal with will use this library to make connections to the
database and get rows returned from your SQL SELECT
The node-postgres library provides two ways to connect to it. You can use a
single Client
object, or you can use a Pool
of Client
objects. Normally,
you want to use a Pool
because creating and opening single connections to any
database server is a "costly" operation in terms of CPU and network resources.
A Pool
creates a group of those Client
connections and lets your code use
them whenever it needs to.
To use a Pool
, you specify any specific portions of the following connection
parameters that you need. The default values for each parameter is listed with
each parameter.
Connection parameter | What it indicates | Default value |
user | The name of the user you want to connect as | The user name that runs the application |
password | The password to use | The password set in your configuration |
database | The name of the database to connect to | The user's database |
port | The port over which to connect | 5432 |
host | The name of the server to connect to | localhost |
Normally, you will only override the user and password fields, and sometimes the
database if it doesn't match the user's name. You do that by instantiating a
new Pool
object and passing in an object with those key/value pairs.
const { Pool } = require('pg'); const pool = new Pool({ user: 'application_user', password: 'iy7qTEcZ', });
Once you have an instance of the Pool
class, you can use the query
method on
it to run queries. (The query
method returns a Promise, so it's nice to just
use await
for it to finish.)
const results = await pool.query(` SELECT id, name, age_yrs FROM puppies; `); console.log(results);
When this runs, you will get an object that contains a property named "rows".
The value of "rows" will be an array of the rows that match the statement.
Here's an example output from the code above.
[ { id: 1, name: 'Cooper', age_yrs: '1.0' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Indie', age_yrs: '0.5' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Kota', age_yrs: '0.7' },
{ id: 4, name: 'Zoe', age_yrs: '0.8' },
{ id: 5, name: 'Charley', age_yrs: '1.5' },
{ id: 6, name: 'Ladybird', age_yrs: '0.6' },
{ id: 7, name: 'Callie', age_yrs: '0.9' },
{ id: 8, name: 'Jaxson', age_yrs: '0.4' },
{ id: 9, name: 'Leinni', age_yrs: '1.0' },
{ id: 10, name: 'Max', age_yrs: '1.6' } ],
You can see that the "rows" property contains an array of objects. Each object
represents a row in the "puppies" table that matches the query. Each object has
a property named after the column selected in the SELECT
statement. The query
read SELECT id, name, age_yrs
and each object has an "id", "name", and an
"age_yrs" property.
You can then use that array to loop over and do things with it. For example,
you could print them to the console like this:
for (let row of results.rows) { console.log(`${}: ${} is ${row.age_yrs} old</li>`); }
Which would show
1. Cooper is 1.0 years old
2. Indie is 0.5 years old
3. Kots is 0.7 years old
Prepared statements are SQL statements that have parameters in them that you can
use to substitute values. The parameters are normally part of the WHERE
in all statements. You will also use then in the SET
portion of UPDATE
statements and the VALUES
portion of INSERT
For example, say your application collected the information to create a new row
in the puppy table by asking for the puppy's name, age, breed, weight, and if
it was microchipped. You'd have those values stored in variables somewhere.
You'd want to create an INSERT
statement that inserts the data from those
variables into a SQL statement that the RDBMS could then execute to insert a
new row.
Think about what a generic INSERT
statement would look like. It would have to
have the
INSERT INTO puppies (name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped)
portion of the statement. The part that would change with each time you inserted
would be the specific values that would go into the VALUES
section of the
statement. With prepared statements, you use positional parameters
to act as placeholders for the actual values that you will provide the query.
For example, the generic INSERT
statement from above would look like this.
INSERT INTO puppies (name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
Each of the "1" placeholder is, which is the value for the "name" of the
puppy. The "$2" corresponds to the "age_yrs" column, so it should contain the
age of the puppy. This continues for the third, fourth, and fifth parameters,
as well.
Assume that in your code, you have the variables name
, age
, breedName
, and isMicrochipped
containing the values that the user provided for
the new puppy. Then, your use of the query
method will now include another
argument, the values that you want to pass in inside an array.
await pool.query(` INSERT INTO puppies (name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); `, [name, age, breedName, weight, isMicrochipped]);
You can see that the variable name
is in the first position of the array, so
it will be substituted into the placeholder "2"
The full documentation for how to use queries with node-postgres can be
found on the Queries documentation page on their Web site.
Make sure you have a database with a table that has data in it. If you don't,
create a new database and run the following SQL.
CREATE TABLE puppies ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, age_yrs NUMERIC(3,1) NOT NULL, breed VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, weight_lbs INTEGER NOT NULL, microchipped BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); insert into puppies(name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped) values ('Cooper', 1, 'Miniature Schnauzer', 18, 'yes'), ('Indie', 0.5, 'Yorkshire Terrier', 13, 'yes'), ('Kota', 0.7, 'Australian Shepherd', 26, 'no'), ('Zoe', 0.8, 'Korean Jindo', 32, 'yes'), ('Charley', 1.5, 'Basset Hound', 25, 'no'), ('Ladybird', 0.6, 'Labradoodle', 20, 'yes'), ('Callie', 0.9, 'Corgi', 16, 'no'), ('Jaxson', 0.4, 'Beagle', 19, 'yes'), ('Leinni', 1, 'Miniature Schnauzer', 25, 'yes' ), ('Max', 1.6, 'German Shepherd', 65, 'no');
Now that you have ten rows in the "puppies" table of a database, you can create
a simple Node.js project to access it.
Create a new directory somewhere that's not part of an existing project. Run
npm init -y
to initialize the package.json file. Then, run npm install pg
to install the library from this section. (Why is the name of the library
"node-postgres" but you install "pg"? Dunno.) Finally, open Visual Studio Code
for the current directory with code .
Create a new file named sql-test.js.
The first thing you need to do is import the Pool
class from the
node-postgres library. The name of the library in the node_modules
directory is "pg". That line of code looks like this and can be found all over the
node-postgres documentation.
const { Pool } = require('pg');
Now, write some SQL that will select all of the records from the "puppies"
table. (This is assuming you want to select puppies. If you're using a different
table with different data, write the appropriate SQL here.)
const { Pool } = require('pg'); const allPuppies = ` SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies; `;
You will now use that with a new Pool
object. You will need to know the name
of the database that the "puppies" table is in (or whatever database you want
to connect to).
const { Pool } = require('pg'); const allPuppies = ` SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies; `; const pool = new Pool({ database: '«database name»' });
Of course, replace "«database name»" with the name of your database. Otherwise,
when you run it, you will see this error message.
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: database "«database name»" does not exist
This will, by default, connect to "localhost" on port "5432" with your user
credentials because you did not specify any other parameters.
Once you have the pool, you can execute the query that you have in allPuppies
Remember that the query
method returns a Promise. This code wraps the call to
in an async function
so that it can use the await
keyword for
simplicity's sake. Then, it prints out the rows that it fetched to the console.
Finally, it calls end
on the connection pool object to tell node-postgres
to close all the connections and quit. Otherwise, your application will just
hang and you'll have to close it with Control+C.
const { Pool } = require('pg'); const allPuppiesSql = ` SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies; `; const pool = new Pool({ database: '«database name»' }); async function selectAllPuppies() { const results = await pool.query(allPuppiesSql); console.log(results.rows); pool.end(); } selectAllPuppies();
When you run this with node sql-test.js
, you should see some output like this
although likely in a nicer format.
[ { id: 1, name: 'Cooper', age_yrs: '1.0', breed: 'Miniature Schnauzer', weight_lbs: 18, microchipped: true },
{ id: 2, name: 'Indie', age_yrs: '0.5', breed: 'Yorkshire Terrier', weight_lbs: 13, microchipped: true },
{ id: 3, name: 'Kota', age_yrs: '0.7', breed: 'Australian Shepherd', weight_lbs: 26, microchipped: false },
{ id: 4, name: 'Zoe', age_yrs: '0.8', breed: 'Korean Jindo', weight_lbs: 32, microchipped: true },
{ id: 5, name: 'Charley', age_yrs: '1.5', breed: 'Basset Hound', weight_lbs: 25, microchipped: false },
{ id: 6, name: 'Ladybird', age_yrs: '0.6', breed: 'Labradoodle', weight_lbs: 20, microchipped: true },
{ id: 7, name: 'Callie', age_yrs: '0.9', breed: 'Corgi', weight_lbs: 16, microchipped: false },
{ id: 8, name: 'Jaxson', age_yrs: '0.4', breed: 'Beagle', weight_lbs: 19, microchipped: true },
{ id: 9, name: 'Leinni', age_yrs: '1.0', breed: 'Miniature Schnauzer', weight_lbs: 25, microchipped: true },
{ id: 10, name: 'Max', age_yrs: '1.6', breed: 'German Shepherd', weight_lbs: 65, microchipped: false } ]
Now, try one of those parameterized queries. Comment out the selectAllPuppies
function and invocation.
// async function selectAllPuppies() { // const results = await pool.query(allPuppiesSql); // console.log(results.rows); // pool.end(); // } // selectAllPuppies();
Add the following content to the bottom of the file.
// Define the parameterized query where it will select a puppy // based on an id const singlePuppySql = ` SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies WHERE ID = $1; `; // Run the parameterized SQL by passing in an array that contains // the puppyId to the query method. Then, print the results and // end the pool. async function selectOnePuppy(puppyId) { const results = await pool.query(singlePuppySql, [puppyId]); console.log(results.rows); pool.end(); } // Get the id from the command line and store it // in the variable "id". Pass that value to the // selectOnePuppy function. const id = Number.parseInt(process.argv[2]); selectOnePuppy(id);
Now, when you run the program, include a number after the command. For example,
if you run node sql-test.js 1
, it will print out
[ { id: 1,
name: 'Cooper',
age_yrs: '1.0',
breed: 'Miniature Schnauzer',
weight_lbs: 18,
microchipped: true } ]
If you run node sql-test.js 4
, it will print out
[ { id: 4,
name: 'Zoe',
age_yrs: '0.8',
breed: 'Korean Jindo',
weight_lbs: 32,
microchipped: true } ]
That's because the number that you type on the command line is being substituted
in for the "$1" in the parameterized query. That means, when you pass in "4",
It's like the RDMBS takes the parameterized query
SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies WHERE ID = $1;
and your value "4"
and mushes them together to make
SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies WHERE ID = 4; -- Value substituted here by PostgreSQL.
That happens because when you run the query, you call the query
method like
await pool.query(singlePuppySql, [puppyId]);
which passes along the sql stored in singlePuppySql
and the value stored in
(as the first parameter) to PostgreSQL.
What do you think will happen if you change singlePuppySql
to have two
parameters instead of one, but only pass in one parameter through the query
const singlePuppySql = ` SELECT id, name, age_yrs, breed, weight_lbs, microchipped FROM puppies WHERE ID = $1 AND age_yrs > $2; `;
PostgreSQL is smart enough to see that you've only provided one parameter value
but it needs two positional parameters. It gives you the error message
error: bind message supplies 1 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 2
In this error message, the term "bind message" is the kind of message that the
method sends to PostgreSQL when you provide parameters to it.
Change the query back to how it was. Now, add an extra parameter to the
invocation of the query
method. What do you think will
await pool.query(singlePuppySql, [puppyId, 'extra parameter']);
Again, PostgreSQL gives you an error message about a mismatch in the number of
placeholders in the SQL and the number of values you passed to it.
error: bind message supplies 2 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 1
Here, you've seen how to connect to a PostgreSQL database using the
node-postgres library named "pg". You saw how to run simple SQL statements
against it and handle the results. You also saw how to create parameterized
queries so that you can pass in values to be substituted.
If you are using the node-postgres library and running your own handcrafted
SQL, you will most often use parameterized queries. It's good to get familiar
with them.
In this project, you will build the Data Access Layer to power a Web
application. This means that you will provide all of the SQL that it takes to
get data into and from the database. You will do this in SQL files that the
application will load and read.
Note: This is not a good way to create a database-backed application. This
project is structured this way so that it isolates the activity of SQL writing.
Do not use this project as a template for your future projects.
What goes into a recipe box? Why, recipes, of course! Here's an example recipe
You can see that a recipe is made up of three basic parts:
You're going to add a little more to that, too. It will also have
These are good pieces of data to have so that you can show them "most recent"
for example.
Ingredients themselves are complex data types and need their own structure. They
"belong" to a recipe. That means they'll need to reference that recipe. That
means an ingredient is made up of:
That unit of measure is a good candidate for normalization, don't you think?
It's a predefined list of options that should not change and that you don't want
people just typing whatever they want in there, not if you want to maintain
data integrity. Otherwise, you'll end up with "C", "c", "cup", "CUP", "Cup", and
all the other permutations, each of which is a distinct value but means the same
Instructions are also complex objects, but not by looking at them. Initially,
one might only see text that comprises an instruction. But, very importantly,
instructions have order. They also belong to the recipe. With that in mind,
an instruction is made up of:
That is enough to make a good model for the recipe box.
npm install
to install the packagesnpm start
to start the server on port 3000You'll do all of your work in the data-access-layer directory. In there, you
will find a series of SQL files. In each, you will find instructions of what to
do to make the user interface to work. They are numbered in an implied order for
you to complete them. The only real requirement is that you finish the SQL for
the 00a-schema.sql and 00b-seed.sql files first. That way, as you make
your way through the rest of the SQL files, the tables and some of the data will
already exist for you. You can run the command npm run seed
to run both of
those files or pipe each it into psql
as you've been doing.
Either way that you decide to seed the database, you'll need to stop your
server. The seed won't correctly run while the application maintains a
connection to the application database. You may also need to exit all of the
active psql
instances that you have running to close out all of the active
connections. When you run the seed, if it reports that it can't do something
because of active connections, look for a running instance of the server,
Postbird, or psql
with that connection.
Warning: running the seed files will destroy all data that you have in the
When you write the SQL, they will mostly be parameterized queries. The first
couple of files will show you how it needs to be done, where you will place the
parameter placeholders "2", and so on. If you need to, refer to the
Parameterized query section of the documentation for node-postgres.
In each of the following files in the data-access-layer, you will find one
or more lines with the content -- YOUR CODE HERE
. It is your job to write the
SQL statement described in the block above that code. Each file is named with
the intent of the SQL that it should contain.
The application is a standard express.js application using the pug library
to generate the HTML and the node-postgres library to connect to the database.
It reads your SQL files whenever it wants to make a database call. If your file
throws an error, then the UI handles it by telling you what needs to be fixed
so that the UI will work. The application will also output error messages for
missing functionality.
The SQL files contain a description of what the content is and where it's used
in the application. Tying those together, you'll know you're done when you have
all of the SQL files containing queries and there are no errors in the UI or
Fill out the 00a-schema.sql and 00b-seed.sql files first. Then seed
the database with command, npm run seed
Start the server by running npm run dev
. Then go to localhost:3000
you should
see the home page with "Latest Recipes". To show the latest recipes properly,
complete the 01-get-ten-most-recent-recipes.sql
After completing the file, make sure you correctly defined the sql query so that
the first recipe listed is the most recently updated recipe.
If you click on one of the recipes in the list of recipes on the home page, it
will direct you to that recipe's Detail Page. Complete the following files that
correspond to this page and make sure to test a file right after you fill out
the file by refreshing the page:
Make sure to read the instructions well! In all the above sql queries, the
parameter will be the recipe id.
button on the Navigation Bar to direct you to the
New Recipe Form page. Fill out the 03a-insert-new-recipe.sql
file so you can
create a new recipe.
After creating a new recipe, you will be directed to the Recipe Edit page where
you can add instructions and ingredients to a recipe. Complete the following
files that correspond to this page and make sure to test a file right after
you fill out the file:
Allow users to find recipes by a part of their name using the Search Bar in the
Navigation Bar. Complete 07-search-recipes.sql
for this feature.
To ease the use of SQL, the object-relational mapping tool was invented. This
allows developers to focus on their application code and let a library generate
all of the SQL for them. Depending on which developer you ask, this is a miracle
or a travesty. Either way, those developers use them because writing all of the
SQL by hand is a chore that most software developers just don't want to do.
In this section, you will learn:
Now that you have gained experience with SQL, it is time to learn how to
access data stored in a SQL database using a JavaScript program. You
will use a JavaScript library called Sequelize to do this. Sequelize is
an example of an Object Relational Mapping (commonly abbreviated
ORM). An ORM allows a JavaScript programmer to fetch and store data in
a SQL database using JavaScript functions instead of writing SQL code.
When you finish this reading you will be able to:
An Object Relational Mapping is a library that allows you to access
data stored in a SQL database through object-oriented, non-SQL code
(such as JavaScript). You will write object-oriented code that
accesses data stored in a relational SQL database like Postgres. The
ORM is the mapping that will "translate" your object-oriented code
into SQL code that the database can run. The ORM will automatically
generate SQL code for common tasks like fetching and storing data.
You will learn how to use the Sequelize ORM.
Sequelize is the most widely used JavaScript ORM library.
After creating a new node project with npm init
we are ready to install the
Sequelize library.
npm install sequelize@^5.0.0 npm install sequelize-cli@^5.0.0 npm install pg@^8.0.0
We have installed not only the Sequelize library, but also a command
line tool called sequelize-cli
that will help us auto-generate and
manage JavaScript files which will hold our Sequelize ORM code.
Last, we have also installed the pg library. This library allows
Sequelize to access a Postgres database. If you were using a different
database software (such as MySQL), you would need to install a different
We can run the command npx sequelize init
to automatically setup the following directory structure for our project:
├── config
│ └── config.json
├── migrations
├── models
│ └── index.js
├── node_modules
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── seeders
Aside: the
tool allows you to easily run scripts provided by
packages likesequelize-cli
. If you don't already havenpx
, you can
install it withnpm install npx --global
. Withoutnpx
you would have
to run the bash command:./node_modules/.bin/sequelize init
. This
directly runs thesequelize
script provided by the installed
Having run npx sequelize init
, we must write our database login
information into config/config.json
By default this file contains different sections we call "environments". In a
typical company you will have different database servers and configuration
depending on where you app is running. Development is usually where you do
your development work. In our case this is our local computer. But test might be
and environment where you run tests, and production is the environment where
real users are interacting with your application.
Since we are doing development, we can just modify the "development" section to look
like this:
{ "development": { "username": "catsdbuser", "password": "catsdbpassword", "database": "catsdb", "host": "", "dialect": "postgres" } }...
Here we are supposing that we have already created a catsdb
owned by the user catsdbuser
, with password catsdbpassword
. By
setting host
, we are saying that the database will run
on the same machine as my JavaScript application. Last, we specify that
we are using a postgres
At the top level of our project, we should create an index.js
From this file we will verify that Sequelize can connect to the SQL
database. To do this, we use the authenticate
method of the sequelize object.
// ./index.js const { sequelize } = require("./models"); async function main() { try { await sequelize.authenticate(); } catch (e) { console.log("Database connection failure."); console.log(e); return; } console.log("Database connection success!"); console.log("Sequelize is ready to use!"); // Close database connection when done with it. await sequelize.close(); } main(); // Prints: // // Executing (default): SELECT 1+1 AS result // Database connection success! // Sequelize is ready to use!
You may observe that the authenticate
method returns a JavaScript
object. We use await
to wait for the database connection to
be established. If authenticate
fails to connect, the Promise
be rejected. Since we use await
, an exception will be thrown.
Many Sequelize methods return Promise
s. Using async
and await
us use Sequelize methods as if they were synchronous. This helps reduce
code complexity significantly.
Note that I call sequelize.close()
. This closes the connection to
the database. A Node.js JavaScript program will not terminate until all
open files and database connections are closed. Thus, to make sure the
Node.js program doesn't "hang" at the end, we close the database
connection. Otherwise we will be forced to kill the Node.js program with
, which is somewhat annoying.
We are assuming that we are working with a preexisting SQL database. Our
has a single table: Cats
. Using the psql
program, we can describe the pre-existing Cats
table below.
catsdb=> \d "Cats"
Table "public.Cats"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('"Cats_id_seq"'::regclass)
firstName | character varying(255) | | |
specialSkill | character varying(255) | | |
age | integer | | |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
"Cats_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Besides a primary key id
, each Cats
record has a firstName
, a
, and an age
. Each record also keeps track of two
timestamps: the time when the cat was created ( createdAt
), and the
most recent time when a column of the cat has been updated
( updatedAt
We will configure Sequelize to access the Cats
table via a JavaScript
class called Cat
. To do this, we first use our trusty Sequelize CLI:
# Oops, forgot age:integer! (Don't worry we'll fix it later) npx sequelize model:generate --name Cat --attributes "firstName:string,specialSkill:string"
This command generates two files: a model file ( ./models/cat.js
and a migration file ( ./migrations/20200203211508-Cat.js
). We will
ignore the migration file for now, and focus on the model file.
When using Sequelize's model:generate
command, we specify two things.
First: we specify the singular form of the Cats
table name ( Cat
Second: we list the columns of the Cats
table after the --attributes
flag: firstName
and specialSkill
. We tell Sequelize that these are
both string
columns (Sequelize calls SQL character varying(255)
columns string
We do not need to list id
, createdAt
, or updatedAt
. Sequelize will
always presume those exist. Notice that we have forgotten to list
-- we will fix that soon!
Let us examine the generated ./models/cat.js
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { firstName: DataTypes.STRING, specialSkill: DataTypes.STRING }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
This file exports a function that defines a Cat
class. When you use
to query the Cats
table, each row retrieved will be
transformed by Sequelize into an instance of the Cat
class. A
JavaScript class like Cat
that corresponds to a SQL table is called a
model class.
The ./models/cat.js
will not be loaded by us directly. Sequelize will
load this file and call the exported function to define the Cat
The exported function uses Sequelize's define
method to auto-generate
a new class (called Cat
Note: You may notice we aren't using the JavaScript's
to define the Cat class. With Sequelize, it is going to do all that for us
with thedefine
method. This is because Sequelize was around way before
keyword was added to JavaScript. It is possible to use the class
keyword with Sequelize, but it's undocumented.
The first argument of define
is the name of the class to define:
. Notice how the second argument is an Object
of Cats
{ firstName: DataTypes.STRING, specialSkill: DataTypes.STRING }
This object tells Sequelize about each of the columns of Cats
. It maps
each column name ( firstName
, specialSkill
) to the type of data
stored in the corresponding column of the Cats
table. It is
unnecessary to list id
, createdAt
, updatedAt
, since Sequelize will
already assume those exist.
We can correct our earlier mistake of forgetting age
. We update the
definition as so:
const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { firstName: DataTypes.STRING, specialSkill: DataTypes.STRING, age: DataTypes.INTEGER, }, {});
A complete list of Sequelize datatypes can be found in the
Model To Fetch And Update SQL DataWe are now ready to use our Cat
model class. When Sequelize defines
the Cat
class, it will generate instance and class methods needed to
interact with the Cats
SQL table.
As we mentioned before we don't require our cats.js
file directly.
Instead we require ./models
which loads the file ./models/index.js
Inside this file it reads through all our models and attaches them to an object
that it exports. So we can use destructuring to get a reference to our model
class Cat
like so:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models");
Now let's update our index.js
file to fetch a Cat
from the Cats
const { sequelize , Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { try { await sequelize.authenticate(); } catch (e) { console.log("Database connection failure."); console.log(e); return; } console.log("Database connection success!"); console.log("Sequelize is ready to use!"); const cat = await Cat.findByPk(1); console.log(cat.toJSON()); await sequelize.close(); } main(); // This code prints: // // Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."id" = 1; // { // id: 1, // firstName: 'Markov', // specialSkill: 'sleeping', // age: 5, // createdAt: 2020-02-03T21:32:28.960Z, // updatedAt: 2020-02-03T21:32:28.960Z // }
We use the Cat.findByPk
static class method to fetch a single cat: the one
with id
equal to 1. This static method exists because our Cat
model class
extends Sequelize.Model
"Pk" stands for primary key; the id
field is the primary key for the
table. findByPk
returns a Promise
, so we must await
result. The result is an instance of the Cat
model class.
The cleanest way to log a fetched database record is to first call the
method. toJSON
converts a Cat
object to a Plain Old
JavaScript Object (POJO). Cat
instances have many private variables
and methods that can be distracting when printed. When you call
, only the public data fields are copied into a JavaScript
. Printing this raw JavaScript Object
is thus much cleaner.
The author has a pet-peeve about the
method of Sequelize,
it does not return JSON. It instead returns a POJO. If you needed it to be
JSON you would still need to callJSON.stringify(cat.toJSON())
. Perhaps
they should have called it.toObject
Note that Sequelize has logged the SQL query it ran to fetch Markov's
information. This logging information is often helpful when trying to
figure out what Sequelize is doing.
You'll also notice that Sequelize puts double quotes around the table and field
names. So if you are trying to look at your "Cats" table from the psql
command you will need to quote them there as well. This is because PostgreSQL
lowercases all identifiers like table and fields names before the query is run
if they aren't quoted.
While toJSON
is useful for logging a Cat
object, it is not the
simplest way to access individual column values. To read the id
, etc of a Cat
, you can directly access those attributes on
the Cat
instance itself:
async function main() { // Sequelize authentication code from above... const cat = await Cat.findByPk(1); console.log(`${cat.firstName} has been assigned id #${}.`); console.log(`They are ${cat.age} years old.`) console.log(`Their special skill is ${cat.specialSkill}.`); await sequelize.close(); } main(); // This code prints: // // Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."id" = 1; // Markov has been assigned id #1. // They are 5 years old. // Their special skill is sleeping.
Accessing data directly through the Cat
object is just like reading an
attribute on any other JavaScript class. You may likewise change
values in the database:
async function main() { // Sequelize authentication code from above... // Fetch existing cat from database. const cat = await Cat.findByPk(1); // Change cat's attributes. cat.firstName = "Curie"; cat.specialSkill = "jumping"; cat.age = 123; // Save the new name to the database. await; await sequelize.close(); } // Prints: // // Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."id" = 1; // Executing (default): UPDATE "Cats" SET "firstName"=$1,"specialSkill"=$2,"age"=$3,"updatedAt"=$4 WHERE "id" = $5 main();
Note that changing the firstName
attribute value does not immediately
change the stored value in the SQL database. Changing the firstName
without calling save
has no effect on the database. Only when we
(and await
the promise to resolve) will the changes
to firstName
, specialSkill
, and age
be saved to the SQL database.
All these values are updated simultaneously.
Having completed this reading, you should be able to:
, sequelize-cli
, pg
method to verify that Sequelize canmodel:generate
command to generate a modelfindByPk
class method to fetch data from a SQL
method.We've seen how to use an ORM like Sequelize to fetch and store data in a
SQL database using JavaScript classes and methods. Sequelize also lets
you write JavaScript code that creates, modifies, or drops SQL tables.
The JavaScript code that does this is called a migration. A migration
"moves" the database from an old schema to a new schema.
When you finish this reading you will be able to:
In the prior reading we assumed that a Cats
table already existed in
our catsdb
database. In this reading, we will presume that the Cats
table does not exist, and that we have to create the table ourselves.
This is the typical case when you aren't merely interacting with a
preexisting database. When you develop your own application, the
database will start out empty and with a blank schema.
We previously used the Sequelize CLI tool to autogenerate a Cat
file like so:
# Oops, forgot age:integer! npx sequelize model:generate --name Cat --attributes "firstName:string,specialSkill:string"
We noted that this creates two files. We've already examined the model
file ./models/cat.js
. We will now look at the auto-generated
migration file ./migrations/20200203211508-create-cat.js
// ./migrations/20200203211508-create-cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = { up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { return queryInterface.createTable('Cats', { id: { allowNull: false, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true, type: Sequelize.INTEGER }, firstName: { type: Sequelize.STRING }, specialSkill: { type: Sequelize.STRING }, createdAt: { allowNull: false, type: Sequelize.DATE }, updatedAt: { allowNull: false, type: Sequelize.DATE } }); }, down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { return queryInterface.dropTable('Cats'); } };
The migration file exports two functions: up
and down
. The up
function tells Sequelize how to create a Cats
table. The down
function tells Sequelize how to "undo" the up
function. The down
function drops the Cats
We will examine these functions more closely, but let's first see how to
use a migration.
Note: The timestamp
represents February 2, 2020. It gives the time and day that the
migration was generated. (Your date should be when you generated your migration)
By using the date and time as part of the filename, all migration files will
have unique names. Also, alphabetical sorting will order the files from oldest
to most recent migration.
To create the Cats
table, we must run our migration code. Having
generated the 20200203211508-create-cat.js
migration file, we will use
the Sequelize CLI tool to run the migration. We may do this like so:
# Run the migration's `up` method.
npx sequelize db:migrate
By giving Sequelize the db:migrate
subcommand, it will know that we
are asking it to run any new migrations. To run a migration, Sequelize
will call the up
method defined in the migration file. The up
will run the necessary CREATE TABLE ...
SQL command for us. Sequelize
will record (in a special catsdb
table called SequelizeMeta
) that
the migration has been run. The next time we call npx sequelize db:migrate
, Sequelize will not try to "redo" this already performed
migration. It will do nothing the second time.
Having run the migration, we can verify that the Cats
table looks like
it should (with the exception of the age
Note that we we are using the table name in quotes here in psql
catsdb=> \d "Cats";
Table "public.Cats"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable
id | integer | | not null
firstName | character varying(255) | |
specialSkill | character varying(255) | |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone | | not null
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | | not null
"Cats_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
We made a mistake when generating our Cat
migration. We forgot to
include the age
One way to fix this is to generate a second migration that adds the
forgotten age
column. If we have already pushed our migration code to
a remote git server, we should opt for this option.
If the migration has not yet been pushed, we can fix the migration
directly. We will "undo" (AKA rollback) the migration that created the
table (dropping the table), fix the up
method so that the age
column is included, and finally rerun the migration.
Note: this is not the same as the SQL command ROLLBACK.
To undo the migration, we run:
npx sequelize db:migrate:undo
Sequelize will call the down
method for us, and the Cats
table is
Why should you not use the db:migrate:undo
way when the migration file
has already been pushed to a remote git server? The reason is this: you
can easily tell other developers to fix a broken migration by writing a
second fixup migration (for instance, that adds the age
column). All
you need to do is check this new migration file into source control and
push it. When another developer pulls your new migration code, the next
time they run npx sequelize db:migrate
, your fixup migration will be
run on their local machine.
When rolling back already-checked-in migrations, there is no way to
easily communicate to other developers that they should (1) rollback
your migration and (2) rerun the newly corrected version of this
migration. To avoid this communication problem, you should only rollback
commits if you haven't already pushed them to a remote git server.
Let's examine the up
and down
methods more closely. Let's start with
the up
module.exports = { up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { return queryInterface.createTable('Cats', { id: { allowNull: false, autoIncrement: true, primaryKey: true, type: Sequelize.INTEGER }, firstName: { type: Sequelize.STRING }, specialSkill: { type: Sequelize.STRING }, createdAt: { allowNull: false, type: Sequelize.DATE }, updatedAt: { allowNull: false, type: Sequelize.DATE } }); }, // ... };
The up
method will be passed a QueryInterface
(documentation) object. This object provides a
number of commands for modifying the SQL database schema. The
method is amongst the most important.
We pass the table name ( 'Cats'
) along with an object mapping column
names to column attributes. Every column must have a specified type
This is similar to what we saw when we generated a model file. Note that
we do not take id
, createdAt
, or updatedAt
for granted. We
need to include those columns. Luckily, everything has been
auto-generated for us!
We will talk about allowNull
and primaryKey
in a later reading.
These attributes ask Sequelize to add database constraints to a column.
Likewise we will ignore autoIncrement
for the moment (this allows a
unique id
to be auto-generated by the database for each saved row in
the Cats
We fix the up
method like so:
module.exports = { up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { return queryInterface.createTable('Cats', { // ... firstName: { type: Sequelize.STRING }, specialSkill: { type: Sequelize.STRING }, // Here we add the `age` column. age: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, }, // ... }); }, // ... };
Adding the age
column to the migration is a lot like how we added
to our model file.
Having fixed our migration, we may now "rerun" it the same way we ran it
the first time:
npx sequelize db:migrate
We may now behold the fixed table:
catsdb=> \d "Cats"
Table "public.Cats"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable
id | integer | | not null
firstName | character varying(255) | |
specialSkill | character varying(255) | |
age | integer | |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone | | not null
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | | not null
"Cats_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
And down
are AsynchronousA final note about up
(and also down
). Sequelize expects up
to be
asynchronous. That is, Sequelize expects up
to return a Promise
object. Sequelize will wait for the Promise
to be resolved. When the
is resolved, Sequelize will know the work of the up
is complete.
The createTable
method is also asynchronous (returns a Promise
). The
promise resolves when createTable
is done creating the table. This is
why up
is written as:
module.exports = { up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { // up returns Promise returned by `createTable`. return queryInterface.createTable('Cats', { // ... }); }, // ... };
Sequelize is able to autogenerate a migration to create a Cats
but many other migrations (for instance, to add an age
column to our
table) must be written by hand. When writing your own migrations,
you may prefer using async
/ await
, which is clearer:
module.exports = { // Note the addition of the `async` keyword up: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { // await `createTable` to finish its work. await queryInterface.createTable('Cats', { // ... }); // No need to return anything. An `async` method always returns a // Promise that waits for all `await`ed work to be performed. }, // ... };
MethodA down
method is written just like an up
method. In the down
method we "undo" what has been performed by the up
method. We call
's dropTable
method to drop the Cats
table we
created in up
module.exports = { // ... down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { return queryInterface.dropTable('Cats'); } }; // OR, async/await way: module.exports = { // ... down: async (queryInterface, Sequelize) => { await queryInterface.dropTable('Cats'); } };
Imagine we had forgotten to drop the Cats
table in the down
method. That is: imagine the down
method was somehow left empty. If
we rollback the migration nothing will be done by the empty down
method. Thus the incorrect Cats
table we created will not have been
dropped. The wrong Cats
table would still exist.
Imagine we next fix the migration's up
method. We want to rerun the
migration now and create the corrected Cats
table. But when try to do
this, Sequelize will hit an error! Rerunning the migration will try to
again, but SQL will complain because a Cats
table already exists. It was created the first time we ran the
migration, but never dropped when we tried to rollback the migration!
Inevitably all programmers will sometimes make mistakes like this. In
these circumstances, you will probably have to open psql
and write a
command to fix things. Having manually corrected
things, you can finally rerun the corrected migration.
You should never manually drop a table on a production database.
That is incredibly dangerous, and typically cannot be undone. Even if
database backups do not exist, recently inserted data will be lost
forever. This is yet another reason why you ought not rollback
migrations that have been pushed from your local development
Having seen how to use Sequelize migrations, we can discuss their
benefits versus writing SQL commands like CREATE TABLE ...
The first advantage is that Sequelize migration code is written in
JavaScript, which you may find simpler to write/read than the
corresponding SQL code. Most programmers write more JavaScript than SQL,
so they are typically better at remembering how to do things in
JavaScript than in SQL.
A second advantage is that migration files store SQL schema change code
permanently. The migration files can be checked into git, so that you
don't ever forget how your database was configured.
A third (related) advantage comes when another developer wants to
collaborate on your JavaScript program. By cloning your git repository,
they get all the migration files, too. To setup their own copy of your
database, a collaborator can run the migration files on their own
computer, playing back the schema changes one-by-one. Because they apply
the same migrations as you, they end up with the same schema as you.
Last, by using migrations you are able to rollback database changes to
fix bugs. This can be helpful in a local development environment where
it is typical to make mistakes. Remember though: you should never
rollback migrations that have been run on a production server.
Having completed this reading, you now are able to:
There are four general ways to interact with a database. To illustrate
these, recall our Cats
table. We can:
table.These four actions are sometimes abbreviated as CRUD. After this
reading, you will be able to:
To save a new cat's data as a row in the Cats
table, we do a two step
method on the Cat
class with the desired
method on the cat
instance.Let's see an example:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Constructs an instance of the JavaScript `Cat` class. **Does not // save anything to the database yet**. Attributes are passed in as a // POJO. const cat ={ firstName: "Markov", specialSkill: "sleeping", age: 5, }); // This actually creates a new `Cats` record in the database. We must // wait for this asynchronous operation to succeed. await; console.log(cat.toJSON()); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Running the code:
Executing (default): INSERT INTO "Cats" ("id","firstName","specialSkill","age","createdAt","updatedAt") VALUES (DEFAULT,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING *;
id: 1,
firstName: 'Markov',
specialSkill: 'sleeping',
age: 5,
updatedAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z,
createdAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z
A new row has been inserted into the Cats
table. We see that id
, and createdAt
were each autogenerated for us.
Let's read an existing record from the database:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Fetch the cat with id #1. const cat = await Cat.findByPk(1); console.log(cat.toJSON()); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Running this code prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."id" = 1;
id: 1,
firstName: 'Markov',
specialSkill: 'sleeping',
age: 5,
createdAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z,
updatedAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z
Fetching a record by primary key is the most common form of read
operation from a database. In another reading we will learn other ways
to fetch data. For instance: we will learn how to fetch all cats named
"Markov" (there may be many).
Let's tweak our reading code to change (update) an attribute of Markov:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat = await Cat.findByPk(1); console.log("Old Markov: "); console.log(cat.toJSON()); // The Cat object is modified, but the corresponding record in the // database is *not* yet changed at all. cat.specialSkill = "super deep sleeping"; // Only by calling `save` will the data be saved. await; console.log("New Markov: "); console.log(cat.toJSON()); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Running this code prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."id" = 1;
Old Markov:
id: 1,
firstName: 'Markov',
specialSkill: 'sleeping',
age: 5,
createdAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z,
updatedAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z
Executing (default): UPDATE "Cats" SET "specialSkill"=$1,"updatedAt"=$2 WHERE "id" = $3
New Markov:
id: 1,
firstName: 'Markov',
specialSkill: 'super deep sleeping',
age: 5,
createdAt: 2020-02-11T19:04:23.116Z,
updatedAt: 2020-02-11T19:15:08.668Z
Important note: changing an attribute of a Cat
object does not
immediately change any data in the Cats
table. To change data in the
table, you must also call save
. If you forget to call save
no data will be changed. save
is asynchronous, so you must also
for it to complete.
If you look carefully, you can see that the updatedAt
attribute was
changed for us when we updated Markov!
We can also destroy records and remove them from the database:
const process = require("process"); const { sequelize , Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat = await Cat.findByPk(1); // Remove the Markov record. await cat.destroy(); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This code prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."id" = 1;
Executing (default): DELETE FROM "Cats" WHERE "id" = 1
When creating a record, you can avoid the two step process of (1)
creating a Cat
instance and (2) calling the save
instance method.
You can do a one step process of calling the create
class method:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat = await Cat.create({ firstName: "Curie", specialSkill: "jumping", age: 4, }); console.log(cat.toJSON()); await sequelize.close(); } main();
The create
class method does both steps in one. It is just a
convenience. Similar to before, this code prints:
Executing (default): INSERT INTO "Cats" ("id","firstName","specialSkill","age","createdAt","updatedAt") VALUES (DEFAULT,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING *;
id: 3,
firstName: 'Curie',
specialSkill: 'jumping',
age: 4,
updatedAt: 2020-02-11T19:36:03.858Z,
createdAt: 2020-02-11T19:36:03.858Z
When destroying, we also did a two step process: (1) fetch the record,
(2) call the destroy
instance method. Instead, we could just call the
class method directly:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Destroy the Cat record with id #3. await Cat.destroy({ where: { id: 3 } }); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (default): DELETE FROM "Cats" WHERE "id" = 3
An advantage to the class method form of destroying is that we avoid an
unnecessary fetch of Cat.findByPk(3)
. Database queries can
sometimes be slow, though typically a few extra queries won't make a big
difference. Choosing between the instance and class methods of
destroying usually comes down to which you consider easier to
As ever, the best resource for learning about Sequelize model methods is
the documentation. The documentation
explains the create
, destroy
, findByPk
, and save
in depth.
Having completed this reading, you now know how to:
We have already seen how to find a single record by primary key:
. In this reading we will learn about more advanced ways to
query a table. We will learn how to:
whose name is "Markov"
whose name is "Markov"
OR "Curie"
whose age is not 5,Cats
whose name is "Markov"
AND whose age is 5,Cats
whose age is less than 5,We will also learn how to:
results by age (descending or ascending),Cats
results to a finite number.findAll
To Retrieve Multiple RecordsLet's consider a simple example where we want to retrieve all the Cats
in the database:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // `findAll` asks to retrieve _ALL_ THE CATS!! An array of `Cat` // objects will be returned. const cats = await Cat.findAll(); // Log the fetched cats. console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Since this is an array we can't use that .toJSON()
method we learned earlier,
so we can instead use JSON.stringify
on the Array.
Pro tip: giving a 3rd argument to JSON.stringify
will pretty-print the
result with the specified spacing. (We pass null
as the 2nd argument
to skip it.) You can read more at the JSON.stringify
Running this code prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat";
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
"id": 5,
"firstName": "Curie",
"specialSkill": "jumping",
"age": 4,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z"
It isn't typical to want to fetch every record. We typically want to
get only those records that match some criterion. In SQL, we use a
clause to do this. With Sequelize, we issue a WHERE
query like
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Fetch all cats named Markov. const cats = await Cat.findAll({ where: { firstName: "Markov", }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Which prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."firstName" = 'Markov';
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
We've passed the findAll
class method the where
option. The where
option tells Sequelize to use a WHERE
clause. The option value passed
is { firstName: "Markov" }
. This tells Sequelize to only return those
where firstName
is equal to "Markov"
If we wanted to select those Cats
named Markov OR Curie, we can
map firstName
to an array of ["Markov", "Curie"]
. For example:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Fetch all cats named either Markov or Curie. const cats = await Cat.findAll({ where: { firstName: ["Markov", "Curie"], }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."firstName" IN ('Markov', 'Curie');
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
"id": 5,
"firstName": "Curie",
"specialSkill": "jumping",
"age": 4,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z"
The difference is that we've passed { firstName: ["Markov", "Curie" ]}
. Sequelize will return all Cats
whose firstName
matches either
or "Curie"
To Find Objects Not Matching A CriterionWe can also find all the Cats
whose names are NOT Markov, but we will
need to require in the Op
object from Sequelize so we can use the "not equal" operator from it:
const { Op } = require("sequelize"); const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./db/models"); async function main() { const cats = await Cat.findAll({ where: { firstName: { // means the "not equal" operator. []: "Markov", }, }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."firstName" != 'Markov';
"id": 5,
"firstName": "Curie",
"specialSkill": "jumping",
"age": 4,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z"
This is our first example of a Sequelize
. ne
stands for "not
equal." Instead of mapping firstName
to a single value like "Markov"
or an array of values like ["Markov", "Curie"]
, we have mapped it to:
{ []: "Markov" }
How does this work?
is a JavaScript symbol: === Symbol.for('ne')
. To simplify, let's just imagine that === "ne"
When we write { []: "Markov" }
, the []
brackets perform key
interpolation. So this is equal to { "ne": "Markov" }
. So overall, we
are effectively writing:
db.Cat.findAll({ where: { // Won't exactly work (you need to use `[]` after all). Does // illustrate the concept though. firstName: { "ne": "Markov" }, }, })
This perhaps makes it clearer how Sequelize understands what we want.
Sequelize is being passed an object as the firstName
value. The
object is specifying that we want to do a !=
SQL operation by using
the "ne"
("not equal") key. The value to "not equal" is specified as
We've seen one way to do an OR
operation above (by mapping a column
name to an array of values). Let's see how to do an AND
const { Op } = require("sequelize"); const { sequelize , Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // fetch cats with name != Markov AND age = 4. const cats = await Cat.findAll({ where: { firstName: { []: "Markov", }, age: 4, }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."firstName" != 'Markov' AND "Cat"."age" = 4;
"id": 5,
"firstName": "Curie",
"specialSkill": "jumping",
"age": 4,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z"
Simply by listing more key/value pairs in the where
object, we ask
Sequelize to "AND" together multiple criteria.
Another way to do the same thing is like so:
const { Op } = require("sequelize"); const { sequelize , Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cats = await db.Cat.findAll({ where: { [Op.and]: [ { firstName: { []: "Markov" } }, { age: 4 }, ], }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
The use of the Op.and
operator is somewhat similar to
. This
time we map Op.and
to an array of criteria. Returned records must
match all the criteria.
We've already seen how to do an OR
to match a single column against
multiple values. You can use Op.or
for even greater flexibility:
const { Op } = require("sequelize"); const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // fetch cats with name == Markov OR age = 4. const cats = await Cat.findAll({ where: { [Op.or]: [ { firstName: "Markov" }, { age: 4 }, ], }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE ("Cat"."firstName" = 'Markov' OR "Cat"."age" = 4);
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
"id": 5,
"firstName": "Curie",
"specialSkill": "jumping",
"age": 4,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z"
Our query is to find all cats whose names are "Markov" and whose age is
4. Therefore both cats are returned: Markov and Curie (whose age is 4).
We can use operators like
(greater than) and
(less than)
to select by comparing values. We use these just like
const { Op } = require("sequelize"); const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Fetch all cats whose age is > 4. const cats = await Cat.findAll({ where: { age: { []: 4 }, }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."age" > 4;
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
We've seen how to use a where
query option to filter results with a
clause. We can use the order
query option to perform a SQL
const { sequelize, Cat } db = require("./models"); async function main() { const cats = await Cat.findAll({ order: [["age", "DESC"]], }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" ORDER BY "Cat"."age" DESC;
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
"id": 5,
"firstName": "Curie",
"specialSkill": "jumping",
"age": 4,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.398Z"
We've specified { order: [["age", "DESC"]] }
. Notice how we specify
the sort order with a doubly-nested array. If we wanted to sort
ascending we could more simply write: { order: ["age"] }
What if we wanted to sort by two columns? For instance, say we wanted
to SORT BY age DESC, firstName
. We would write: { order: [["age", "DESC"], "firstName"] }
. That would sort descending by age
, and then
ascending by firstName
for cats with the same age.
If we want only the oldest cat we can use the limit
query option:
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cats = await Cat.findAll({ order: [["age", "DESC"]], limit: 1, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
This selects only one (the oldest) cat:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" ORDER BY "Cat"."age" DESC LIMIT 1;
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
Since we know that there will be only one result, it is pointless to
return an array. In cases when we want a maximum of one result, we can
use findOne
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat = await Cat.findOne({ order: [["age", "DESC"]], }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cat, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
Which prints:
>> node index.js
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" ORDER BY "Cat"."age" DESC LIMIT 1;
"id": 4,
"firstName": "Markov",
"specialSkill": "sleeping",
"age": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-02-11T23:03:25.388Z"
This returned the Cat
object directly, not wrapped in an array.
If there is no record matching the criteria passed to findOne
, it will
return null
(rather than an empty array):
const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Try to find a non-existant cat. const cat = await Cat.findOne({ where: { firstName: "Franklin Delano Catsevelt", }, }); console.log(JSON.stringify(cat, null, 2)); await sequelize.close(); } main();
No such cat exists:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "firstName", "specialSkill", "age", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "Cats" AS "Cat" WHERE "Cat"."firstName" = 'Franklin Delano Catsevelt' LIMIT 1;
We've scratched the surface of the many query options supported by
Sequelize. You may find more information as necessary by reading the
Sequelize querying documentation. You can in
particular review the list of Sequelize query
Now that you've completed this reading you should know how to:
query option,Op.and
operator to match all of multiple criteria,Op.or
operator to match any of multiple criteria,
to match rows where the value does not equal
operators to compare values,order
query option to order results,limit
query option to limit the number of returnedfindOne
when only one result is expected or desired.It's important to make sure that data stored to a database is not
erroneous or incomplete. Imagine the following forms of "garbage data:"
record with firstName
set to NULL
. All Cats
ought toCats
record with firstName
set to the empty string: ""
record with an age
less than 0
. age
must always bespecialSkill
should come from a pre-defined limited list["jumping", "sleeping", "purring"]
. A Cats
record with aspecialSkill
of "pearl diving"
would thus be invalid.Sequelize lets us write JavaScript code that will check that these data
requirements are satisfied before saving a record to the database. The
JavaScript code that does this is called a validation. A validation is
code that makes sure that data is valid.
In this reading you will learn how to:
We should not allow a Cat
to be saved to the database if it lacks
, orspecialSkill
.None of these should be set to NULL
Before adding validations to check these requirements, let's review what
our Cat
model code currently looks like:
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { firstName: DataTypes.STRING, specialSkill: DataTypes.STRING, age: DataTypes.INTEGER, }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
We will modify our model definition to give more specific instructions
to Sequelize about the firstName
, specialSkill
, and age
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { firstName: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "firstName must not be null", }, }, }, specialSkill: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "specialSkill must not be null", }, }, }, age: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "age must not be null", }, }, }, }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
What has changed? We now map each attribute name ( firstName
, age
) to a POJO that tells Sequelize how to configure
that attribute. Here is the POJO for firstName
{ type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "firstName must not be null", }, }, }
The type
attribute is of course vital: this used to be the only thing
we specified. We've added two new attributes. The first is allowNull: false
. This tells Sequelize not to let us set the firstName
The second attribute is validate
. We will spend a lot of time
examining this attribute in this reading. Validation logic for
is configured inside the validate
attribute. Our
configuration is:
{ notNull: { msg: "firstName must not be null", }, }
This configuration tells Sequelize what error message to give if we try
to set the firstName
attribute to NULL
. It's odd that we have to set
both allowNull: false
and notNull: { msg: ... }
. This feels like
unnecessary duplication. Regardless, that's what Sequelize wants us to
do. On the other hand, we do get a chance to specify the error message
to print if the validation fails ( "firstName must not be null"
Let's see how the validation logic helps us avoid saving junk data to
our database:
// index.js const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat ={ // Empty cat. All fields set to `null`. }); try { // Try to save cat to the database. await; console.log("Save success!"); console.log(JSON.stringify(cat, null, 2)); } catch (err) { console.log("Save failed!"); // Print list of errors. for (const validationError of err.errors) { console.log("*", validationError.message); } } await sequelize.close(); } main()
Running this code prints:
Save failed!
* firstName must not be null
* specialSkill must not be null
* age must not be null
What happened? When we call the save
method on a Cat
, Sequelize will
check that all the specified validations are satisfied. In this case
none of them are! The save
method will throw an exception, which we
handle using try { ... } catch (err) { ... }
What kind of exception? The thrown error is a
. This has an errors
attribute, which stores an array of
s. We print out the
message for each item error.
Because there were validation failures, Sequelize will not save the
invalid Cats
record to the database. Sequelize thus keeps us from
inserting junk data into the database.
If we want to save our Cat
object, we would have to change its
attributes to meet the validations (i.e., set them to something other
than NULL
) and call save
a second time. For example:
// index.js const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat ={ // Empty cat. All fields set to `null`. }); try { await; } catch (err) { // The save will not succeed! console.log("We will fix and try again!"); } // Fix the various validation problems. cat.firstName = "Markov"; cat.specialSkill = "sleeping"; cat.age = 4; try { // Trying to save a second time! await; console.log("Success!"); } catch (err) { // The save *should* succeed! console.log(err); } await sequelize.close(); } main()
ValidationEven though we are not allowed to set firstName
and specialSkill
, we could still set them to the empty string ""
// index.js const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat ={ firstName: "", specialSkill: "", age: 5, }); try { // Try to save cat to the database. await; console.log("Save success!"); console.log(JSON.stringify(cat, null, 2)); } catch (err) { console.log("Save failed!"); // Print list of errors. for (const validationError of err.errors) { console.log("*", validationError.message); } } await sequelize.close(); } main();
Executing (default): INSERT INTO "Cats" ("id","firstName","specialSkill","age","createdAt","updatedAt") VALUES (DEFAULT,$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) RETURNING *;
Save success!
"id": 8,
"firstName": "",
"specialSkill": "",
"age": 5,
"updatedAt": "2020-02-12T21:34:49.250Z",
"createdAt": "2020-02-12T21:34:49.250Z"
This is bogus: Cats
records should have a non-empty firstName
. We will therefore add a second validation for both
and specialSkill
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { firstName: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "firstName must not be null", }, notEmpty: { msg: "firstName must not be empty", }, }, }, specialSkill: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "specialSkill must not be null", }, notEmpty: { msg: "specialSkill must not be empty", }, }, }, // ... }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
When we run the same index.js
that tries to save the Cats
with the empty firstName
and specialSkill
, we now print:
Save failed!
* firstName must not be empty
* specialSkill must not be empty
Excellent! We've added the new validation by adding a notEmpty
key to
the validate
POJO. Just like with notNull
, we specify a message to
This is the typical story: we add new validations by adding new
key/value pairs to the validate
POJO. Sequelize provides many
different kinds of validations for us, but we configure all of them in
the same general manner.
We don't want our cats to have names that are too long. We add a len
validation like so:
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { firstName: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "firstName must not be null", }, notEmpty: { msg: "firstName must not be empty", }, len: { args: [0, 8], msg: "firstName must not be more than eight letters long", }, }, }, // ... }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
If we try to run:
// index.js const { sequelize, Cat } = require("./models"); async function main() { const cat ={ firstName: "Markov The Magnificent", specialSkill: "sleeping", age: 5, }); try { // Try to save cat to the database. await; console.log("Save success!"); console.log(JSON.stringify(cat, null, 2)); } catch (err) { console.log("Save failed!"); // Print list of errors. for (const validationError of err.errors) { console.log("*", validationError.message); } } await sequelize.close(); } main();
We will be told:
Save failed!
* firstName must not be more than eight letters long
The len
validation gets a msg
attribute as usual. We also configure
args: [0, 8]
. These are the "arguments" to the len
validation. We
are telling Sequelize to trigger a validation error if the firstName
property has a length less than zero (impossible) or greater than eight.
Note that even though the len
validation is not triggered for a length
of zero, the notEmpty
validation still will be.
If desired, we could use the len
validation to set a true minimum
length for a string. If we wanted a minimum length of two letters, we
would just change args: [2, 8]
. (We ought also update the msg
A Cat
should never have a negative age. Perhaps, also, a Cat
have a theoretical maximum age of 99 years. We can add validations to
enforce these requirements:
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { // ... age: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "age must not be null", }, min: { args: [0], msg: "age must not be less than zero", }, max: { args: [99], msg: "age must not be greater than 99", }, }, }, }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
You can see that the min
and max
validations are configured in the
same sort of way that the len
validation is.
If we try to save a Cat
with an age
of -1
, we are printed:
Save failed!
* age must not be less than zero
Likewise, if we try to save a Cat
with an age
of 123
we are
Save failed!
* age must not be greater than 99
(Note: I've stopped repeating our index.js
file, since there are only
trivial modifications to a Cat
's attributes each time.)
Let's say that a Cat
's specialSkill
should be restricted to a
pre-defined list of ["jumping", "sleeping", "purring"]
. That is: a
should not be allowed to have just any specialSkill
. The
must be on the list.
We can enforce this requirement like so:
// ./models/cat.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Cat = sequelize.define('Cat', { // ... specialSkill: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: "specialSkill must not be null", }, notEmpty: { msg: "specialSkill must not be empty", }, isIn: { args: [["jumping", "sleeping", "purring"]], msg: "specialSkill must be either jumping, sleeping, or purring", }, }, }, // ... }, {}); Cat.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Cat; };
Notice how we doubly-nest the list of special skills ( ["jumping, "sleeping", "purring"]
) when specifying the args
for the isIn
validation. This is because we want to pass one argument: an array
of three possible special skills.
Now when we try to save a Cat
with specialSkill
set to "pearl diving"
, our code will print:
Save failed!
* specialSkill must be either jumping, sleeping, or purring
There is a very large variety of validations that are provided by
Sequelize. You can find many more in the Sequelize documentation for
Having completed this reading, you now know how to:
.In this reading, we will learn about database transactions and how we
use them via Sequelize. We will learn how to group multiple update
operations into a single atomic, indivisible unit.
At the end of the reading, you should know:
method),Imagine a scenario with a banking database. Markov wants to transfer
$7,500 to Curie. To perform the transfer, we will perform two database
update operations:
When transferring money, it's very important that both operations be
performed. If we reduce Markov's balance but fail to increase Curie's
balance, the bank effectively steals money from Markov. If we increase
Curie's balance without reducing Markov's balance, the bank effectively
gives away free money to Curie. Neither is acceptable.
We must keep in mind that any attempt to perform a database update can
sometimes fail. It can fail for a number of reasons:
Only this last scenario is "our fault." The fact is that database
updates can fail through no fault of our own. With regard to our
example: our first SQL request to reduce Markov's account balance may
succeed, but the database may then crash before we have sent the request
to increase Curie's balance. Through no fault of our own, the bank has
stolen money from Markov without giving it to Curie.
How can we write code that avoids this fundamental problem?
One way to solve the problem is to "group" or "pair" the two update
operations somehow. We want to tell the database "Reduce Markov's
balance AND increment Curie's balance." We want to tell the database:
"If for any reason you cannot perform both operations, make sure not
to perform either." We want to tell the database: "If you crash
after reducing Markov's balance, make sure to either (a) increase
Curie's balance when you restart, or (b) undo the increase to Markov's
balance when you restart."
We want to ask the database to treat the pair of updates as one atomic
(meaning indivisible) unit. SQL lets you do this using a feature
called transactions.
You've previously seen how to use SQL transactions:
START TRANSACTION; -- Reduce Markov's balance by $7500 UPDATE "BankAccounts" SET balance = balance - 7500 WHERE id = 1; -- Increment Curie's balance by $7500 UPDATE "BankAccounts" SET balance = balance + 7500 WHERE id = 2; COMMIT TRANSACTION;
SQL guarantees to you that everything between START TRANSACTION
will be processed atomically. If any update
operation fails, none of the updates will be performed. The transaction
is "all-or-nothing."
In this reading you will learn how to use SQL transactions with the
Sequelize ORM.
SchemaFor our example in this reading, I will use a single table with two
catsdb=> SELECT * FROM "BankAccounts";
id | clientName | balance | ...
1 | Markov | 5000 | ...
2 | Curie | 10000 | ...
(2 rows)
I have generated a Sequelize model corresponding to the BankAccounts
// ./models/bank_account.js 'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { // Define BankAccount model. const BankAccount = sequelize.define('BankAccount', { // Define clientName attribute. clientName: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false, // Define validations on clientName. validate: { // clientName must not be null. notNull: { msg: "clientName must not be NULL", }, // clientName must not be empty. notEmpty: { msg: "clientName must not be empty", }, }, }, // Define balance attribute. balance: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, allowNull: false, // Define validations on balance. validate: { // balance must not be less than zero. min: { args: [0], msg: "balance must not be less than zero", }, }, }, }, {}); return BankAccount; };
Notice that the min
validation on balance
will not allow us to save
an account balance that is below zero.
Let's imagine that Markov wants to transfer 5,000 in his account! Decrementing
Markov's account balance by $7,500 would put it in the negative, which
our validation will not allow. Thus the transfer must fail.
Imagine that Markov is unaware that his account balance cannot cover the
transfer. He tries to perform the transfer anyway:
// ./index.js const { sequelize , BankAccount } = require("./models"); // This code will try to transfer $7,500 from Markov to Curie. async function main() { // Fetch Markov and Curie's accounts. const markovAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk(1); const curieAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk(2); try { // Increment Curie's balance by $7,500. curieAccount.balance += 7500; await; // Decrement Markov's balance by $7,500. markovAccount.balance -= 7500; await; } catch (err) { // Report if anything goes wrong. console.log("Error!"); for (const e of err.errors) { console.log( `${e.instance.clientName}: ${e.message}` ); } } await sequelize.close(); } main();
Running this code prints the following:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "clientName", "balance", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "BankAccounts" AS "BankAccount" WHERE "BankAccount"."id" = 1;
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "clientName", "balance", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "BankAccounts" AS "BankAccount" WHERE "BankAccount"."id" = 2;
Executing (default): UPDATE "BankAccounts" SET "balance"=$1,"updatedAt"=$2 WHERE "id" = $3
Markov: balance must not be less than zero
Everything starts out fine. We fetch Markov and Curie's accounts. We
increase Curie's balance. But then we hit a snag: when we call
, Sequelize detects that we are trying to set
Markov's balance below zero. Sequelize therefore does not send a SQL
request to update Markov's account balance. Instead,
throws an exception. We print the error: Markov's
balance must not be less than zero.
We thus avoid saving a negative balance for Markov. But other damage has
already been done. If we now check account balances, we will see:
catsdb=> SELECT * FROM "BankAccounts";
id | clientName | balance | ...
1 | Markov | 5000 | ...
2 | Curie | 17500 | ...
(2 rows)
The bank has given free money to Curie! We should have "rolledback" the
increase of Curie's balance. We will learn how to do that!
One may suggest a fix: make sure to decrement Markov's account balance
before incrementing Curie's balance! If Markov's balance is
insufficient, we can stop the transfer before giving Curie any money.
We could swap the order of the updates, and it would indeed fix this
specific problem. But imagine if Markov tries to transfer $2,500 (an
amount he can afford). We first decrement Markov's account balance and
then -- the operating system crashes before the second update can be
submitted. Curie's balance is not incremented. The bank has stolen
Markov's money!
The problem is fundamental: no matter what order we perform the two
updates in, the database can always fail after processing the first,
but before processing the second. For our code to be resilient to
unavoidable failures, there is no other choice but to use a database
Let's return to our previous example of trying to transfer $7,500 from
Markov to Curie. Specifically, we will rewrite this key part:
// Increment Curie's balance by $7,500. curieAccount.balance += 7500; await; // Decrement Markov's balance by $7,500. markovAccount.balance -= 7500; await;
To ask Sequelize to perform the two updates in a SQL database
transaction, we use the sequelize.transaction
method. We will write
this like so, instead:
await sequelize.transaction(async (tx) => { // Increment Curie's balance by $7,500. curieAccount.balance += 7500; await{ transaction: tx }); // Decrement Markov's balance by $7,500. markovAccount.balance -= 7500; await{ transaction: tx }); });
Let's go through the transaction code and explain each part:
// Start a transaction. Queries run inside the callback can be part of // the transaction. await sequelize.transaction(async (tx) => { // Increment Curie's balance by $7,500. curieAccount.balance += 7500; // Pass the `tx` transaction object so that Sequelize knows to // update Curie's account as part of this transaction (rather than // "on its own" per usual). await{ transaction: tx }); // Decrement Markov's balance by $7,500. markovAccount.balance -= 7500; // Again, pass the `tx` transaction object. Thus both updates are part // of the same transaction. await{ transaction: tx }); // If no exceptions have been thrown, `sequelize.transaction` will // `COMMIT` the transaction after the end of the callback. // // If any error gets thrown, `sequelize.transaction` will abort // the transaction by issuing a `ROLLBACK`. This will cancel all // updates. });
Let's put the transaction code back into our original program:
// ./index.js const { sequelize, BankAccount } = require("./models"); async function main() { // Fetch Markov and Curie's accounts. const markovAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk(1); const curieAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk(2); try { await sequelize.transaction(async (tx) => { // Increment Curie's balance by $7,500. curieAccount.balance += 7500; await{ transaction: tx }); // Decrement Markov's balance by $7,500. markovAccount.balance -= 7500; await{ transaction: tx }); }); } catch (err) { // Report if anything goes wrong. console.log("Error!"); for (const e of err.errors) { console.log( `${e.instance.clientName}: ${e.message}` ); } } await sequelize.close(); } main();
Running this code prints:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "clientName", "balance", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "BankAccounts" AS "BankAccount" WHERE "BankAccount"."id" = 1;
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "clientName", "balance", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "BankAccounts" AS "BankAccount" WHERE "BankAccount"."id" = 2;
Executing (208b3951-9ab9-489b-97f0-afb49aaff807): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (208b3951-9ab9-489b-97f0-afb49aaff807): UPDATE "BankAccounts" SET "balance"=$1,"updatedAt"=$2 WHERE "id" = $3
Executing (208b3951-9ab9-489b-97f0-afb49aaff807): ROLLBACK;
Markov: balance must not be less than zero
Let's review what happened. We again start by fetching both
. We issue the update to
Curie's account.
Then Sequelize detects the validation failure when trying to run{ transaction: tx })
. Markov doesn't have enough
money in his account! Sequelize throws an exception. The
method catches the exception and issues a
for the transaction. This tells the database to undo the
prior increment of Curie's account balance.
Having rolled back the transaction, the sequelize.transaction
method rethrows the error, so that our logging code gets a chance to
learn about the error and print its details.
Object?This is bonus information in case you are troubled by what the tx
parameter to sequelize.transaction
is for. You can use transactions
correctly without knowing this bonus information.
What is the mysterious tx
that is passed by sequelize.transaction
to our callback? It is basically just a unique ID. In this case, the ID
is: 208b3951-9ab9-489b-97f0-afb49aaff807
. You can see this ID in the
logs above.
When we say{ transaction: tx })
, we are telling
Sequelize: "update Curie's account as part of transaction number
Sequelize needs transaction IDs because it can be running many SQL
transactions concurrently (loosely speaking: "in parallel"). One part
of the application could be transferring money from Markov to Curie at
the same time another part of the application is transferring money from
Kate to Ned.
If Sequelize did not keep track of transaction IDs, it would not know
should be a part of the Markov/Curie
transaction rather than the Kate/Ned transaction.
There is still a subtle mistake in my bank transfer code. There is a
potential problem if someone modifies Markov's or Curie's account in
between (1) the initial fetch of their accounts, and (2) the transaction
to update the accounts.
// ./index.js async function main() { // I will transfer only $5,000 so that Markov's balance can cover the // amount. Markov starts out with $5,000. // Fetch Markov and Curie's accounts. const markovAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk(1); const curieAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk(2); // *** // Imagine that right now some other program transfers the $5,000 out // of Markov's account. Markov's true account **in the database** now // has a balance of $0. But `markovAccount.balance` is still $5,000, // because we fetched Markov's `BankAccount` **before** the transfer // was made! // *** try { await sequelize.transaction(async (tx) => { // Increment Curie's balance by $5,000 (to $15,000). curieAccount.balance += 5000; await{ transaction: tx }); // Decrement `markovAccount.balance` by $5,000. // `markovAccount.balance` is set to zero. markovAccount.balance -= 5000; // Save and set Markov's balance to zero. await{ transaction: tx }); // Problem: Markov's balance in the database was *already* zero. // Markov had no money to transfer. He should not have been able // to transfer the $5,000. }); } catch (err) { // ... } await sequelize.close(); } main();
Because another program can "race in between" (1) the reading of the
account balances and (2) the updating of the balances, we call this
potential problem a race condition. The easiest way to fix the race
condition is to prohibit anyone else from modifying Markov's account
balance in between (1) and (2).
Luckily, the solution is simple. Any data used in a transaction will be
locked until the transaction completes. Data that is locked can be
neither read nor written by other transactions. If our transaction reads
(or writes) data, no one else can read or write that data until our
transaction completes. When we COMMIT
) all the locked
data is freed (the locks are released).
We don't have to lock the data ourselves. Simply by doing all our
queries inside the same transaction, the database will lock the data for
us. Therefore, to fix the problem, we should move the initial account
fetching by findByPk
into the transaction (i.e., pass it { transaction: tx }
async function main() { try { // Do all database access within the transaction. await sequelize.transaction(async (tx) => { // Fetch Markov and Curie's accounts. const markovAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk( 1, { transaction: tx }, ); const curieAccount = await BankAccount.findByPk( 2, { transaction: tx } ); // No one can mess with Markov or Curie's accounts until the // transaction completes! The account data has been locked! // Increment Curie's balance by $5,000. curieAccount.balance += 5000; await{ transaction: tx }); // Decrement Markov's balance by $5,000. markovAccount.balance -= 5000; await{ transaction: tx }); }); } catch (err) { // ... } await sequelize.close(); } main();
This prints:
Executing (76321a03-93c5-47c0-861a-cf24c3e6f3bf): START TRANSACTION;
Executing (76321a03-93c5-47c0-861a-cf24c3e6f3bf): SELECT "id", "clientName", "balance", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "BankAccounts" AS "BankAccount" WHERE "BankAccount"."id" = 1;
Executing (76321a03-93c5-47c0-861a-cf24c3e6f3bf): SELECT "id", "clientName", "balance", "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM "BankAccounts" AS "BankAccount" WHERE "BankAccount"."id" = 2;
Executing (76321a03-93c5-47c0-861a-cf24c3e6f3bf): UPDATE "BankAccounts" SET "balance"=$1,"updatedAt"=$2 WHERE "id" = $3
Executing (76321a03-93c5-47c0-861a-cf24c3e6f3bf): UPDATE "BankAccounts" SET "balance"=$1,"updatedAt"=$2 WHERE "id" = $3
Executing (76321a03-93c5-47c0-861a-cf24c3e6f3bf): COMMIT;
Notice that now everything is done in the transaction
. This includes the initial
fetching of the accounts. Because the fetching is done within the
transaction, other users are not allowed to modify the accounts until
the transaction is finished.
Moving our read operations into the transaction has solved our race
condition problem. Every Sequelize operation - whether reading or
writing - can take a transaction: tx
option. This includes:
Having completed this reading, here are the important things to take
to run commands{ transaction: tx }
parameter to a Sequelize command (such assave
).In this project, you will build the Data Access Layer to power a Web
application. Unlike previously, you will use the Sequelize library and tools to
do this to build a more maintainable application.
It has more steps than the SQL version, but it's more maintainable in the long
run. Also, the SQL version hid a lot of complexity from you with respect to the
running of the SQL. Go look at the SQL version of the files in the
controllers directory to see what we had to do to load the SQL and execute
Now, compare the simplicity of those with the simplicity of the files in the
controllers directory for this version of the application. It's easier to
understand this version. You want to know where to add a column to a table?
Go to the migrations. You want to know where to fix a query? Go to the proper
repository file.
It's just so much better organized.
Quite often, you will see that you will have more files and, overall, more lines
of code in well-organized, highly-maintainable software project. Remembering
where code is is hard. That's why having clearly-named files and directories
is so very important.
This looks no different because it's the same application.
What goes into a recipe box? Why, recipes, of course! Here's an example recipe
You can see that a recipe is made up of three basic parts:
You're going to add a little more to that, too. It will also have
These are good pieces of data to have so that you can show them "most recent"
for example.
Ingredients themselves are complex data types and need their own structure. They
"belong" to a recipe. That means they'll need to reference that recipe. That
means an ingredient is made up of:
That unit of measure is a good candidate for normalization, don't you think?
It's a predefined list of options that should not change and that you don't want
people just typing whatever they want in there, not if you want to maintain
data integrity. Otherwise, you'll end up with "C", "c", "cup", "CUP", "Cup", and
all the other permutations, each of which is a distinct value but means the same
Instructions are also complex objects, but not by looking at them. Initially,
one might only see text that comprises an instruction. But, very importantly,
instructions have order. They also belong to the recipe. With that in mind,
an instruction is made up of:
That is enough to make a good model for the recipe box.
The application is a standard express.js application using the pug library
to generate the HTML and the node-postgres library to connect to the database.
It already has sequelize and sequelize-cli installed.
npm install
to install the packagesnpm run dev
to start the server on port 3000You'll do all of your work in the data-access-layer directory. In there, you
will find a series of JS files. Each of these will hold your JavaScript code
rather than SQL code.
You're going to be using JavaScript and the tools of Sequelize. Keep the
Sequelize documentation open and handy. Even developers that use ORMs every
day will keep the documentation open because there's so much to know about them.
Because this project already has sequelize-cli installed, you can initialize
the project by typing npx sequelize-cli init
. The npx
command runs
locally-installed tools. That will create the project structure that Sequelize
expects for us to continue to use its tools.
Using a PostgreSQL client like psql
or Postbird, create a new user for this
application named "sequelize_recipe_box_app" with the password "HfKfK79k" and
the ability to create a database. Here's the link to the CREATE USER
documentation so that you can determine which options to give.
The project contains a directory named config. Inside there, you will find a
file named config.json. You need to make some configuration changes.
"seederStorage": "sequelize"
to each of the different blocks so that Sequelize CLI won't runThat will configure the application and the Sequelize tools to properly connect
to your development database.
Rather than writing SQL to do this, you will use the tools. Run
npx sequelize-cli db:create
That runs the Sequelize CLI with the command db:create
When you run this, it will default to the "development" setting and read the
information from the configuration file to create your database for you! It
should print out something like
Sequelize CLI [Node: 10.19.0, CLI: 5.5.1, ORM: 5.21.5]
Loaded configuration file "config/config.json".
Using environment "development".
Database recipe_box_development created.
You can also drop the database by typing ... you guessed it! The Sequelize CLI
with the command db:drop
npx sequelize-cli db:drop
If you run that, run the "create" command, again, so the database exists.
Just as a review, here is the specification for the table that holds units of
Column Name | Column Type | Constraints |
id | SERIAL | PK |
name | VARCHAR(20) | NOT NULL |
Luckily, the Sequelize models and migrations take care of the "id" property for
you without you having to do anything. So, you can just focus on that "name"
It's time to create the first migration, the one that defines the table that
will hold units of measure. You can use the Sequelize CLI to generate the
migration for you. You can also tell it to create a model for you, and it will
create a migration along with the model. You should do that to get the biggest
return on investment for the characters that you will type.
The command is model:generate
and it takes a couple of arguments, "--name"
which contains the name of the model (as a singular noun) to generate,
and "--attributes" which has a comma-separated list of "property-name:data-type"
Learning Tip: It is so very important that you don't copy and paste this.
Type these things out so it has a better chance of creating durable knowledge.
npx sequelize-cli model:generate \
--name MeasurementUnit \
--attributes name:string
That will create two files, if everything works well. (The name of your
migration file will be different because it's time-based.)
New model was created at models/measurementunit.js
New migration was created at migrations/20200101012349-MeasurementUnit.js
The model file will be used by the application to query the database. It
will be used by the express.js application. It is part of the running software.
The migration file is used to construct the database. It is only used by the
Sequelize CLI tool to build the database. Unlike those schema and seed files
that you had in the SQL version of this project which destroyed everything
when run, migrations are designed to change your database as your application
grows. This is a much better strategy so that existing data in the databases
that other people use aren't damaged.
Because the data model requires the "name" column to be both non-null and
unique, you have to add some information to the migration file. Open it and, for
the "name" property, make non-nullable by looking at how the other properties
are configured. Then, add the "unique" property set to true
to the "name"
configuration, as well. That should be enough for Sequelize to create the table
for you.
The last thing to do is to change the length of the "name" property. By default,
Sequelize will make it 255 characters long. The specification for the table
says it should really only be 20 characters. To tell the migration that, change
the type for "name" from Sequelize.STRING
to Sequelize.STRING(20)
If you now run your migration with the Sequelize CLI, it will create the table
for you.
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
That should give you some output that looks similar to this.
Loaded configuration file "config/config.json".
Using environment "development".
== 20200101012349-create-measurement-unit: migrating =======
== 20200101012349-create-measurement-unit: migrated (0.021s)
You can confirm that the table "MeasurementUnits" is created by using your
PostgreSQL client. You'll also see that another table is created,
"SequelizeMeta", which contains information about which migration has most
recently been run. It contains a single column, "name". Each row contains an
entry of which migration file has run. Now that you've run your migration file,
the table contains one entry, the name of your migration file. When you run
more migrations, you will see more rows, each containing the name of the file
that you've run.
psql Note: If you are using psql
as you PostgreSQL command, be aware that
it will lowercase any entity and column names you type in there. If you type
SELECT * FROM MeasurementUnits
, it converts that to SELECT * FROM measurementunits
before running it. To prevent that from happening, use
quotation marks around the table name. SELECT * FROM "MeasurementUnits"
do the trick.
It's important that you never change the name of a migration file after it's
been run.
In the real world, you should never change the content of a migration file
after it's been committed and shared in your Git repository. Asking others to
rollback their migrations just because you changed one of yours is bad manners.
Instead, you should add a new migration that makes the change that you want.
You can create the seed data for the unit of measurements by creating a
seeder as the Sequelize CLI calls them. You can create one using the
Sequelize CLI tool. Run the following and make sure you don't get any errors.
npx sequelize-cli seed:generate --name default-measurement-units
Now, you want to insert the seed data. You will do this by using the
method of the object passed in through the queryInterface
parameter of the up
method. Feel free to delete the comment in the up
and replace it with this.
return queryInterface.bulkInsert('MeasurementUnits', [ { name: 'cups', createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date() }, ]);
The bulkInsert
method takes two parameters:
You can see that the first object has been provided by the example. Now, create
objects for all of these values, as well. (The empty item in the list is an
empty string and is intentional) Make sure you do them in this order, or
when we get to the seed data for the other tables it won't work. (We've supplied
you with files for the seed data for the other tables because there is a lot of
Now, run the Sequelize CLI with the command db:seed:all
After you get that done, you can confirm that all of the records (rows) were
created in the "MeasurementUnits" table.
This will go much like the last one, except there's no seed data. Just to
refresh your memory, here's the specification for the "recipes" table.
Column Name | Column Type | Constraints |
id | SERIAL | PK |
title | VARCHAR(200) | NOT NULL |
As you've discovered, Sequelize takes care of the "id" for you and the columns
to track when the recipe has been created and updated! Your job is to
Run your migration and confirm that you defined it correctly by checking the
attributes in the description of the table. The important parts to check are
that the "title" column is a VARCHAR(200) and is non-nullable. (The "Collation"
column has been removed for brevity.)
Table "public.Recipes"
Column | Type | Nullable | Default
id | integer | not null | nextval(...
title | character varying(200) | not null |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone | not null |
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | not null |
"Recipes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Now, things get a little trickier because this model will reference the recipe
model. Here's the specification for the "instructions" table.
Column Name | Column Type | Constraints |
id | SERIAL | PK |
specification | TEXT | NOT NULL |
listOrder | INTEGER | NOT NULL |
recipeId | INTEGER | FK, NOT NULL |
When you type out your migration generation command, the "--attributes"
parameter will look like this:
--attributes column1:type1,column2:type2,column3:type3
Instead of using "string" for the "specification" column of the table, use
"text" to generate a TEXT column.
After it generates the migration file, modify each of the column descriptors in
the migration so that the columns are not nullable. Then, add a new property
to the one for "recipeId" called "references" that is an object that contains
a "model" property set to "Recipes". It should look like this.
recipeId: { allowNull: false, references: { model: "Recipes" }, type: Sequelize.INTEGER, },
With that in place, run the migration. Then, check the table definition in your
PostgreSQL client.
Table "public.Instructions"
Column | Type | Nullable | Default
id | integer | not null | nextval('"Ins...
specification | text | not null |
listOrder | integer | not null |
recipeId | integer | not null |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone | not null |
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | not null |
"Instructions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
"Instructions_recipeId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("recipeId")
REFERENCES "Recipes"(id)
You should see all non-null columns and a foreign key between the "Instructions"
table and the "Recipes" table.
The model for ingredients has two foreign keys. Create the model and migration
for it. Here's the table specification.
Column Name | Column Type | Constraints |
id | SERIAL | PK |
amount | NUMERIC(5, 2) | NOT NULL |
measurementUnitId | INTEGER | FK, NOT NULL |
foodStuff | VARCHAR(500) | NOT NULL |
recipeId | INTEGER | FK, NOT NULL |
After you modify and run your migration, you should have a table in your
database that looks like this, with two foreign keys, one to the "Recipes"
table and the other to the "MeasurementUnits" table.
Table "public.Ingredients"
Column | Type | Nullable | Default
id | integer | not null | nextval('"Ing...
amount | numeric(5,2) | not null |
measurementUnitId | integer | not null |
foodStuff | character varying(500) | not null |
recipeId | integer | not null |
createdAt | timestamp with time zone | not null |
updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | not null |
"Ingredients_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
FOREIGN KEY ("measurementUnitId")
REFERENCES "MeasurementUnits"(id)
FOREIGN KEY ("recipeId")
REFERENCES "Recipes"(id)
Now that you have tables in the database, it's time to create some seed data for
all of them. In the data-access-layer directory, you will find three text
files each containing JavaScript objects on each row that match the tables
in the previous three sections.
If you didn't seed the MeasurementUnits data in the correct order listed in the
section above, you may have to redo that seed file, because the data from the
text files depends on the ids of the data in the MeasurementUnits
table being
There are three tables to seed: Ingredients, Instructions, and Recipes. It is
important to note that you will need to seed them in the correct order due to
foreign key dependencies.
Look at the data model for the application, again.
You can see that the Instructions depends on Recipes because it has the foreign
key "recipeId" to the Recipes table. You can also see that the Ingredients table
has dependencies on the Recipes and MeasurementUnits tables because of its
foreign keys "measurementUnitId" and "recipeId". (You've already seeded the
MeasurementUnits table in Phase 4, so that data exists for use by the
Ingredients table.) Recipes does not have any foreign keys. You need to seed
Recipes, first, because it does not have any foreign keys and, therefore, does
not have any data dependencies. Then, you can seed the Instructions and
Ingredients tables in either order because their data dependencies will have
been met.
Create seeder files for them in that order: Recipes, first, then Ingredients and
Instructions. Use the contents of each of the text files in
data-access-layer to do bulk inserts.
After you create each seed file, run
npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all
to make sure you don't have any errors. If you do, fix them before moving onto
the next seed file.
If you end up seeding the data in the wrong order and getting a foreign key
constraint error, just use the CLI to drop the database, create the database,
migrate the database, and then you can try running your seeders, again. You may
need to rename your migration filenames to get your seeds running in the
correct order.
Now that you have all of the migrations set up correctly and a database defined,
it is time for you to turn your attention to the model files that were
generated in the previous phases.
Consider the relationship between an Instruction and a Recipe. A Recipe has
many Instructions. In the other direction, you would say that an Instruction
has one Recipe, or that Instruction belongs to the Recipe. To set that up in
your model, open the file models/recipe.js. In there, you will see the
'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Recipe = sequelize.define('Recipe', { title: DataTypes.STRING }, {}); Recipe.associate = function(models) { // associations can be defined here }; return Recipe; };
In the associate
function is where you can define the association between the
Recipe and the Instruction. Replace the comment with the following statement.
Recipe.hasMany(models.Instruction, { foreignKey: 'recipeId' });
This instructs Sequelize that Recipe should have a collection of Instruction
objects associated with it. To insure that Sequelize uses the foreign key column
that you created on the "Instructions" table in your migration, you must specify
it as part of the collection definition.
In the file models/instruction.js, replace the comment with the following to
define the other side of the relationship.
Instruction.belongsTo(models.Recipe, { foreignKey: 'recipeId' });
This instructs Sequelize that Instruction has a single Recipe object associated
with it. Again, because of inconsistent naming conventions used by Sequelize,
you must specify the foreign key column name in the "Instructions" table.
Think about the many-to-one and one-to-many relationships between Ingredient,
MeasurementUnit, and Recipe. Then, modify those model files accordingly with
the hasMany
and belongsTo
associations, always specifying the name of the
foreign key column that binds the two tables together.
Now that you have seed data created, it will be important to prevent users from
entering data that does not meet the expectations of the data model.
Consider the content of models/instruction.js
'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Instruction = sequelize.define('Instruction', { specification: DataTypes.TEXT, listOrder: DataTypes.INTEGER, recipeId: DataTypes.INTEGER }, {}); Instruction.associate = function(models) { Instruction.belongsTo(models.Recipe, { foreignKey: 'recipeId' }); }; return Instruction; };
It would be nice if the model could validate each of those properties to make
sure that no one sets them to null and that listOrder
is greater than 0, for
example. You can do that with per-attribute validations.
For example, you can change the above code to the following to make sure that
the "specification" property won't get set to an empty string when someone tries
to save the object.
'use strict'; module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Instruction = sequelize.define('Instruction', { specification: { type: DataTypes.TEXT, validate: { notEmpty: true, }, }, listOrder: DataTypes.INTEGER, recipeId: DataTypes.INTEGER }, {}); Instruction.associate = function(models) { Instruction.belongsTo(models.Recipe, { foreignKey: 'recipeId' }); }; return Instruction; };
Make sure all of the other string properties in the models won't allow the empty
string to be set on them.
The Recipe model has dependencies: the Instruction and the Ingredient both have
belongs to relationships. This means that the row in the "Recipes" table must
exist to have records in the "Ingredients" and "Instructions" table. If you try
to delete a Recipe row from the database that has either Instructions or
Ingredients, it won't work due to referential integrity. You would have to
delete all of the Ingredients and Instructions before being able to delete the
Sequelize provides a handy shortcut for that and will manage deleting the
associated records for you when you delete a row from the Recipes table. It's
called a cascading delete. Open the models/recipe.js file. In there,
modify the second argument of each of the hasMany
calls to include two new
property/value pairs:
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
hooks: true
Refer to the documentation on Associations to see an example. But, don't
delete the foreignKey
property that you put there in Phase 9.
Now that you have the seeds, models, and migrations out of the way, you can
build the data access layer with a lot of speed. Sequelize will now handle all
of the SQL generation for you. You can just use the models that you've
painstakingly crafted.
Because you are writing JavaScript files, you want the server to restart because
it won't automatically reload the changed JavaScript that you're writing. To
that end, you will use a different command while developing.
npm run dev
This runs a special script that will reload the JavaScript in the data access
layer every time you make a change. You can see what's run in the
package.json file in this project in the "scripts" section for the "dev"
You will work in the three files named
Each of the files imports your models and makes them available to you. Then,
you can use them in your querying. Follow the hints in each of the repository